Kelmych Posted February 18, 2014 Posted February 18, 2014 A spell effect record, like many Skyrim records, includes a lot of different types of data including display and sound effects for the spell. Expecting parameters like these ancillary effects, two of which Mighty Magick changes, to remain unchanged seems disingeneous at least to me. Ideally there would be a plugin merge program that takes care of such minor changes, but as we all know there isn't and there isn't likely to be one soon.
Noobsayer Posted February 21, 2014 Posted February 21, 2014 Is it safe to update this midway through a playthrough? I usually "freeze" a modlist minus a few cosmetic things (*coughCHIMNEYScough*) during a game but then I actually looked at the changelog and this makes a loooooot of fixes.
EssArrBee Posted February 21, 2014 Posted February 21, 2014 If you had 2.0.1 and there was problems with the infinite loop of soul trapping, then you have to go back to before the bug started and then update. Otherwise it is safe. There was only one record that needed forwarding for the STEP Patches from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2 so I didn't even bother updating.
EssArrBee Posted June 26, 2014 Posted June 26, 2014 USKP 2.0.5 is out in case anyone wants to look it over. Just a heads up, there is a USKP.ini included now. Navmesh distance we recommend and something for sound.
DoubleYou Posted June 26, 2014 Posted June 26, 2014 Well, it's in beta, not "out." That's a pile of good fixes in there! I really appreciate all the work they do to patch the game.
phazer11 Posted June 27, 2014 Posted June 27, 2014 I appreciate it too. But it is rather annoying that the number of bugs they're still fixing 2.5 years after release are so high. Of course, it's more annoying that game developers (and most programmers) aren't compiling their *h*t for use on 64-bit and 32-bit especially since they're almost all using Steam, etc as their release method so it would make sense if Steam et. al just downloaded the executable for the proper architecture.
Aiyen Posted June 27, 2014 Posted June 27, 2014 You are kinda limited when your engine is old and not 64bit converted at the time of developement. Sadly skyrim development happened before the "great transition" where most engines etc started to really embrace 64bit, instead of it just being something used for scientific applications.But based on recent and upcomming bethesda releases then it seems their attempt at making next gen titles is going in the right direction.
BUBISHI Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 Today I noticed that Anoriath a Bosmer in Whiterun is hostile to me and all NPCs. Found out this is corrected in the new version of the USKP. I still have 2.0.5 - the issue is addressed in 2.0.5a, latest version is 2.0.6. I would like to update but wanted to ask first how to do it with such an important patch.Is it just downlad, install and merge in MO when asked?Must I rerun LOOT, Dual Sheath Redux Patches or rebuild my Bashed Patch? Thanks.
EssArrBee Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 You can install UPs without any problems. Somethings may not work right with your saves, but you could reload something from earlier.
BUBISHI Posted September 19, 2014 Posted September 19, 2014 Thank You.Just installed and "merged" the files. Noticed nothing wierd on my save yet.
EssArrBee Posted October 11, 2014 Posted October 11, 2014 Why today? Reveal hidden contents v2.0.7 (2014-09-27)USKP FixesThe failsafe added in USKP 2.0.5 for Brelyna's Practice (MGRAppBrelyna01) was using the wrong methods to make sure the player had the effect which resulted in the spell being added to the player's Illuison spells. The spell will be removed upon starting the game with USKP 2.0.7 if the player has it, and it will also shut down the quest that gets started when the effect of the spell finishes. (Bug #17133)Collision issues on the two jeweled goblet meshes fixed in USKP 2.0.5 have been tweaked again. The origin point for the mesh was incorrect, which was causing the whole thing to bug out. (Bug #16848, Bug #17295)A duplicated tempering recipe for the Masque of Clavicus Vile that had been added by the USKP was removed. (Bug #17552)Game Mechanics FixesThe Bound Bow enchantment for Oblivion Binding (BoundBowEnchantment) had an incorrect magnitude setting of 50. It should be 99 like all of the other bound weapon enchantments. (Bug #17134)Water planes in dungeons allow the player to slip through at the borders when more than one are used to make a large body of water. This causes problems in Broken Oar Grotto, Reachwater Rock, Robber's Gorge, and Purewater Run. The extra water planes have been disabled, with one water plane being scaled up to cover the area the regular ones were. The player will no longer slip through the border gaps and "fall" while in the water. (Bug #17296)The location data for Soljund's Sinkhole did not have any of the necessary Civil War keywords set to be able to do the garrison swaps at the correct times. (Bug #17247)A large section of the navmesh in Avanchnzel Boilery was below the walkways which would cause any creatures spawned in the affected section to fall under the walkway and become inaccessible. (Bug #17246)A section of the path up to Throat of the World (ThroatOfTheWorldPath01) needed to be added to the location data for Throat of the World to prevent getting a "Letter From a Friend" when using shouts on the way up. (Bug #17245)Fallowstone Cave had an invalid form ID set for its weather region. The correct one has now been assigned. It appears that the original region intended for the dungeon was deleted without resolving the data. (Bug #17149)The north cell at Half-Moon Mill was not assigned to the Half-Moon Mill location data.Wall of Flames, Wall of Frost, and Wall of Storms (HazardWallofFireSpell, HazardWallofFrostSpell, and HazardWallOfShockSpell) do not inflict the stated amount of damage the spell descriptions call for. Rather than 20 points, they are supposed to do 50 points of damage, which is in line with other similar expert level spells. (Bug #17365)The Steel Smithing perk does not affect weapons of the Imperial material type, despite them being made of steel and also despite Imperial armors being affected by the perk. (Bug #17364)Load