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A Real Explorer's Guide to Skyrim

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Version 3.3.2:


Guide-only Update:

    [*]Removed Dawn of Whiterun (was causing major performance issues).


@Wing: Oh well then, time to remove that mod altogether.

@Astakos: RND is in SR:LE? Didn't even notice that.


  On 4/12/2014 at 11:24 AM, cleaner said:

I hate to be a bother, but I checked the Steam comments for mods like "Amber Guard" and while you are saying it needs to be cleaned, the author wrote on the workshop that those "dirty" edits are intentional. Are you suggesting to clean them just for the sake of them being dirty edits or to increase compatibility with the other mods of the pack?

Mostly for the sake of them being dirty. If another mod changes the same area, you're going to have bigger problems anyway, regardless on whether or not the mod is clean. :P

Dawn of Whiterun has no performance issues for me. It does however impact fps quiet heavily. If its so beastly I can understand why it has been removed. Its probably the straw that breaks the camels back in a few cases.

  On 4/12/2014 at 7:11 PM, MadWizard25 said:

Dawn of Whiterun has no performance issues for me. It does however impact fps quiet heavily.

Errr, unnatural FPS loss like that does qualify as a performance issue. D:
Posted (edited)
  On 4/12/2014 at 7:11 PM, MadWizard25 said:
MadWizard25, on 12 Apr 2014 - 12:11 PM, said:

Dawn of Whiterun has no performance issues for me. It does however impact fps quiet heavily. If its so beastly I can understand why it has been removed. Its probably the straw that breaks the camels back in a few cases.

I read this three times before...hahaha! :p


I haven't run enough games without the mod installed to be certain of its performance impact but I do wish the mod author would tighten up some the things in the mod (like the clutter litter mess, and possible streamlining of some design implementations).


-I love the goats in the street and the livestock pens

-the vendors are alright (but some are very crowded in their placement and their loose goods become ground litter)

-I think the entrance Trading Company location is wonderful

Edited by Kuldebar
Posted (edited)
  On 4/12/2014 at 7:15 PM, CJ2311 said:

Errr, unnatural FPS loss like that does qualify as a performance issue. D:


In same cases thats certainly true, I agree. I think though, in regards to fps impact, the line at which an fps drop turns into a performance issue can be dependent on your system, and the users expectations. Im happy to work with 35 fps in whiterun with this mod. But only because my system can handle it and I dont need 60 fps in a city. Its a bit like using a ENB, if you can run it fine, if not, live without.


FPS as a performance issue is a little fluid, like with SDO, compared to conflicts, bugs and CTDs caused by a mod. At least thats my opinion  :^_^:


In context of REGS and STEP I fully understand why such a large fps drop is considered a performance issue, and therefore cause for dropping a mod.


Edit: Didnt process the "unnatural" part of the FPS loss. I have a 10 fps drop in Whiterun with DoW, after Real Vision performance ENB is enabled. Would that qualify as unnatural? If so, ill retract the above statement  ::P:

Edited by MadWizard25

Well going from 60FPS to 30-ish with an R9 280x or similar cards is still pretty overkill though, especially considering I'm not even using an ENB for testing. :|

  On 4/12/2014 at 8:13 PM, gpthree said:

Any suggestions on a replacement to spruce up Whiterun? Anyone know if CL Whiterun causes any conflicts in REGS?

Navmesh issues, you'll have to load CL Whiterun after REGS - Cities.esp to get rid of them (although followers won't won't be able to follow you into the sewers, nothing really gamebreaking since followers aren't really needed down there)
  On 4/12/2014 at 8:29 PM, CJ2311 said:

Well going from 60FPS to 30-ish with an R9 280x or similar cards is still pretty overkill though, especially considering I'm not even using an ENB for testing. :| 

Ouch. Thats a massive drop.

Posted (edited)
  On 4/12/2014 at 8:13 PM, gpthree said:
gpthree, on 12 Apr 2014 - 1:13 PM, said:

Any suggestions on a replacement to spruce up Whiterun? Anyone know if CL Whiterun causes any conflicts in REGS?

I'm looking into this mod as a replacement in my playthrough: Whiterun Complete by Nofumasa


I'm downloading it now...going to check it out in TessEdit and a test game.




Meh...needed cleaned, had ITMs and UDR's. Some elements had minor clipping with vanilla objects (the dragon headed gateway inside the entrance. The mod offers nothing desirably striking to the city, IMO. :/

Edited by Kuldebar

I still would like to try the Dawn of Whiterun. What problems would I run into by using it combined with the rest of the pack? I had a look at the patches, but I don't know what changes they do that require Dawn of Whiterun to be installed and if there are any at all.


I don't want to give any impression that Dawn of Whiterun is broken. I just don't like the clutter treatment and FPS issue that hits you after entering the city near the gate looking toward the Bannered Mare.

  On 4/12/2014 at 10:22 PM, Kuldebar said:

I don't want to give any impression that Dawn of Whiterun is broken. I just don't like the clutter treatment and FPS issue that hits you after entering the city near the gate looking toward the Bannered Mare.

Thanks for posting about the other Whiterun mod. I'll probably stick with Dawn of Whiterun for the time being. I'm using the Full version of ESF: Companions so I'll see if I run into any conflicts with that..

  On 4/12/2014 at 10:47 PM, gpthree said:

Thanks for posting about the other Whiterun mod. I'll probably stick with Dawn of Whiterun for the time being. I'm using the Full version of ESF: Companions so I'll see if I run into any conflicts with that..

Spent the last couple of hours downloading and testing out some of the Whiterun mods. They all fall short for different reasons:


-some just add foliage...which is fine but not enough, IMO

-some are just atrocious, buildings added haphazardly, navmesh deletions, etc.

-some crowd Breezehome exterior overly much conflicting with house mods

-some are beautiful but technically flawed and/or performance nightmares ( ETK The Streets Of Whiterun by ETK )


As it stands, Dawn of Whiterun is the best out of the bunch...I'm slapping it back into my build.

  On 4/12/2014 at 11:04 PM, Kuldebar said:

As it stands, Dawn of Whiterun is the best out of the bunch...

I did say it, time and time again :PAnd don't even try to check on the workshop, their search system is nuts.
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