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Installing ASIS and SkyRe with some additional stuff

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not right now, this would double the amount of patches and I would have to find something to patch first (an esp replacer would be better for JaySuS Swords if needed) :3


Oh it would? I was really just talking about the section for the ones like "Pre ReProccer WA Fixes IW aMidianSS Patch" since you already had a Jaysus Option via the "qotsafans Miscellaneous ReProccer + LeveledLists + Destruction Tweak Atronach 50 Patch"

The Pre ReProccer WA Fixes IW aMidianSS Patch are actually 24 patches with variations and I would have to make another 24, if I included JSwords ;3

The qotsafans EEO / BringOutYourDead / Jenassa Patches have versions for the use without JSwords, the Leveled Lists patches, have only one version, which includes JSwords :3






So is it ok to install SkyRe 1.3 yet or are we still waiting on Balbor and Steelsouls patches?

Balbor's ESP replacers still seem to work fine with 1.3.

Good to hear!


Need to check the stas.xml though in regards to 1.3 changes.

Qotsafan's XML is being used in this guide, and it works with 1.3.
So - is that a yes to phazer's original question? Are there any caveats to be aware of if updating?


(Cheers William, always appreciate your help :) )


I finished investigation with Mighty Magick, made few fixes, uploaded new edited versions of qotsafan's patches:)

feel free to use.


Thanks Ironha. Any possibility of a Pre ReProccer WA Fixes aMidianSS Patch. I'm not using the IW.

Pre ReProccer WA Fixes aMidianSS Patch contains edits to provide MMagick's zzbound property to bound weapons. 

Thank you, this has been a huge help.  I have a couple of questions regarding mighty magic though.  If we are using "quotsa miscellaneous reproccer+leveledlists+destruction tweaks 50 patch" and "pre reproccer wa fixes iw amidianss ia patch" are we good with using the original patches?  You had posted edited files for other versions and I wasn't sure how safe it was going to be to use the original patches of the versions I mentioned.  The last post you commented on dealt with this but I wasn't sure if that meant we were alright to use the originals or not.  Thanks to you I finally have a stable game going (all the way to Riverwood without a hitch!!!  I seriously could kiss you) and just am trying to make sure it stays that way.  Thanks a lot!

  'cstarkey42 said:
Thank you' date=' this has been a huge help.  I have a couple of questions regarding mighty magic though.  If we are using "quotsa miscellaneous reproccer+leveledlists+destruction tweaks 50 patch" and "pre reproccer wa fixes iw amidianss ia patch" are we good with using the original patches?  You had posted edited files for other versions and I wasn't sure how safe it was going to be to use the original patches of the versions I mentioned.  The last post you commented on dealt with this but I wasn't sure if that meant we were alright to use the originals or not.  Thanks to you I finally have a stable game going (all the way to Riverwood without a hitch!!!  I seriously could kiss you) and just am trying to make sure it stays that way.  Thanks a lot![/quote']

I think, it's safe to use original, but some features of mighty magick will be overrided by SkyRe in that case. It will be dualcast data, spell costs, and few other parameters for some spells if to use original quotsa miscellaneous reproccer+leveledlists+destruction tweaks 50 patch AND few properties of bounded weapons if to use original "pre reproccer wa fixes iw amidianss ia patch" (this one very easy to do in tes5edit, load your entire order and look for conflicting(with pre reproccer patch) nodes in mighty magic-skyre compatibility patch in "weapons" group. You need to drag zzBoundWeapon [KYWD:BB040036] in KWDA-Keywords from mm-sr patch to pre-reproccer patch and increase KSIZ-Keyword count of pre-reproccer patch column by 1 - for example 4+1=5).


May be I'll add instructions for patching both later.



Thanks for making my patches compatible with Mighty Magick, but how about making an Mighty Magick patch, I could include the patch in my collection, or make additional Miscellaneous patches :3


@Iroha how would we install Mighty Magick (if we decide to) if we're using say... qotsafans Miscellaneous ReProccer + LeveledLists + Destruction Tweak Atronach 50 Patch?


@qotsafan how would I go about making a compatibility patch for your patches? I'd like a version of Pre ReProccer WA Fixes IW aMidianSS Patch for my mod list i.e. adding Immersive Armors and Jaysus Swords on top of yours. If you don't know or have time to explain I understand I only ask because I'm iffy (unsure of myself) enough on making compatibility patches normally but I'd also have to make it work for the reproccer.



As I wrote, making a patch for JaySuS Swords would require finding something to patch first and since my Pre ReProccer patches are not overwriting the JaySuS Swords, it's not necessary right now and I don't have the time at the moment :3

If you want to know how to make patches, watch Sharlikran's videos about TES5Edit :3



Thanks for making my patches compatible with Mighty Magick, but how about making an Mighty Magick patch, I could include the patch in my collection, or make additional Miscellaneous patches :3

Thank you, well, we can, but lets see what we have:


2) MM-SkyRe patch, which make all magick more powerful in conjunction with SkyRe.

Main reason of MM-SkyRe patch "incompatibility" with your patches:

a) pre reproccer patches- contains fixes for bound weapons (4 nodes)

b) Miscellaneous patches - mostly because of scriptfixes:) Oh, yeah, we can load it before MM-SkyRe patch and things should go right:)

I can make MM patch, but one minus - esp slot:)


@Iroha how would we install Mighty Magick (if we decide to) if we're using say... qotsafans Miscellaneous ReProccer + LeveledLists + Destruction Tweak Atronach 50 Patch?


answered on your question in previous post:)
I can make MM patch' date=' but one minus - esp slot[/quote']

As I said, I could make Miscellaneous patch versions for this, so no esp slot lost :3

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