screeen TownMorthal02 has been adjusted to point to a mesh for a Hjaalmarch shield which was originally intended to be used on this screen. The generic battle axe is a placeholder mesh that was never properly swapped out. (meshesloadscreenartloadscreenhjaalmarchshield.nif) (Bug #17123)Load screen CreatureHorseAndRider has been adjusted to point to the intended mesh rather than the other generic horse mesh which is already used by another screen. (meshesloadscreenartloadscreenhorse_and_rider.nif) (Bug #17123)The missing load screen for the Tower Stone has been created. All other doom stones have load screens, and this one was supposed to get one too. (meshesloadscreenartloadscreendstower01.nif) (Bug #17123)Widow's Watch Ruins did not have the proper location keywords to mark it as a clearable Hagraven nest. (Bug #17666)Some navmesh issues around the Temple of Kynareth in Whiterun have been corrected to keep NPCs from trying to walk through rocks and buildings. (Bug #17670)The "hazard" effect used by the Guardian Circle spell (GuardianCircleTurnHazard) was not set to the correct duration. This would cause the visuals to disappear before the spell had actually expired. (Bug #17587)Audio FixesOne of the female NPCs in Bthardamz mispronounces Orchendor's name. (soundvoiceSkyrim.esmFemaleEvenToneddunBthardamzQST__00083FF8_1.fuz) (Bug #17358)Actor FixesCorpulus Vinius (or his replacement if dead) would sometimes end up sitting on the barstools in front of the counter due to an AI pack radius that was too large. (Bug #17284)The guards for the Imperial side in Dragon Bridge were not named consistently (Imperial Soldier vs Haafingar Guard). (Bug #17266)The two Imperial guards who stand watch outside Castle Dour should be named "Imperial Soldier" instead of "Solitude Guard" as they are not wearing city guard uniforms. (Bug #17253)Numerous city, town, and hold guards were not flagged to respawn. This could lead to the eventual depopulation of the entire guard force in the affected areas over time. (Bug #17241) [NR]Gralnach does not go indoors at night with his mother, and will often be found standing around outside the house doing nothing. (Bug #17235)TreasCorpseGuardRiften01 and TreasCorpseGuardRiften02 were inconsistently named "Riften Guard" when they're not actually dead in Riften. They will now appear as "Rift Guard" like the other living hold guards. (Bug #17194)TreasCorpseCWImperialFemale and TreasCorpseCWImperialMale will now be appropriately labled as "Imperial Soldier" instead of just "Corpse". (Bug #17194)TreasCorpseCWSonsFemale and TreasCorpseCWSonsMale will now be appropriately labeled as "Stormcloak Soldier" instead of just "Corpse". (Bug #17194)The player's horse can get attacked by random hunters and/or their own followers due to incomplete faction relationships. PlayerHorseFaction is now allies with CurrentFollowerFaction and DunPlayerAllyFaction. (Bug #17141)The dog found in Redoran's Retreat (EncBanditDog) was not set to respawn along with the occupying bandits. This will also affect Faldar's Tooth and Brinewater Grotto. (Bug #17138)Ghostly actors are not all immune to disintegration with shock spells. The following actors have been given the correct keywords to prevent disintegration, as well as correcting their lack of keywords to denote them as undead and ghosts: White Stag, Subjugated Ghost, Ghost Adventurer, Ghost (this includes a number of randomly generated encounter actors), Yngvild Ghost, Dunmer Ghost, Nightingale Ghosts, Companion Ghost, Dragon Cultist, Spectral Assassin, Spectral Warhound, Conjure Familiar (Wolf), Dragon Priest, Wispmother, Wisp, Ice Wraith, Vilkas's Wolf Spirit, Farkas's Wolf Spirit, Kodlak's Wolf Spirit, Player's Wolf Spirit, Guardian Troll Spirit, Mudcrab Guardian Spirit, Mammoth Guardian Spirit, Sabre Cat Guardian Spirit, Skeever Guardian Spirit, Ursine Guardian, Potema's Remains, Arniel's Shade, Jyrik Gauldurson, Sigdis Gauldurson. (Bug #17066)Chickens at the unique necromancer encounter outside of Ivarstead will no longer respawn. They have been replaced with a non-respawning duplicate of the normal chickens. (Bug #17237)Riften guards will practice in the barracks yard, but they draw their weapons before arriving there and stalk through the city in a bit of a silly display. All of the GuardRiftenPractice* packages, as well as RiftenHarraldPracticeDummy12x7, will no longer have the "Weapon Drawn" flag. (Bug #16763)Dravynea did not have any spells to use in combat despite being a mage. (Bug #14740)Jouane Manette did not have any spells to use in combat despite being a mage. (Bug #14740)4 of the Pit Wolves at Cragslane Cavern were somehow getting out of their cages prior to actually visiting the area. A copy of the wolf actor being used has been made, and the 4 references replaced with this copy. The copy has an AI pack to hold them in place until the cage doors are open. The cage doors also now have a script to update their status so the wolves will go hostile once free. (Bug #17366)Item FixesThe impact sound set for bow bashing (WPNBashBowImpactSet) was missing several entries for various materials, causing bows to simply make no sound at all when bashed against them. (Bug #17244)Gourds did not have the VendorItemFood keyword which prevented them from being bought and sold at food vendors. (Bug #17242)When mined, geode veins were delivering a message saying the "ore" vein had been depleted even though it should be a "geode vein". (Bug #17177) [NR]FarmhouseWindMill and FarmhouseWindMillWR should not have activator text because the player cannot actually use these. They are powered by the attached windmills. (Bug #17124)Barricade object StockadeBarricade01ActivatorLight_SN did not have the sound properties set, resulting in log errors whenever they were damaged. (Bug #17348) [NR]Aval Atheron's vendor chest (MerchantWindhelmAvalAtheronChest) did not contain the proper assortment of items to reflect what's on display at the stand. (Bug #17368)Object "DeerPelt" uses the same model as the recently fixed Elk hides, so it will now display as "Elk Pelt". (Bug #17367)Potion of Ultimate Stamina had the wrong model assigned to it: "PotionFortifyStamRateExtreme.nif" instead of "PotionStaminaExtreme.nif". (Bug #17716)Quest FixesCouriers sent to deliver notices to the player do not