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Posted (edited)



Updated 03/09/2016

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING WIN10PRO KB3176938 breaking MO2's  usvfs_proxy.exe in some way !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also KB3176935 Reported by {crime_syndicate} after Anniversary update (thanks for the info)




Do a system restore prior to KB3176938
then run the new FO4edit (I use it via TES5Edit.exe -fo4 -edit -l:fr -cp:utf-8)
then installed the KB3176938 with all the other updates for win 10 Pro


Note: BodySlide x64 failed to start for me I had to add the 32bit version run it 1st then the 64x version worked


If it fails after reinstalling KB3189031 you will have to disable it with hide or show update https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3073930?utm_source=twitter




Here is a guide for the installation of ModOrganizer 2.0.7b and a list of mods running in a stable state.


  • 26/09/2016 Created MODWiki CORE to replace all the mods. This will be a simple static Mod set (NO changes I hope) Submenus will be created for added umph.
  • OLD MODwiki mods are now archived >>>HERE<<<
  • Has a Recommended ENB Preset that I'm now using with this loadout
  • Weather Preset - Vivid Weather and darker nights (with 2 optional weather setups)
  • Tested and running with ShadowBoost Guide
  • Unique StyleSheet for ModOrganizer2(Themed for this Wiki) to increase your Immersion >>Here<<
  • Added Nvidia base setup section >>HERE<<



If you are using or have used NMM or Bethesda Game Studios Mods you need to reset the vanilla modlist folder instructions are now in the guide.



Created a conversion Guide to migrate from an existing install to the Wiki <<HERE>>


Created Some pages on the Nexusmod site (YEAY!!!)

Vault 101 StyleSheet - Green Theme

(There in a Vault-101-Brotherhood of Steel Theme V2.0.1 with add awsome)


Preset Dividers for ModOrganiser




[spoiler=OLD Learning version StyleSheet]

Pit-Boy V1.1.0b #WIP Stylesheet

Just extract in your MO2 Stylesheet and Feel the GREEN!!!


Pip-Boy - Green v1.1.0b.7z




If you see any errors or find missing Fomods please tell me so I can fix it.

(Q:Updating mod version numbers..... A: I will "get around" to it maybe weekly....)




True Storms and True Nights (for True Storms with ENB)

Option 1 - Nuclear Weather + True Storms or Vivid Weather+Darker Nights

Option 2 - True Storms over Vivid Weather (patched) with Darker Nights


Mods Added (Full Update List)


7/08/2016 True Nights (for True Storms with ENB)

7/08/2016 Red Rockets' Glare REDONE - Lighting (replacment to Red Rockets Glare - Station Illumination - Lighting)

6/08/2016 Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul

6/08/2016 Rock Overhaul

5/08/2016 Dynamic Interior Fog Removal

5/08/2016 Pip-Boy Flashlight (Pipboy - Power Armor - Lamp Overhaul)

5/08/2016 Atomic Radio and Tales from the Commonwealth both in sound and Quests and Adventures


Mods Removed

7/08/2016 Vivid Weather and Darker Nights

6/08/2016 All tree have leaves


8/08/2016 Fixed install instructions for GRASSLANDS - A Fallout 4 Grass Overhaul

5/08/2016 Found an issue with Satellite World Map and Darker Nights added info on SWM mod and updated Load order list


Shhhhhh!!!!!!! Don't click here.......





Edited by Gernash

Incorrect links, typos, bits I noticed (by the by, you're awesome!)


Setttlement mods

Alternate Settlements - link goes to Snap'n'Build nexusid 7393 - should be 5118 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5118/?

Working Food Planters - link goes to Snap'n'Build nexusid 7393 - should be 1490 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1490/?



Texture Replacers

After the Fallout - link goes to New Roads Enhanced nexusid 1954 - should be 7803 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/7803/?



NPC and Monster Overhauls (typo on the and in 'NPC ans Monster overhauls')

Synth Overhaul is repeated


House and zone overhaul

Evil Institute HD - link goes to D.E.C.A.Y Ghouls nexusid 2500 - should be 9537 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9537/?


About all I could find for now.





Nice work. I've changed the title of this thread as well as all the references in your wiki to "ModOrginizer" to "ModOrganizer". Just me being pedantic.

Posted (edited)

Yeay Patch V1. is out Waiting on F4SE to come out.....But wait we are using MO2, just run fallout launcher and BAM away you go.


the only F4SE mods in mod the list are

Achievement enabled

Looks Menu

and Place Everywhere.


Have fun

Edited by Gernash
Posted (edited)

If you have updated to 1.7.9 F4SE and you remove mods or update to the new weather system in the Guide you need to start the vanilla launcher through MO2 to make a save because F4SE bombs the game on missing mods splash screen. Once you have logged into the game make a New save this save will work with F4SE


Have Fun!!!


7/08/2016 Fixed in F4SE ver 0.2.2

Edited by Gernash

I've got a problem. Finished installing everything, ran the game, seems to work, except the inventory sorting rollup and icons don't display anymore. Nor does a custom HUD work, all I get is the default.


Custom HUD is in E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\ModOrganizer2\mods\DEF_UI\interface\DEF_CONF, so it's the right place.

DEFUI is before Val's Item Sorting, checked with FO4Edit, tags all still there. Ini's are correct.


This is driving me up the wall and across the ceiling. 



PS. Atomic Radio and Tales from the Commonwealth throw a whole bunch of errors in FO4Edit.

Posted (edited)

I have no real idea other than you are using MO2 in portable mode and installed it in your FO4 directory and did not follow the guide. I have too many issues with using FO4 in portable mode and it's why I made the wiki.


NOTE: Unsure why people run MO2 in portable mode if you have MO 1.3.11 installed for Skyrim etc Mo2 will not affect it. (Unless you do something crazy)


[spoiler=Converting to My wiki is easy.]

  • Save your load order and mod order 1st
  • move your Mo2 folder to E:\ModOrganizer2
  • make a Folder E:\ModOrganizer2Data
  • make a Folder E:\ModOrganizer2Data\Tools
  • Add the E:\ModOrganizer2 folder to Windows Defender Exclusions
  • Make ModOrganizer.exe run as an Administrator
  • Start MO2 and click the little blue mo2 icon in the top left
  • choose fallout 4 not portable
  • now you will have no mods displayed like the books says DONT PANIC!
  • Close ModOrganizer
  • Move the Contents of the Mod Organizer folder from C:\Users\{User}\AppData\ModOrganizer to E:\ModOrganizer2Data
  • Delete the ModOrganizer folder
  • Open an administrative command prompt, then create a symbolic link with the following command "mklink /J C:\Users\{User}\AppData\Local\ModOrganizer E:\ModOrganizer2Data"
  • Start MO2 Go into MO2 Settings and in the NEXUS tab enter your login Information.
  • Exit MO2
  • Now navigate to E:\ModOrganizer2 folder
  • Move the folders named download, mods, webcache, overwrite and profiles into E:\ModOrganizer2Data\Fallout 4
  • That should be it (any guide specific paths are E: for you now)




I know it looks like a lot but something simple looks complicated when typed out.


Moral of the story follow instructions if using a guide. No I cant help you with a portable install (I cant get it to work properly I have tried)


PS: You better have a clean FO4 installation and not be a NMM user with randumb stuff all over the place because that won't work either.......


PPS: All the extra info is not directed at you ceilingrat it's to all you other people that decided to skip steps and are looking for solutions and if you did not follow the installation in the guide then the above is how you get back on track.

Edited by Gernash

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