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I am seeing some inconsistencies in WB regarding the masters for this one. Is the BOSS sort order correct? What about plugin changes?


Sorry, I am not a TES5Edit guru yet and lack the time to troubleshoot right now. This could also be a bug in WB.

Posted Image


The masters as sorted in the header are not matching to your load order. There is no impact to the game itself, just Wrye throwing a warning.


If it bugs you enough: Simply open in TES5Edit, right click the file and select "Sort Masters". Save and your done. Just makes it look pretty.


Yeah, I've been made aware of this, but haven't gotten around of uploading a new version. I may just end up dropping the Multi-Mod patches, as I've been working on a different route for compatibility, and trying to maintain the Multi-Mod patches will get to be increasingly more difficult. Then again, maybe I'll keep it around and just include the STEP-recommended mods in the patch.



For some reason I've not been able to get the "Sort Masters" function to work for me in TES5Edit. What I've had to do is to click on the masters listed in the File header, then move them up or down to sort them manually. Any idea why Sort Masters wouldn't be working?



For some reason I've not been able to get the "Sort Masters" function to work for me in TES5Edit. What I've had to do is to click on the masters listed in the File header, then move them up or down to sort them manually. Any idea why Sort Masters wouldn't be working?


What happens when you select the option from the context menu?


Right-click on the esp in the left pane. The way I do it is bulk - Ctrl+A to highlight all the mods, then right click and select Sort Masters.


So what happens when you select that option?


If it worked - the names of the ESPs that were modified should be in bold font and when you close the program, T5E should ask you if you want to save them - select YES.


Ah, righting-clicking on the mod in the left pane is what I've been doing (though only for a single mod, not in bulk). I tried it again both individually and in bulk. When I select Sort Masters, I get an error message "Assertion failure (D:\Projects\TES5Edit\wbImplementation.pas, line 3112)." It also asks if I want to view a bug report. Here is the printed bug report:




date/time : 2013-08-15, 11:10:44, 139ms

computer name : SEABOURNE

user name : sshatch

registered owner : sshatch

operating system : Windows Vista Service Pack 2 build 6002

system language : English

system up time : 9 days 2 hours

program up time : 7 minutes 47 seconds

processors : 2x Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU T9400 @ 2.53GHz

physical memory : 820/3070 MB (free/total)

free disk space : (C:) 1.84 GB

display mode : 1440x900, 16 bit

process id : $790

allocated memory : 521.86 MB

executable : TES5Edit.exe

exec. date/time : 2013-06-02 08:54

version :

compiled with : Delphi XE

madExcept version : 4.0.5

callstack crc : $9d0a6e72, $aa5c43d9, $4bbd0193

exception number : 2

exception class : EAssertionFailed

exception message : Assertion failure (D:\Projects\TES5Edit\wbImplementation.pas, line 3112).


main thread ($12a4):

007533c3 +223 TES5Edit.exe wbImplementation 3113 +18 TwbFile.SortMasters

009e9aff +093 TES5Edit.exe frmViewMain 7700 +8 TfrmMain.mniNavSortMastersClick

005225bb +0a7 TES5Edit.exe Menus TMenuItem.Click

00523ab7 +013 TES5Edit.exe Menus TMenu.DispatchCommand

00524c96 +082 TES5Edit.exe Menus TPopupList.WndProc

00524be5 +01d TES5Edit.exe Menus TPopupList.MainWndProc

004c2348 +014 TES5Edit.exe Classes StdWndProc

779e0226 +00a USER32.dll DispatchMessageW

005ae857 +0f3 TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.ProcessMessage

005ae89a +00a TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.HandleMessage

005aebc5 +0c9 TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.Run

00a0dbf3 +06b TES5Edit.exe TES5Edit 70 +6 initialization

7789d307 +010 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk


thread $1140 (TWorkerThread):