handle crimes committed against them. The alias in WICourier has been given the script which assigns crime factions based on where the courier is being sent. (Bug #17243)Grosta's topic to ask about what happened to Leifnarr (FreeformHeartwoodMill) should not be available until she's actually mentioned him by name. (Bug #17204)Killing Atar prior to receiving the quest in Karthwasten (FreeformKarthwastenA) could leave open the possibility of speaking to Ainethach and then being directed to Atar's corpse. This was due to the garrison reset calls in stages 100, 200, and 300 being processed before the Stop call and stalling Papyrus. (Bug #17251)The top floor of Goldenglow Estate needed to be marked as a public area so Aringoth would not accuse the player of trespassing during Loud and Clear (TG02) (Bug #17350)Clinton Lylviene's topic about his goat should not be available if Lucky is dead. (Bug #17271)Detection dialogue while at the Thalmor Embassy for Diplomatic Immunity (MQ201ThalmorEmbassy) was conditioned improperly for detecting Argonians or Khajiit if the player was wearing the Thalmor disguise robes. (Bug #17269)During In My Time Of Need (MS08) Saddia needs to have her package stack evaluated to get her to break off from listening to Heimskr's sermon once the Alik'r have told you they're looking for Redguard women. (Bug #17206)Alias dunWhiteRiverWatch_Captive on dunMasterQST, which is used for tracking various things in miscellaneous unmarked dungeon quests, needed to be marked as optional to prevent Papyrus errors. (Bug #17307)If the player first visits Whiterun after 8pm and before 5am, then hangs around outdoors until after sunrise, Heimskr would approach his shrine but not begin preaching due to an error in the store manager. The event was time locked to only start his preaching quest between 5am and 8pm - but this proved to be an unnecessary restriction. Everyone's favorite Talos priest will now preach as intended even if your first visit to the city is in the middle of the night. (Bug #17292)Rannveig's Fast dungeon quest (dunRannveigQST) never shuts down when Sild dies. (Bug #17137)The NPCs in the initial scene for Waking Nightmare (DA16) do not properly head track who they are speaking to. (Bug #17103)Something caused Vex's radiant Thieves Guild quests to stop cycling the keyword data, eventually causing her to run out of jobs. (Bug #17349)When going to Vex or Delvin for new jobs, the topic to have them introduce you to what each type of job will run even if you've already heard it before due to the bug with Say Once topics introduced in Patch 1.6.Challenging Hofgrir to a brawl (FreeformRiften19) and not having the money to offer up will result in the player being unable to come back and challenge him later. The dialogue script was setting a quest stage that has no available dialogue option. (Bug #17402) [NR]Enchanting Pick-Up (MGR10) cannot be completed if the client dies after the quest starts, but before the player actually receives it. Sergius could end up sending you to pick up the item with no pointer to where to go, thus permanently stalling the quest. (Bug #17370)When Good Intentions (MG04) starts up, the Arch Mage's quarters are supposed to be locked by the script. The door from the Hall of Elements is already handled, but the second door from the Arcaneum was not. Entering prior to being told to go there by Ancano will freeze out the quest, requiring you to exit the game via the console. (Bug #17369)Two of Niranye's hello dialogue entries did not have conditions matching her AI schedule. (Bug #17440)Octieve San has a hello topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Evette is dead. (Bug #17609)Pantea Ateia has a hello topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Aia Arria is dead. (Bug #17610)Jorn has a hello topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Lisette is dead. (Bug #17611)Aia Arria has a hello topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Pantea Ateia is dead. (Bug #17612)Aia Arria has a hello topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Jorn is dead. (Bug #17613)Svari has a hello topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Greta is dead. (Bug #17614)Otar has a hello topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Sybille Stentor is dead. (Bug #17615)Bjartur has a hello topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Ahtar is dead. (Bug #17616)Dorian has a hello topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Adonato Leotelli is dead. (Bug #17617)Olfrid Battle-Born has a hello topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Isalof is dead. (Bug #17624)Mila Valentia has a hello topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Carlotta is dead. (Bug #17625)Brenuin has a hello topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Heimskr is dead. (Bug #17626)Ysolda has a goodbye topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Mikael is dead. (Bug #17627)Sigurd has a goodbye topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Belethor is dead. (Bug #17631)Jon Battle-Born has a hello topic that is no longer appropriate to use if one or both of his parents are dead. (Bug #17632)Lisbet has a hello topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Ogmund is dead. (Bug #17633)Elgrim has a hello topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Ingun Black-Briar is dead. (Bug #17638)Hafjorg has a hello topic with a condition that is incorrectly checking to see if Elgrim is alive, when it should be checking to see if he is dead. (Bug #17639)Shadr has a hello topic with a condition that is incorrectly checking to see if Hofgrir is alive, when it should be checking to see if he is dead. (Bug #17640)Karita has a hello topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Thoring is dead. (Bug #17655)A Dawnstar guard hello topic is no longer appropriate to use if Frida is dead. (Bug #17656)The crew members of the Sea Squall have hello topics that are no longer appropriate to use if Captain Wayfinder is dead. (Bug #17657)Lurbuk has a hello topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Jonna is dead. (Bug #17659)Jonna has two hello topics that are no longer appropriate to use if Lurbuk is dead. (Bug #17660)Virkmund has a hello topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Thonnir