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Something is weird with kryptopyr's patches. I'm certain that when I installed that section 2 months ago, the "Detailed Instructions" told me to install the TCIY-CRF, ICH-WACCF, Metallury-CCOR and USSR-CACO patches. There is nothing about it in the post-release changes, but now the "Detailed Instructions" says to just use the fomod installer. However, afterwards there is no Metallury-CCOR esp anymore and the imp_helm_legend_WACCF_Patch.esp is replaced with the ImprovedClosefacedHelmets_WACCF.esp.

Don't we need the metallury patch and does the new esp cause any problems or may I simply continue my current playthrough (actually I had the same question in mind when I updated to the new Immersive Spectral Assassin a few days ago)?


The FOMOD should detect active plugins in the load order under MO and make selections as appropriate (except what we mention should be unticked). The result should be 'good'.


I added the change tot he log.

  On 8/24/2020 at 3:09 PM, Tungdil2 said:

Something is weird with kryptopyr's patches. I'm certain that when I installed that section 2 months ago, the "Detailed Instructions" told me to install the TCIY-CRF, ICH-WACCF, Metallury-CCOR and USSR-CACO patches. There is nothing about it in the post-release changes, but now the "Detailed Instructions" says to just use the fomod installer. However, afterwards there is no Metallury-CCOR esp anymore and the imp_helm_legend_WACCF_Patch.esp is replaced with the ImprovedClosefacedHelmets_WACCF.esp.

Don't we need the metallury patch and does the new esp cause any problems or may I simply continue my current playthrough (actually I had the same question in mind when I updated to the new Immersive Spectral Assassin a few days ago)?

Yes, the Metallurgy - Ingots and Ore HD __ CCOR should still be installed. As for the Improved Closefaced Helmets patch, they changed the way they support it. Instead of overwriting the ESP (old version), they're now providing an additional ESP that is named different, but still provides the same changes.

Posted (edited)

The Metallurgy Patch is also covered by the FOMOD installer.  It is on the screen with the CCOR patches, near the bottom of the 'Other' section.  It isn't automatically checked because Metallurgy does not include an ESP file for the FOMOD to detect.  I compared the contents of the standalone patch with what this option installs, and they look identical.

Edited by federation25
  On 8/24/2020 at 9:15 PM, federation25 said:

The Metallurgy Patch is also covered by the FOMOD installer.  It is on the screen with the CCOR patches, near the bottom of the 'Other' section.  It isn't automatically checked because Metallurgy does not include an ESP file for the FOMOD to detect.  I compared the contents of the standalone patch with what this option installs, and they look identical.

Good to know ... I missed that. Will update instructions.

  On 8/25/2020 at 4:52 AM, joaron7 said:

Found a weird/brighter snow mountain in Solstheim not sure what could have caused this, my wild guess would be maybe a mistake with the LOD's.




You will nee to determine the texture used and search for it in your load order. FormID would help to locate it, or just say where ... is it where your pointer is on the map? Is it just the LOD or the full texture as well?

Posted (edited)
  On 8/25/2020 at 4:55 PM, z929669 said:

You will nee to determine the texture used and search for it in your load order. FormID would help to locate it, or just say where ... is it where your pointer is on the map? Is it just the LOD or the full texture as well?

   After a second look it seems to be the actual full texture and LOD, it still looks bright from afar and upclose. The location is Bristleback cave, Im not the best for these kind of things but i hope the new screenshots will provide more information.


Form IDs (for some reason there is more than one)


Edited by joaron7

I see the same problem. Looks like it doen't come from the game and it's not related to LOD (looks just as bright close up). What's more, I've noticed some inconsistencies that I hate with snow vs ice (also not LOD related). This blending is horrific. In fact the 'problem' texture of the snowy rock face is the way I'd like all of the snow to look.


I defer to Tech on this texture and all of these issues.




EDIT: DynDOLOD touched this texture, but it is still much brighter close up, so it's probably a vanilla inconsistency that for some reason is not covered by any of our replacers. Either way, this location emphasizes that snow and ice could use improvement in the STEP build.


Yeah i also saw a dyndolod.esp change in the texture, for the ice textures im pretty sure cathedral snow already comes with ice and glaciers that might fit better with cathedral landscapes instead of the mod just ice but snow in skyrim is always a pain to get it to look good lol, also I did notice a lot of textures in solstheim that need improvement too.


I looked up the ID. It's likely because that one object is using an Ice shader and everything around it is snow. That's most likely why it's sticking out like a sore thumb. Could probably be easily fixed by using a snow version rather than the ice version, which is just a quick edit in xEDit.


I'm currently doing my first real playthrough with the finished STEP-3.0b-Modlist and so far I encountered two bugs - I'm not sure this is the right place to post it, but it's hard to identify if it is connected with the STEP guide.

  1. A minor one: On my way up the 7000 stairs, about 1/3 of the stone-cairns (those stone-constructs with the flags) have stiff flags attached to them.
  2. The quest "The Way of the Voice" got stuck for me because Wulfgar refused to demonstrate Wuld - maybe because the gate didn't close automatically? I didn't find any hint at that bug on other websites, so I don't know what to do. I am hesitant to just skip the quest via console, because I could imagine that I have to come back to High Hrothgar and those Greybeards may still be standing in the yard...

The first sounds like a mod issue rather than a guide issue, but it could be a 'build' issue. I don't know what mod(s) touches this.


The second sounds more like a 'build' issue ... meaning that you may need to double check plugin sorting, unintentional deviations from mod installation instructions, incorrect plugin(s), etc. Essentially user error somewhere in the install process. As a first measure, I would verify installation of the Gampeplay - Quests & Stories mods as well as the Patches (particularly kryptopyr's and STEP).


I would also verify that you don't have any custom INI settings and are using the base config as described in the guide (e.g., high uGridsToLoad can cause script issues) ... basically, revert back to all guide recommendations if you have made any alterations (same goes for mods installed/not installed).


I just edited the guide (be afraid... be very afraid ::D:) to add step 8 in the Run DynDOLOD / Standard Tree LOD section that was missing.


  1. Run DynDOLOD from the MO2 executable drop-down list.
  2. Click the Advanced button once the main tool window is displayed.
  3. Select all worldspaces.
  4. Ensure the Candles, FXGlow, Generate static LOD, Create texture atlas, Generate tree LOD, Generate DynDOLOD, Windows, and High boxes are ticked.
  5. Set Max tile size equal to the texture size used for TexGen previously.
  6. Keep the default Output Path and click Medium.
  7. Users with systems able to handle High settings, may do so.
  8. Click [OK], and get a cup of coffee. This takes ~20-30 minutes on SSDs.
  9. Once the completed message has appeared, click Save & Exit.
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