77ac548e +0a ntdll.dll NtWaitForSingleObject

77899a9e +7e kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx

77899a0d +0d kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject

005ce90d +19 TES5Edit.exe VirtualTrees 6308 +3 TWorkerThread.Execute

00472c0b +2b TES5Edit.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute

004bf682 +42 TES5Edit.exe Classes ThreadProc

00407530 +28 TES5Edit.exe System 157 +0 ThreadWrapper

00472aed +0d TES5Edit.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe

00472b57 +37 TES5Edit.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame

7789d307 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

>> created by main thread ($12a4) at:

005ce7f5 +19 TES5Edit.exe VirtualTrees 6251 +1 TWorkerThread.Create




I don't have any problems if I try to manually sort the masters by selecting them in the right pane and moving them up or down, so the failure to get Sort Masters to work has never been a critical issue for me. However, since it seems to work okay for others, it would be nice to know why I'm getting an error.


Also, maybe someone can help me with another question.  I'm running into a bit of a problem when I try to make a bashed patch that includes both Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcish&DaedricWeapons.esp and Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp. Both of these files add & subtract from the same leveled lists. However, if I add DELEV and RELEV tags to both of them, then whichever one is loaded last undoes some of the changes from the other. Is there a way around this using Wrye Bash, or do these mods need to have a manual patch made in order so that their leveled lists will play nicely?


I can't get the Sort Masters functionality to work either, but no errors for me.


RE BP: I am not fluent enough in the mechanics of LL and plugin conflicts to answer. You would know more about the possibilities than I, but there may be some BP-specific idiosyncrasies (or missing functionality in Wrye Smash as yet) that only the WB devs would know about. I would ask over on the current WB relz thread and hope that whomever is currently working on the project would know the answer.


Based on other times I've looked at the bashed patch results in TES5Edit, I not sure the logic for the bashed patch in Wrye Bash is smart enough to handle what you want, namely that the DELEV and RELEV are always handled serially vs. at the end. I've seen the bashed patch make some choices that I feel are strange (e.g., choosing a text name in a subrecord from Skyrim.esm even though multiple later loading mods changed this name). You will probably need to write a compatibility patch, or possibly have a merged version of the two (which would also eliminate an esp :D). I've had to make some post-bashed-patch patches in a few cases.


Thanks for the help. I may still ask over at the WB relz thread, but I sort of suspected that a patch would be necessary. I was just hoping maybe there was a trick or two I was missing.


I do intend to eventually release a combined file (WAF+CCO), but not until CCO has developed a bit more. However, the next time I update WAF, I'm probably going to release a second version that incorporates the True Orcish & Daedric Weapons directly into the main file so at least that would eliminate one esp.


Weapons & Armor Fixes should never conflict with Ars Metallica, unless Ars Metallica starts editing weapons & armor records (which I strongly doubt, since any changes Arthmoor considers necessary would end up in USKP rather than Ars Metallica).


Complete Crafting will almost certainly conflict, if not directly, than at the very least it will create duplicate recipes for many items. I admit that I've never used Ars Metallica (I don't like the extra skill advancement), so other than the extra skill advancement, I'm not entirely sure what features Ars Metallica has that aren't already included in CCO.


I've no idea about Skyrim Redone. I'm sure that there are probably a lot of conflicts since my impression is that Skyrim Redone touches just about everything. What I'm not sure about is if the conflicts are such that you could use the ReProccer to make a suitable patch.


Thanks for your reply.


I'm quite interested to see what your CCO will have to offer. I remember using the original one ages ago, but I totally forgot what features it offered.


SkyRe does touch pretty much everything, including crafting perks.


ReProccer is mainly used to adapt weapon/armor stats to SkyRe's philosophy using an XML file with predefined conversion values. It also merges keywords (as SkyRe changes some of those as well) etc., but to be honest I do not know the details.


P.S. My posts may seem chaotic, I've been at work since 8 AM and it's 22:20 here now, and I'm still in the office, so apologies in advance if what I say makes no sense :)

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