is dead. (Bug #17661)Lami has a hello topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Jorgen is dead. (Bug #17662)A Dawnstar guard hello topic is no longer appropriate to use if Rustleif is dead. (Bug #17663)One of the scenes in Candlehearth Hall (DialogueWindhelmCandlehearthScene1) should not play once Blood on the Ice (MS11) is finished. (Bug #17125)The control quest used to detect when you shout at the bridge outside of the College of Winterhold (MGMainQuestBridge) would cause the quest counter for College quests to increase due to being marked as a College quest. There are no displayed objectives or journal entries for this quest so it should not have counted toward that total. (Bug #17084) [NR]Missing in Action (MS09) could end up with the doors to House Gray-Mane becoming locked if the player waits too long to meet with Fralia. This would in turn cause them to flag the player as trespassing. Avulstein's sandbox package inside the home did not have conditions set to stop it once the quest had been officially started. (Bug #17127, Bug #17144) [NR]Runil has a hello topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Kust is dead. (Bug #17675)Mathies has a hello topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Runil is dead. (Bug #17676)Mathies has three hello topics that are no longer appropriate to use if Indara Caerellia is dead. (Bug #17677)Indara Caerellia has two hello topics that are no longer appropriate to use if Mathies is dead. (Bug #17678)Bolund has a hello topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Solaf is dead. (Bug #17679)Solaf has two hello topics that are no longer appropriate to use if Bolund is dead. (Bug #17680)Nenya has a hello topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Helvard is dead. (Bug #17681)Siddgeir has a hello topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Bolund is dead. (Bug #17682)Two of Jofthor's hello topics have unnecessary conditions that check whether Narfi and Fastred are dead. (Bug #17683)Mena and Ragnar both have a hello topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Ainethach is dead. (Bug #17684)Ogol has two hello topics that are no longer appropriate to use if Gularzob is dead. (Bug #17701)Lod was intended to be a potential candidate for the Blacksmithing Tutorial quest "TutorialBlacksmithing". This was not possible due to a missing entry in the quest's form list "TutorialBlacksmithList". (Bug #17707)Garakh has a hello topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Lob is dead. (Bug #17776)Gularazob has a hello topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Atub is dead. (Bug #17777)Bagrak, Sharamph, and Shuftharz have hello topics are no longer appropriate to use if Chief Larak is dead. (Bug #17788)Shuftharz has a hello topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Olur is dead. (Bug #17789)Chief Larak and Olur have hello topics are no longer appropriate to use if Shuftharz is dead. (Bug #17790)Bagrak and Chief Larak have hello topics are no longer appropriate to use if Sharamph is dead. (Bug #17791)Arob and Chief Burguk have hello topics are no longer appropriate to use if Murbul is dead. (Bug #17792)Several of the Orcs at Dushnikh Yal have hello topics are no longer appropriate to use if Chief Burguk is dead. (Bug #17793)Shel has a hello topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Arob and/or Gharol are dead. (Bug #17794)Shel has a hello topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Nagrub and/or Umurn are dead. (Bug #17795)Arob, Chief Burguk, and Umurn have hello topics are no longer appropriate to use if Gharol is dead. (Bug #17796)Nagrub has a hello topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Arob is dead. (Bug #17797)Nagrub has a hello topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Umurn is dead. (Bug #17798)Nagrub has a hello topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Chief Burguk and/or Umurn are dead. (Bug #17799)Oglub has a hello topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Ghorbash is dead. (Bug #17800)Umurn has a hello topic that is no longer appropriate to use if Nagrub is dead. (Bug #17801)Mesh and Texture FixesThe gate at High Hrothgar used for Whirlwind Sprint instruction has broken collision on the moving gate parts. (meshesarchitecturehighhrothgarhhsprintgate.nif) (Bug #12670)Shalidor's Maze is missing its LOD file, causing the game to fail to display the generated LOD for the worldspace. (lodsettingslabyrinthianmazeworld.lod) (Bug #17086)One of the farmhouse inn pieces has a couple of gaps in it. (meshesarchitecturefarmhouseinteriorfarmintinnend03.nif) (Bug #15904)A Solitude interior window wall piece had bad collision. (meshesarchitecturesolitudeinteriorssmdfwinsol01.nif) (Bug #17105)A Solitude interior castle wall part had no collision. (meshesarchitecturesolitudeinteriorssmdfwalsol08.nif) (Bug #17104)Another Solitude interior castle wall part had no collision. (meshesarchitecturesolitudeinteriorsslggwalendsec01.nif) (Bug #17106)Deepwood Redoubt has large black splotches on its distant LOD terrain. (,,,,,,,,,,, (Bug #17317)The arch in Whiterun over the stream inside the gate lacked complete shadow and specular flags. (meshesarchitecturewhiterunwrterrainwrguardhouse01arch01.nif) (Bug #17352)Nordic ruins floor piece had poor collision that caused floaters and blocked objects. (meshesdungeonsnordicsmroomsnorrmsmfloorraised02.nif) (Bug #14540)One of the large rock columns in mines had poor collision on the top part. (meshesdungeonsminescaveepicpillarminecepillar02.nif) (Bug #16553)A long crate static had a high collision radius, causing floating objects. (meshescluttercommoncratesmalllong04.nif) (Bug #17166)A small crate static had a high collision radius, causing floating objects. (meshescluttercommoncratesmall01.nif) (Bug #17377)The particle effect used with climate & weather data for Sovngarde lacked a normal map which was resulting in visible white lines showing up on the screen. ( (Bug #17344)Pine Thrush Eggs had too small a collision radius and would embed into objects. (meshesplantsbirdegg02.nif) (Bug #17346)Elves Ears had too lagre a collision radius and would float over objects. (meshesplantselvesear01.nif) (Bug #17346)Apple Pies had too large a collision