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easyrider1988 last won the day on April 8 2024

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Community Answers

  1. Looks like your Skyrim.esm somehow ended up in the Cleaned Vanilla Masters mod.
  2. There is a bit drastic but efficient mod to deal with this: No More Swirl Effects from Absorb
  3. It's not OK, probably you are using Grass Cache Helper NG without grass cache.
  4. There is a typo in the fomod info.xml <id> is 64738, not 104962 And when you install the mod and right-click and select Visit on Nexus command, MO2 sends you to the Snowy Landscapes in Snowy Regions page. Edit: Also, the version is not updated
  5. And without the cheating part: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/76927
  6. You can set RegularQuicksaves = true in EngineFixes.toml. About SKSE not loading I have no idea. I use Root Builder in my setup and it aways loads everything without problem.
  7. An updated version just popped on Nexus: Scaleform Translation Plus Plus NG - Updated
  8. I don't see any problems with them in xEdit. The records are forwarded or edited OK. Care to explain or point me to some source? Thanks.
  9. Oh, why? And which ones? @Liberation, the bed texture is part of Luxor's HD, I have it too.
  10. Finished the guide the other day and played a bit, the game looks great and the performance is also great. Thanks! Took a liberty to ESL-ify some plugins (CR patch included) because I'm planning to add/change some mods.
  11. LOOT was throwing warnings on this mod and Dynamic Allocation Key, the author fixed both mods today.
  12. It's from Go on Ahead mod. You can send your companion to wait for you in towns and cities and they wait in taverns.
  13. First, open the archive with 7z and extract skse64_1_6_640.dll and skse64_loader.exe in the root folder (where Skyrim.exe is). Second, double click on the downloaded archive in the Downloads tab in MO2. Expand (click on the triangle) skse64_2_02_03 folder. Right click on Data folder and select set as <data> directory. Click OK and enable the installed mod in the left pane of MO2.
  14. There are Simple Children and TK Children in 08-Character Appearance section, maybe you missed them?
  15. And here's an article how to fix this: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/articles/1034
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