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For Enhanced Terrain Detail, the ideal place might be on the high ground to the Southwest overlooking Whiterun. Just create a save at that point and load/screen with each mod variant and vanilla. It would be great if you could use Fraps or something that will also capture your frame rate.


Preferably, this would be done in the pure vanilla background, but we'll take what we can get ;)


I can just use my vanilla preset and disable ENB. You wanted comparisons for the distant terrain to be done between..

Vanilla, Enhanced Distant Terrain and HD Enhanced Terrain right?

I'll use the 1024 version of HD Enhanced Terrain to let you know as a direct comparison as the default for HD Enhanced Terrain is 2k I think. I've also downloaded fresh files of both mods in all the resolutions so there's no "corruption".


I'm awaiting word on testing locations for the other compares such as the caves. I will do some other compares for the distant terrain at other locations if you supply me with them.


As for the overlook I think you're talking about the path on the cliff before you get to Honningbrew Meadery from Riverwood correct?


Also which version of Enhanced Distant Terrain Classic I'd assume?

The versions available in the FOMOD are Classic, Octave, Cell, Earth, Grass and 512 and 1k variants of each. I'm using 1024 but you mind telling me which version? I'm going with classic for now but let me know.


I have the vanilla shot ready but for some reason Skyrim Performance Monitor is not printing on the screenshot like it normally does so the info is not displaying.



To be honest I can't tell that the Enhanced HD Terrain 2k does anything better than the 1k so I'd definitely recommend the 1k if that's the mod you chose.


Here is a folder from my Dropbox if you want (I think it shows the comparison better)


The vanilla-EDT-HDET compares are great.


From these, I think that 1k HD Enhanced Terrain provides the most visual interest; however, I'd like to see 1k EDT Octave, Cell, Earth & Grass to call it good.


Thanks for doing this ... & no hurry with the shots.


I will post the results on the MT thread once we have everything.


I'll probably do the EDT variations tomorrow. As soon as tech or Will tell me where they'd like me to take the compares I'll post those as well. I also noticed that If I placed EDT as higher priority in Mod Organizer it overwrites only one of the files from Enhanced HD Terrain so I might also post a combined shot.


You need to be posting the compares in the appropriate threads or otherwise all the work we've been doing to get the mod testing updated to where it should be will be all for nothing. It's either that or an Admin/Moderate needs to copy/move the compares to the appropriate forum so all can benefit and our MT procedure will be be undermined.


I understand it's easier to "do it all in one place" but that isn't how we've planed the MT process. We need records on the actual threads for when they are "accepted" or not.


EDIT: Just read Z's post above. Thanks for picking up on this Z. I don't have time to be searching this thread and moving posts around. :)




By doing this we're still undermining our MT process. If you want to continue to do this, I'd rather make you a Mod Tester so you can access to workflow for our MTs in the Mod Testing Forum. This workflow is exactly what you're doing with here. The workflow will be updated regularly so you can go there at any time to see what needs to be tested and what conditions the test requires. If you agree, I'll have Z make you a Mod Tester and you can just focus on the texture mods in the workflow and skip the rest.


That's fine if that's what you think is best.

I'm just not ready at this point to do full S.T.E.P. mod testing as I don't have the time right now to setup S.T.E.P. 2.2.6. Textures are easy enough just load up my Vanilla Profile add the fixes and such. I'll probably get a full S.T.E.P only setup at some point maybe in a week or so after I've submitted this screenplay and my rough cut of the film. Until then I'm just doing the compares with nothing but SKSE, Alternate Start, iHUD, Elys AltF4, SMIM and the Unofficial Patches with 1k Optimized HRDLC and Vanilla Assets (Vanilla Textures and also Loose DLC folders with Optimized textures).



I am treating this thread as temporary and allowing phazer to handle it this way this time, as we could use the extra help. I'll be moving everything around once it is resolved. You are right that it would be best to do it formally though.



Let us know if/when you ever want to help out formally ans an MT. If you use MO, it should be pretty easy to set up vanilla and STEP:Core configs (as I hear it anyway).


I forgot to post these earlier (got a headache and forgot) but I finished up the EDT versions before I left for class.

Archive: Link


That's all of the distance compares unless you can think of something else. As far as mod testing goes I wouldn't mind helping out. I got back early tonight so I'll see if I can get it all setup. Do we need the optional mods as well?


Refer to the OP for the poll

I put these together a couple of nights ago, but forgot about them. Everything else was Vanilla in these shots.



Posted Image

EDT Classic 1K

Posted Image

EDT Cell 1K

Posted Image

EDT Earth 1K

Posted Image

EDT Grass 1K

Posted Image

EDT Octave 1K

Posted Image

HD Enhanced Terrain

Posted Image


I dont see ANY noticable difference between the first 6 shots. The HDET (last shot) is an obvious improvement, as it adds details around the structure in the very far distance - top left corner of the shot.


I dont see ANY noticable difference between the first 6 shots. The HDET (last shot) is an obvious improvement, as it adds details around the structure in the very far distance - top left corner of the shot.


Looks like it would take a real trained eye to spot the difference between the shots - except for the HD Enhanced Terrain one, that's a clear improvement.


08:50 - 08:51 - Beat you to it :dance:

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