radius and would float over objects. (meshesclutteringredientspie01.nif) (Bug #17238)Ruins pot with overly large collision radius, causing floaters. (meshesclutterruinsruinspot01.nif, meshesclutterruinsruinspot03.nif) (Bug #17277, Bug #17464)Dwemer double beds lacked proper furniture access nodes which caused NPCs to be unable to use them. (meshesfurnituredwemerdwefurniturebeddouble01.nif) (Bug #17379)Monarch, Luna, and Blue butterfly wings had too large a collision radius, causing floaters. (meshesclutteringredientsmothwing03blue.nif, meshesclutteringredientsmothwing01.nif, meshesclutteringredientsmothwing02monarch.nif) (Bug #17443)Khajiit tails do not light properly in shadows - the shadow map is reversed. (, (Bug #16906)The veins on Hagraven and Forsworn tents are severely pixelated. ( (Bug #16647)Nightingale gloves had some clipping left in the fingers. (meshesarmornightingalemgauntlets_1.nif, meshesarmornightingalem1stpersongauntlets.nif_0.nif, meshesarmornightingalem1stpersongauntlets.nif_1.nif, meshesarmornightingalemgauntlets_0.nif) (Bug #14632)A border gap existed between Carlotta's house and the landscape section next to it. A bad UV seam was also corrected. (meshesarchitecturewhiterunwrterrainwrcarlottaplatform01.nif) (Bug #15638, Bug #15641)Player can sink partway into the rock on large mountain peaks due to poor collision. (mesheslandscapemountainsmountainpeak02.nif) (Bug #15897)Portions of the generic Whiterun interior walls have bad collision that blocks access to objects near them. (meshesarchitecturewhiterunwrinteriorswrintfreewallstr01.nif) (Bug #17197)Fireplaces in Imperial fort dungeons have poor collision that causes floaters and blocks access to items. (meshesdungeonsimperialclutterkitsimpfireplace01.nif) (Bug #17531)The Blade of Sacrifice uses the wrong environment mapping and has excessively large collision applied. (meshesweaponsceremonialblade1stpersonceremonialblade.nif, meshesweaponsceremonialbladeceremonialblade.nif) (Bug #17240)Upper class end tables have poor collision on top, which causes floating objects. (meshesclutterupperclassupperendtable02.nif) (Bug #13808)One of the interior doorway segments in the Whiterun set has no collision on it. (meshesarchitecturewhiterunwrinteriorswrcastlewrintcastlewallstrdoorsm01.nif) (Bug #12339)One of the cave dungeon pieces had poor collision that blocked access to objects near it. (meshesdungeonscavesgreenepiccavegeicorner01hole.nif) (Bug #12607)UV stretching on the Whiterun stairway has been corrected. (meshesarchitecturewhiterunwrterrainwrmainroadplains.nif) (Bug #15637)6 cave pillar pieces had bad collision that blocked objects and interfered with NPC pathing. (meshesdungeonsminescavepillarsmineclpillar06.nif, meshesdungeonsminescavepillarsmineclpillar01.nif, meshesdungeonsminescavepillarsmineclpillar02.nif, meshesdungeonsminescavepillarsmineclpillar03.nif, meshesdungeonsminescavepillarsmineclpillar04.nif, meshesdungeonsminescavepillarsmineclpillar05.nif) (Bug #17391)Script FixesUSKP_TIF_FFRiften18_0005AFE3 needed to be changed to call its property directly instead of casting, which didn't work and led to errors trying to set the variable. (Bug #17288)FreeformKarthwastenNPC was trying to check an alias reference after the quest would have been stopped. (Bug #17250)QF_Da13Intro_000BEDEC should not be attempting to start the associated scene. The scene autostarts with the quest. (Bug #17183)HowlWerewolfSummonWolvesSCRIPT was not doing proper verification on the number of wolf summons to remove when the effect ended. (Bug #17164)HowlSummonWolfFXSSCRIPT did not delete the summoned wolves when removing them. These wolves are summoned as PlaceAtMe objects and must be manually cleaned up to avoid bloating the save. (Bug #17164)C06NearSpiderAreaTriggerScript had no sanity check in place to make sure Glory of the Dead (C06) was running before asking Farkas to evaluate a package. (Bug #17162)QF_MS08_0001CF25 tried to disable Kematu directly even though he's on an enable parent which is disabled 3 lines below his. (Bug #17148)QF_C06PostQuest_000B627D should not have been attempting to manually cycle Aela's radiant quest selections and then also trying to run the normal recycle code twice. Doing all of this produces errors with quests that can't start. (Bug #17092)TGRQueueQuestScript was erroneously trying to update house locations for thefts by checking the business locations. (Bug #17081)QF_dunBloatedMansGrottoQST_000955CF had several more commands relating to cut content that needed to be commented out. (Bug #17409)Placement/Layout/Ownership and other World Object Fixes000df5df, 000df5ec: Objects in Hjerim that routinely get expelled to the floor due to poor havok placement. (Bug #17255)0005c93c: Safe in Scorched Hammer that had no lock data set. (Bug #17203)000768af: Falmer tent too low to the ground. (Bug #17135)0003616B: Forsworn at Karthspire that was not attached to the encounter zone data. (Bug #17129)000E78B8, 000E78B9, 000E78BA, 000E78BB: Hay bails not switched out when the garrison takes over in Fort Greenwall. (Bug #17129)000092CD, 0000900d: Wilderness encounter triggers in The Pale erroneously assigned to Whiterun Hold. (Bug #17126) [NR]0003E1DF: Quest stage trigger that needed a prereq property placed on it to keep it from triggering errors. (Bug #17291) [NR]000C2183, 000C216E: Bone traps that should not have been attached to an enable parent. (Bug #17256)000E1FAA: Barricade missing its navcut marker. (Bug #17173)00093A73: Trigger needed a quest stage set for Treva's Watch to prevent Papyrus errors. (Bug #17171) [NR]0004da92: Music trigger box lacking the music property setting. (Bug #17113) [NR]001054cb: Tripwire with an erroneously added Pressure Plate script. (Bug #17112) [NR]0010610d, 0010610c, 0010034a: Bug jars that should not be set to respawn due to being unique objects. (Bug #17357)000d401e: Candlestick embedded in a troll skull. (Bug #17345)0205c541: Cliff rock placed to cover over giant gap between mountain slabs. (Bug #17082)0009f708, 0009f70c, 0009780d: Seared fish embedded in plates. (Bug #17347, Bug #17304)Markarth was missing some mountain pieces that should be visible from inside the city. (Bug #17341)0205d01d: Rock placed to cover gap between two large rock slabs. (Bug #17338)00085A0D: Boat clipping through