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Weather and Lighting (by Smile44)

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If you want to compile a list here and if it is comprehensive then I could add it to the pack page as a note for users of SoS - but my pack works from CORE not Extended, though most mods in extended are compatible there are a few that are not. Trouble is if you go for a giant mod list getting up to the 255 esp limit then you are going to have stability issues anyway. best to keep the plugins well below that limit and a full STEP install makes that difficult.


So if you want less headaches then Use CORE or SR:LE as your base and then add the weather and lighting Pack and any other compatible pack and you will get hours of great looking UNINTERRUPTED Skyrim fun.




@Smile44; Might have to re-do your list after latest (V10-12) updates of Weather Patch... see page for details.

You changed it again? Dammit and me with my poor aching back, ah who am I kidding I'll get right on it. Great work by the way.




EDIT: Ok looked at it and the changes I made recently appear to still stand except for the fact that BOSS sorts it correctly now, so I changed that. I have added a new mod "Falskaar - Climates of Tamriel" as an optional it adds CoT but I'm not sure that it carries over the additions of the other mods, that said the times I was there the rain did get very heavy so probably good to go.


prod80 did you check my pack page before posting? I'm only asking in case I missed something glaring, but otherwise I re-did it last week when you first made the changes.


Went over the changes with the latest ELFX and virtually everything I did with the patch was addressed in the update. The only thing that isnt is the acoustic space changes via SOS adn the unofficial patches. Since most everyone is switching to Audio Overhaul anyway theres no need to make a new patch. SOS-Dungeons & Civilations just wont have a few acoustic changes & honestly few people will even notice. So the patch is outdated & there really is no need to make a new one. But I did have fun doing it.


Anytime spent digging around in TES5Edit and making patches is time well spent, the more people who are good at it the better off we will all be. I'm hoping for Neo to build Requiem into SR:LE (it'll never happen) but that game would just race off the shelves (in a manner of speaking).




Just wanted to say, this looks fantastic - some nice gems in this mod list from the looks of it. I'm about 2/3 done with my STEP install, which I've been balancing alongside work on my mods, but when I get it up and running I will definitely be giving this a try :)


Also, anyone using this pack without ENB? My current rig can't run one, just wondering how it looks and if there are any tweaks or deviations I should plan on making.


"Install core + enhancer interior and exterior module if you prefer, and if you have Dawnguard & Dragonborn DLCs active also install Enhanced Lights and FX 0.41 Dawnguard and Dragonborn."


You should change it to say 0.4.2.

  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Smile, thanks for your work on this pack and the Requiem pack too. I'm currently working on getting a STEP "slightly extended" + a few personal favourite (small) mods + Frostfall + Requiem + this W&L pack. It's quite some work....!


One thing which is bothering me at the moment is how ELFX conflicts with so many things, which I suppose is inevitable given it's nature and scale. However, from what I'm seeing in TES5Edit at the moment, it seems like all the ELFX esps (especially enhancer) should be absolutely last in the load order, or at least after all Requiem esps. Currently BOSS doesn't seem to sort things this way. In TES5Edit, it looks like the overrides to ELFX would break its functionality in some areas, however when ELFX overrides the other mods it wouldn't break any of their changes. So a load order change seems to be a good solution.


I find the lighting works fine as is ELFX Enhancer loads after all my lighting mods including realistic nights which I will be adding as an optional but just before Requiem.esp. There may be conflicts in TES5Edit but that does not mean you need to do anything, it is the last mod to the right of the screen who's edits are loaded into the game so if those are what you want then happy days, if not then patch or change the load order, but you need to be careful about what you do load after Requiem, as little as possible is the best rule.




Why would Requiem do cell, and or image space edits ?

ELFX would only conflict heavily with mods that add houses, or other objects to cells. Also sound mods.

The enhancer conflicts with many things since it alters the image spaces, that many areas rely on.

Now I do not have requiem in so cant test, but I would be surprised that the author of the mod also decided to make his mod incompatible with lighting overhauls by doing his own as well... one would think he had enough on his plate as it is! :)

  • 2 weeks later...

I've contacted mannygt & I'm going to be making a slightly modified version of Morning Fogs that will allow you to set the percentage chance of a morning fog (instead of it always occurring 100% every day). Sort of personal preference, since I wanted to make these a bit more rare.


Notably, this will also involve a script fix - I realized as I was looking into the mod that manny's script uses somewhat unsafe update events - basically, once you have entered the same area as one of these fogs (whether you see it or not, no matter the time of day) it begins an update loop to check the time of day every minute or so, that will never stop. Once you've encountered all the fog areas in game, that means there are script updates occurring every few seconds from all of these fog objects, and these are the type of updates that do not go away even if you uninstall the mod. So it has a bit more script overhead than necessary. Although this isn't so frequent as to really significantly impact your performance, it's still something that I'd like to address.


In addition to adding a user-adjustable fog chance percentage, I'll be modifying things so that the fog scripts use a safe updating method, which does not persist if the mod is uninstalled, and only remain active while you're in the same cell as the fog, so it should be a lot nicer.


Will update you when I get things finished. :)

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