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Weather and Lighting (by Smile44)

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Just installed the new Weathers Patch per your recommendations. I've also updated ELFX to 0.4.1 with Dragonborn. Expanded Snow Systems also has Sounds of Skyrim patches for Wilds & Civilization. I'm going through all the patches in TesEdit for lighting and sound conflicts to see if merging or making a general lighting and sound patch which reflects latest UKSP changes is viable. Anything to cut down esp's is never bad I think. I'll let you know if I make any headway. FYI I really think a lot of these sound conflicts I'm seeing with SoS, ELFX and other mods will go away if STEP switches to AOS which IMHO is a much more immerse and stable sound overhaul. Would still need patching probably but not as much with current STEP mods.


Thanks for updating the Pack btw, it definitely makes Skyrim much more intense and realistic. (as much as killing dragons and other fantasy beasties can be realistic)

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Here is a Weather Pack Patch I made for you to try out. All I did was forward the fixes from the new USKP's. It's primarily the Water Height cell edits & Acoustic Space edits for the various SoS mods. Also moved over the lighting records for Enhancer so it wins conflicts while still working with the light changes   From the other ELFX records. I also combined the Region records for the various CoT patches to eliminate some esp's. It's nothing fancy, I'm not a modder. I just made the lights, sounds and some weathers play together a little more nicely. Please feel free to test and modify. Use BUM to load at the bottom of compatibility patches. If using STEP Core Patch.esp or STEP Extended Patch.esp place this after. The cell edits for SoS are mostly identical so you shouldn't have any conflicts there.


This reflects the most recent Weather & Lighting Pack. However its set for the 0.4.1 version of Enhanced Lights and FX, including Dawnguard & Dragonborn addons. This is the load order to work right:


Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm

Climates of Tamriel.esm


ALL THREE Sounds of Skyrim (Wilds, Dungeons, Civilization)

Enhanced Lights & Effects (with Dawnguard & Dragonborn addons)

Climates of Tamriel-Dawnguard-Patch.esp

Climates of Tamriel-Dtragonborn-Patch.esp

SupremeStorms-COT Version.esp

ELFX Enhancer.esp (CRITICAL, otherwise it just won't work, (FYI ELFX Exteriors would only require a few edits so I guess if people want it I could do it)


BOSS sorted all these fine. The latest weather patches work seamlessly so it won't matter what night level or snow density patch you decide to play with. 


The following esp's can be removed. They are no longer required:


SOS-Civilization PatchCOT.esp

COT ESS SoSCiv PAtch.esp




As I said I'm not a modder, I'm just getting pretty good with TesEdit. I figured you might want to run a test with your pack to see if it helps smooth out some of the lighting and sound conflicts.

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Some other guy made and released a patch for ELE image spaces and SOS yesterday as well.


Since we did not alter any region records then making patches for the weather patch is the same as making them for CoT proper. In fact most patches can still be used without a problem to begin with.


This was part of the design we agreed on. Since altering the regions would force us to make patches for god knows what! There are a few bugs in the region records, but they are minor compared to the color overhaul we have made. And there are no plans to alter the regions anytime soon.

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The problem with the SOS compatibility patches are they are outdated. They don't reflect any recent updates to the unofficial patches and they really conflict with ELFX. The patch I made was specifically if using STEP Core/Extended with Smiles Weather Pack. And is mostly just for testing to see if if the conflict resolution between SOS, ELFX (with Enhancer) and Climates of Tamriel with the new weather package is viable.  SOS (which I'm not a fan of, prefer AOS) is what STEP has chosen for Core so at the very least it needs to be patched for Core, which has been done with STEP Compatibility Patches. I just took it one step further.  AOS would need patching to, just not as much in my opinion. 


What I see as conflict resolution with this type of weather/lighting setup concerns mainly the water height (unofficial patches win), acoustic space (SoS wins), ambient lighting (ELFX/enhancer wins) weather region records (new CoT Weather Patches win). Plus it eliminates a bunch of esp's that are there only to reflect a few records which can all be merged into a single patch.


Unfortunately the more heavily modded your game, the more conflicts like these need to be addressed. 

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