landscape. (Bug #17336)0008E700: Chest clipping through the ship deck. (Bug #17335)0008FCC0, 00090607, 0007A9CF, 0007A992: Buckets clipping with hay. (Bug #17334)000ddc1c: Drum clipping through a dummy mace. (Bug #17330)000ddb4a: Tankard that rolls off onto the floor due to bad positioning. (Bug #17330)000cba4b, 000c6127, 000cdae2, 000cdd34: Pie embedded into a table. (Bug #17328, Bug #17325, Bug #17517)000d2721: Apple clipping a cheese wedge. (Bug #17327)0010b204: Mushroom partially stuck in the floor above the counter. (Bug #17325)0002e121: AI marker in Windhelm sitting too high above ground. (Bug #17324)000e2c60: Static axe placed which should have been activatable. (Bug #17323)000e2c9a: Saw clipping through a shelf, set no havok settle flag. (Bug #17323)000399c1: Dead alchemist with his arms jammed through the landscape. (Bug #17322)0205d02a, 0205d58f, 0205d597, 0205d5ac, 0205d5b7, 0205db4f, 0205db59, 0205e0c2, 000FA083, 020616dd, 020616ea: Rock placed to cover a gap behind a slab. (Bug #17318, Bug #17101, Bug #17121, Bug #17102, Bug #17100, Bug #17261, Bug #17312, Bug #17262, Bug #17434, Bug #17594, Bug #17574)0205d58d: Rock placed to cover a gap in rubble at Illinalta's Deep. (Bug #17085)000ea786: Potion clipping with brazier. (Bug #17087)00076ac9, 000a5140: Hay and rocks clipping with each other. (Bug #17088)00066acf, 00066a89: Floating grass. (Bug #17093)00066a2d: Tree clipping through a rock. (Bug #17094)00066a90, 00066a93, 0008918d, 00066aed, 00066a91: Bushes clipping through rocks. (Bug #17095)00083ca4, 0006e0d0, 000d2129, 000d212a, 000d212b, 00045eb3, 000e6911, 000e449b, 000ab8e5, 000ab8e6, 0002d8c1, 000371a7, 000371a8, 000371ab, 0003afd8, 000b5250, 000b9000, 000c6da2, 000c6da1, 00047e68, 0006bac2: Floating shrubs. (Bug #17096, Bug #17097, Bug #17153, Bug #17210, Bug #17449, Bug #17448, Bug #17412, Bug #17413, Bug #17404, Bug #17535, Bug #17528, Bug #17527)000d2270, 000d32a2, 000cf0aa, 000c2e05, 000cacaf, 000cacb0: Floating plants. (Bug #17099, Bug #17145, Bug #17146)000b88b4: Rock slab terrain sticking up through snow. (Bug #17117)00081D0A: Horker placed too ridiculously far from the coastline to make sense. (Bug #17119)00108c39, 00108c3a, 00108c3b, 00108c3c, 00108c3d, 00108c3e, 00108c3f, 00108c40: Books that need the no havok settle flag to keep them from getting stuck in the mountainside. (Bug #17131)000dff2a: Floating ice wraith teeth. (Bug #17132)00085d97: Bow clipping a rock. (Bug #17136)000a6700: Book clipping a rock. (Bug #17136)00020d7f: Gap underneath the cliff face. (Bug #17160)0205d5cd: Collision box placed to prevent getting stuck behind the enchanting table. (Bug #17160)000a313e: Enchanting table stuck into a rock.0010ddac: Book clipping through altar. (Bug #17167)000827fe: Moved linked marker for this spawn into the adjacent cell to the west to avoid the creature attacking Heartwood Mill. (Bug #17174)000d5df0: Book embedded in table. (Bug #17175)000d5e2c: Book lying out of place in the middle of the floor. (Bug #17175)000f6a6c, 00083b23, 00083b22: Notes that fall through to the floor. (Bug #17191 Bug #17192)00083b22: Cliff slab outside Whiterun with exposed bottom. (Bug #17195)0205d5eb, 0205d5ec: Columns placed to cover a gap between rock walls. (Bug #17159)000f8b48: Chest that was set to respawn despite the zone it's in not being a respawn zone. (Bug #17211)000d9e70: Draugr crypt clipping the floor. (Bug #17220)00055bcb, 000561e5: Basket and sack clipping into nearby barrels. (Bug #17221)00061ee7, 00061f38, 00061f39, 00061f2f, 00061f30, 00061f3a, 000b2436: Misaligned road chunks. (Bug #17224)Several badly placed items in Goldenglow Estate have been corrected. (Bug #17229)000e8ee6, 000e8ee4: Inkwell and mead bottle clipping each other on the Guildmaster's desk in the Ragged Flagon. (Bug #17230)00082419: Brazier clipping a cave wall. (Bug #17233)00018586: Items in this basket were stacked badly and ended up on the ground. (Bug #17236)0004042e, 000CF681: Rug z-fighting with the floor. (Bug #17200, Bug #17299)000f9add, 000957E7, 000E76CF: AI marker buried too far into the ground. (Bug #17248, Bug #17538)000b5e4d, 000d645c: Floating deer skull. (Bug #17249, Bug #17259)0005f341: Dead hagraven buried underground that ends up miles from where she belongs. (Bug #17254)000da4bf: Axe could not be picked up. Moved off shelf because it would not stay in place. (Bug #17260)0008AE18, 000DAF7B, 00107972, 0010D973, 0010D974, 000F8CF5, 000F6AEC, 0004289C, 0006A16A, 0005B6FC, 0006cfb8: Wrong type of snowberry plant for the climate. (Bug #17263, Bug #17281, Bug #17474, Bug #17459, Bug #17432, Bug #17536)0006f146: Potion clipping with another potion. (Bug #17273)00090835, 0010d757: Slab with exposed back side. (Bug #17274, Bug #17202)000D6CDD, 000D6A5A, 00086781: Display case clips wall when opened. (Bug #17275, Bug #17276, Bug #17282)000727A5: End table facing into a wall. (Bug #17278)0009BD99: Bedroll clipping through hay on the floor. (Bug #17279)000B183F: Slaughterfish eggs floating above the seabed. (Bug #17280)000dc441: Sack embedded in stonework. (Bug #17293)000b7e09: Rag suspended under the ceiling. (Bug #17294)00097800: End table in a bandit camp that should have been a static table. (Bug #17305)000256b5: Several objects on this shelf are overstacked and end up on the floor. (Bug #17309)0005c310: Rock pile with exposed underside. (Bug #17311)0205db5b: Cave ceiling piece added to cover gap. (Bug #17313)000D63BB: Goat pelt clipping through a wall. (Bug #17314)0205db5c, 0205db5d: Collision planes placed to prevent jumping outside of Whiterun through the main gate area. (Bug #17316)000657AC: z-fighting beam removed. (Bug #17373)0007E72C, 000FC474: Basket clipping through floor. (Bug #17374, Bug #17471)0005ED1E: z-fighting stairway. (Bug #17376)0004CF2A: Ruins table clipping floor. (Bug #17387)000f6a67: Note that falls through table. (Bug #17383)000b5625: Basket grossly overstuffed with apples. A second one has been created and half the apples moved there. All of them were then resettled in havok. (Bug #17382)000FAB6D: Bucket clipping through a rock. (Bug #17378)0007442e: Chest facing the wrong way. (Bug #17386)000b3170, 000b3171: Dead draugr partially buried in the ground that end up popping up and landing in weird places. (Bug #17384)0205e0c3: Wood planks added to cover a hole in the Riften sewer. (Bug #17199)0205e0c4: Cave boulder added to cover a seam behind the word wall in Bleak Falls Barrow. (Bug #17198)000956AD: Trigger box that should not have an enable parent. (Bug #17411)000BFA0F: Marker object that should not have an enable parent. (Bug #17410)0005566b: Potion bottle needed to be marked as owned by the player so it won't register as stolen during its quest. (Bug #17520)000cf58b: Rag embedded in a table. (Bug #17517)000ed160: Basket clipping through the ground. (Bug #17516)000b8f7e, 0006da3f, 000ba4dd, 000cac93, 000179ea, 0004d716, 0005b534, 0005e202: Cliffs clipping awkwardly through the landscape. (Bug #17510, Bug #17499, Bug #17534, Bug #17585)000cf407, 000636c9: Arrows clipping through a table. (Bug #17509, Bug #17453)0206012c, 02060128, 02060126, 02060127: cave rocks placed to cover up incomplete column placement in Temple of Xrib. (Bug #17508, Bug #17494)000fee1f, 000fee20: Two books embedded in Ulfric's desk, also clipping with each other. (Bug #17507)02060129, 0206012a: Rocks placed to cover gap behind Dwemer wall pieces. (Bug #17506, Bug #17504)0002054D: Rock with gap behind it moved. (Bug #17505)000201CB, 0007F61E: Cave ledge not properly aligned with the one below it. (Bug #17503, Bug #17497)0206012b: Rock placed to cover exposed rubble texture. (Bug #17501)000604b8: Iron battleaxe embedded into the floor. Also needed to rotate blade side down to keep it from falling over. (Bug #17500)00052A70: Cave rock with exposed back side. (Bug #17498)0003F212: Floating rock mound. (Bug #17496)0206012e: Pillar placed to block off access to a one-sided wall. (Bug #17486)02060131: Rock added to cover exposed wall base outside Loreius Farm. (Bug #17483)0008ab5f: Mead bottle can't be activated. (Bug #17482)0008ad4c, 0008ad4d: Potatoes standing on end. (Bug #17482)0008acd8: Tankard falls off the table. (Bug #17482)0001E0BE: Rock pile with exposed hole. (Bug #17473)000D331A, 0006DEBF, 000A6573, 000A6565, 0008AF20: z-fighting floor piece. (Bug #17472, Bug #17470, Bug #17461, Bug #17460, Bug #17601)0009DEB4: Bookshelf clipping a wall. (Bug #17468)000918ea: Gap between wall slabs. (Bug #17466)0006CEA6, 000B1D2E: Chest clipping through ground. (Bug #17463, Bug #17423)000A664A: Trough clipping through ground. (Bug #17462)000d9d64: Axe falls off of table. (Bug #17458)000d4b53: Floating potion. (Bug #17458)000d4acb: Apples fall out of this bowl onto the floor. (Bug #17458)000b394d: Firewood pile buried underground. (Bug #17456)000dc1f4: Staff clipping the floor. (Bug #17455)0006892f: Several items on this cart were clipping through the cargo area. (Bug #17454)000f9313, 00049359: Dead salmon and basket clipping with each other. (Bug #17452)000b3fba: Bucket clipping the ground. (Bug #17451)The map marker for Brandy-Mug Farm was using the wrong icon. (Bug #17442)000e7a34: Note falls through pedestal. (Bug #17439)0206014c: Rock placed to cover huge stairway gap. (Bug #17437)00073400: Kettle clipping a fireplace. (Bug #17435)0002620b, 0002620d, 0002620c, 0002620e: Ceiling tiles out of alignment with the rest of the room. (Bug #17433)00068FD1: Gap in archway in Potema's Catacombs. (Bug #17431)00061FE6, 00061E81: Floating chairs. (Bug #17429)0002B013: Floating urn. (Bug #17425)000B1B82: Mushrooms buried too far into the ground. (Bug #17422)000B1A3D: Rock needed to be rotated inward to stay inside a room optimizer. (Bug #17421)000A1F36: z-fighting rock wall. (Bug #17419)000EAAF0: Scaled up ceiling rocks to cover a gap. (Bug #17418)02060151: Floor gap covered with rubble block. (Bug #17416)000cde23: Dwemer metal that can't be picked up. (Bug #17414)000e785a, 0006ec5c: Bookshelf (and most contents on it) shifted slightly to avoid clipping with the wooden beam next to it. (Bug #17407)0005c605: Bucket clipping through a hay pile. (Bug #17406)000d1675: Wolf in a cage that should not be outside of it until the cage door is opened. Script properties and faction settings were not correct. (Bug #17405) [NR]000536AA, 000536B1: Rocks with exposed back sides. (Bug #17401)000536E2: Rock adjusted to close underwater gap. (Bug #17399)00055a46: Floor seam closed in Dwemer ruin. (Bug #17398)000f9cb7, 000f9cb8, 000f9cb6, 000f9cb5: Water planes raised 1 unit to stop z-fighting. (Bug #17397)000F9BEE: Rubble pile moved to avoid popping out due to room optimizer placement. (Bug #17396)000AF380, 000AF37F: Dwemer pipes adjusted to prevent z-fighting. (Bug #17395)0006662b: Floating Dwemer sphere. (Bug #17395)00100140: Basket clipping through a rock. (Bug #17393)001001C6: Bench clipping a rock, also too close to overhead rocks to use it. (Bug #17393)0010010D: Barrel clipping a rock face. (Bug #17393)0008a84f, 0008a851: Coins incorrectly placed below a table surface. (Bug #17533)000c9356, 000c9313, 00071485, 00071487, 00071486, 00071488, 00071489, 000cb880: Food items clipping through the plate they're on. (Bug #17321, Bug #17533, Bug #17321, Bug #17664)000a3fbc: Plate wedged behind a pot. (Bug #17403)000a3fb8, 000a3fc3, 000a3fd6, 000a3fce: Cluster of objects outside the playable area. (Bug #17403)000a3fd5: Floating ladel. (Bug #17403)000a3fd0, 000a3fd2, 000a3fd4: Spigot, fork, ladel fall off shelf due to bad positioning. (Bug #17403)000ef0a7: The map marker for Widow's Watch Ruins was incorrectly marked as an Imperial tower. It's a Nordic tower. (Bug #17666)0207AB36, 0207AB37: two beams added to close a gap.02001828: rock added to close a big gap between rock cliff ref 00062d0e and terrain.02001829: rock added to close a big gap between rock cliff ref 000b2438 and terrain.0200182a: rock added to close a big gap between rock cliff ref 000614ad and terrain.0200182b: rock added to close a big gap between rock cliff ref 0005dad2 and terrain.000b2438: lowered to close the remaining gap with terrain.000e336c: mist under water, causing square tiling on water surface.0009d47f: dungeon optimization error. Portal marker not tall enough, causing unrendered statics at certain angles of view.000d9829: rug slightly elevated to avoid z-fighting.00062d12: floating tree.000ad2ea: floating broom.000ad293: floating candelabra.000b9533, 000b9534: aspen trees embeded in ground.00081418: z-fighting on hjerim wood floor.000ca028: chest opening on the wrong side.000b3b3f: sconce slightly lowered to avoid z-fighting.000c3d2b, 0008155d, 0008155e: lowered vertical logs to avoid z-fighting.00081538, 00081539, 0008153a, 0008153b, 0008153c, 0008153d, 00081530, 00081531, 00081532, 00081533, 00081534, 00081535, 00081536, 00081527, 00081528, 00081529, 0008152a, 0008152c, 0008152d, 0008152e, 0008079b, 0008079c, 0008079d, 0008079e: raised horizontal logs to avoid z-fighting.000a17a1: closed a gap below the door.000cb847: Gourd outside the playable area. (Bug #17664)000cb8ac: Floating pie. (Bug #17664)000BEFD3, 000BEFD4, 000BEFCF: Furniture objects underwater swapped for static objects. (Bug #17607)00063BFC, 00058E25, 0003ED6B: Chest clipping through stone. (Bug #17606, Bug #17572)00083A99: Floating snow mound. (Bug #17605)000DFF98: Floating sword. (Bug #17603)0001FB2E: Floating dirt mound. (Bug #17602)0001FE4F, 000EF053: Chest clipping dirt. (Bug #17600, Bug #17578)0005E1D2: Basket clipping through the walls. (Bug #17599)000ED583: Brazier clipping through rock. (Bug #17598)000D2B9D: Tankard clipping through stone. (Bug #17597)000D2BB6: Bowl and contents clipping through a dresser. (Bug #17596)00043685: Barrel clipping through wall. (Bug #17579)000B689E: Tree clipping out of the end of a rock face. (Bug #17575)0003AEAB: Duplicate column removed. (Bug #17573)000716B4: Rock wall sticking out through the side of another. (Bug #17571)00060190: Rubble section with exposed underside. (Bug #17570)Text FixesBook 4 of the Wolf Queen series (Book0WolfQueenV4) incorrectly uses Iachesis in place of Celarus several times. Two other books confirm Celarus is the head of the Psijic Order in the 3rd Era, so this one is wrong. (Bug #17355)CompanionsHellos (00023E47): "I guess that's ok." -> "I guess that's okay." (Bug #17354)DUNPOIDragonAttackNote: "Dragons" -> "dragons" / "south the hill" -> south of the hill (Bug #17287)LetterRiftenTempleOfMara01: A letter titled "Argonian Ceremony" incorrectly refers to Dinya Balu as Drifa. (Bug #17380)LetterRiftenBeeandBarb02: A letter titled "Mara Smiles Upon You" incorrectly refers to Dinya Balu as Drifa. (Bug #17381)CaravansMadranTopicRisaadTopic: "Do you work for Risaad?" -> "Do you work for Ri'saad?" (Bug #17444)DialogueSolitude (Goodbye): "I really need to get back to planning my wedding.." -> "I really need to get back to planning my wedding." (Bug #17450)Book4RareOldWays: The book "The Old Ways" had all of its text duplicated. (Bug #17457)DA16InitScene: "It's a curse! It has to be! I've got to get out of this town." -> "It's a curse! It has to be! I... I've got to get out of this town." / "In the meantime all I ask is you remain strong and put your trust in Lady Mara." -> "In the meantime, all I ask is you remain strong and put your trust in Lady Mara." (Bug #17480)MQ103 (SharedInfo): "I, ah, learned of a certain stone tablet said to be housed in Bleak Falls Barrow - a "Dragonstone," said to contain a map of dragon burial sites." -> "I, uh, learned of a certain stone tablet said to be housed in Bleak Falls Barrow - a "Dragonstone," said to contain a map of dragon burial sites." (Bug #17580)DialogueSolitude (Hello) [000C7C6A]: "Someday, I'll be a gallant heroine. You make it look so.. appealing." -> "Someday, I'll be a gallant heroine. You make it look so... appealing." (Bug #17591)DialogueSolitude (Hello) [000C1D6A]: "You wouldn't know it, but before my family got killed? I was the luckiest man in Skyrim." -> "You wouldn't know it, but before my family got killed, I was the luckiest man in Skyrim." (Bug #17592)DialogueShorsStoneHellos [000E4A15]: "Takes a lot of strength to swing a pick axe, know what I mean?" -> "Takes a lot of strength to swing a pickaxe, know what I mean?" (Bug #17608)DialogueWhiterun (Hello) [0202F6AE]: "The only grownups who talk to me are the kind I don't want talking to me." -> "The only grown-ups who talk to me are the kind I don't want talking to me." (Bug #17622)DA08Hellos [000B1232]: "The only grownups who talk to me are the kind I don't want talking to me." -> "The only grown-ups who talk to me are the kind I don't want talking to me." (Bug #17623)WISharedInfosTopic [000ADC77]: "I'm too upset to talk...." -> "I'm too upset to talk..." (Bug #17481)DialogueMarkarth (Hello) [0003626D]: "A little bit of old Reach magic can cure whatever ills you...." -> "A little bit of old Reach magic can cure whatever ills you..." (Bug #17634)DialogueRiftenMolgromNameBranchTopic01: "If she hadn't of been there..." -> "If she hadn't have been there..." (Bug #17635)DialogueRiftenHellos [00042306]: "The trees... they're beautiful here. Reminds me of autumn at home." -> "Trees... they're beautiful here. Reminds me of autumn at home." (Bug #17636)DialogueRiftenHellos [00042381]: "Come to gloat, have we? To poke fun at the jarl's youngest son?" -> "Come to gloat, have we? To poke fun at the Jarl's youngest son?" (Bug #17637)DialogueWindhelm (Hello) [00034FAA]: "You hear about the Shatter-shield girl? It's a tragedy." -> "You hear about the Shatter-shield girl? Oh, it's a tragedy." (Bug #17647)DialogueWindhelm (Hello) [00035012]: "With my swords in their hands, Ulfric's men will send those legion dogs running." -> "With my swords in their hands, Ulfric's men will send those Legion dogs running." (Bug #17648)DialogueFalkreath (Hello) [0004DCC2/000CEFE3]: "My husband Mathias and I tend Corpselight Farm." -> "My husband Mathies and I tend Corpselight Farm." (Bug #17672)DialogueFalkreath (Hello) [0004DCBD/000CEFE1]: "Imperials like my wife can be hard to handle but we Nords could work with them." -> "Imperials like my wife can be hard to handle, but we Nords could work with them." (Bug #17673)DialogueFalkreath (Hello) [0004E2A4/000CF00B]: "Siddgeir can sometimes act too quickly but he does listen to Helvard and I." -> "Siddgeir can sometimes act too quickly, but he does listen to Helvard and I." (Bug #17674)DialogueFalkreath (Hello) [0004E2A8/000CF00E]: "Boland speaks much about the war and the Stormcloaks, but he knows who provides." -> "Bolund speaks much about the war and the Stormcloaks, but he knows who provides." (Bug #17683)book2CommonDwarvenArchitectureVolI: The book "Dwarven Inquiries Vol I" had two blank pages at the end. (Bug #17690)DialogueRiftenHellos [00064988]: "Please to meet you, I'm a priestess at the Temple of Mara." -> "Pleased to meet you, I'm a priestess at the Temple of Mara." (Bug #17778)
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