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Everything posted by GrantSP

  1. I'd just reinstall, you're not really losing anything as the settings are in %AppData%.
  2. Firstly I advise that you remove MO2 from proximity to the game you are modding. It doesn't matter which drive you use, if you have more than 1, but away from the game folder and any other UAC folders like "Program Files". MO2 creates folders in %AppData%, this means you have an "instanced" version of MO2. Simply put the same set of programme files for MO2 are used for all the games you may be running but the specific folders for each game are stored in that location. ie. profiles, mods, downloads etc. You can if you want run MO2 as "portable" which is more like the way MO1 worked with everything for each managed game in the same location with the game specific folders directly under MO2's main install folder. Now, on to the nxm "issue". In the screenshot you posted do you see that the "Primary handler" is looking for the executable in a completely different location to that where MO2 is installed? The location in the bottom input line should be looking for something like this, based on the information you have provided, C:\Steam\steampapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Mod Organizer 2\nxmmhandler.exe Of course if you move your MO2 as I advise the path to nxmhandler should be the same as where MO2 resides. If you use MO2 to handle any other games that same tool is used to point it to the correct game. You simply right-click and select "Add" and then follow the prompts.
  3. It looks like you have a crashdump generated. Could you join the MO2 Discord and post this there and also link to the crashdump. The devs will be able to diagnose what has gone wrong.
  4. The files that need unblocking are those *.dll files in the MO2 install, specifically the FalloutNV.dll which is referenced in the error dialogue. Error 5 is a Windows error for a missing driver or DLL file, so that is what the message is telling you. You have installed your MO2 into the Steam library under the FalloutNV game folder. Even though that is probably not a UAC folder as it it would be if it was in Program Files, it is never a good idea to install MO/MO2 into the game subsystem structure. Move it away to a completely removed location as you were instructed in previous posts. Additionally it is in a needlessly long and verbose folder: Mod Organizer 2 (Standalone Version)-6194-2-1-1\ MO2 is all it needs to be. I have no definitive proof but I'm always wary of using long folder names with MO/MO2 as it may mean reaching the Windows path limit of 256 characters if it is calling mods from equally long locations.
  5. There was a user in the Discord chat with exactly that error message on his sytem and his fix was to "unblock" their execution via Windows context menu. All downloaded DLLs are apparently blocked by Windows unless explicitly told to execute them. Also this user, @BlackTestament7, has posted the steps in the Nexus page for MO2.
  6. Wow, not seen that issue myself. That's really odd and... very specific. Why 3 F4SE plugins would cause that I don't know.
  7. Yeah I also had no issue with it which is why I wanted clarification as to what exactly is wrong.
  8. @ZidanReign He's using MO2 because, for whatever reason, xEdit just will not function correctly for him when called from MO1.
  9. Clear your logs folder of all that it contains and repeat the start sequence and then post those logs here please. Place them inside "spoiler" tags or use a service like PasteBin.
  10. PS. This is said in jest. No offence is meant.
  11. In discussions with a lot of modders on this very topic lately, I've come to the conclusion that cleaning masters is a pointless exercise. There may be some small benefit for Skyrim to do so, but for all other games I see no benefit in doing so. Some overhauls, such as Tale of Two Wastelands, actually require you to have vanilla DLC plugins otherwise their installer will not be able to create the correct plugins. Some of the guides ask you to do so but I feel these are largely based on a kind or "herd mentality" in that, "everyone else was doing it so why not?" For general modding of specific games like FNV or FO3 your game may not break but it probably won't run better/faster/smoother/longer either.
  12. I've changed the title to be more specific to the issue. Going back through the Discord logs, one of the developers has made a Fallout4 VR plugin that is still very much in beta stage. There is no link for a test download so you will have to use something else to mod your VR version for the time being
  13. I concur with @Maximan Zan's Autopurge is not a viable tool for OOM issues.
  14. In my opinion Gernash's is the most problematic as it introduces a whole new level of complexity with how to use MO2. It uses MO 2.0.7 as the base manager, which was in beta for a long time and is no replaced by a stable 2.1.1 release, it also uses symlinks to try and get around perceived problems. I said to him at the outset that that idea will be fraught with problems but nonetheless it is now his goto solution. My advice is to not use that method. Apart from that, his mod selection is purely a personal choice matter. I have not taken that route so they may well be a great selection of mods, my only concern is for the management side of the guide.
  15. Edited plugins ending up in overwrite is a known quirk on some systems that goes back along way, we've never been able to pinpoint exactly why it does this on some systems, most common response was due to drive speeds forcing the redirection, but we don't truly know. No issue with migrating to MO2. After install you can either use MO2's settings dialogue to tell it use your existing MO folders or, a better method, move all the relevant folders to the locations MO2 is expecting. ie. profiles, mods, etc. to the new folders.
  16. If you use the new 4Gb patch you have no need to call NVSE from MO as calling the game's executable will automatically load the extender.
  17. Sorry to hear about your problems. You're also on Win 10, as I am, so I know your pain. The latest updates have apparently broken NVSR so disable that and see what you get. If you are using UIO you do not need to make any changes to the [Fonts] section of your INI to enable DarnUI, UIO does this automatically. I haven't actually touched my F&LNV install fro some time and I now have the problem, with Win10, that it doesn't close correctly. I need to create a new desktop (Win+Tab) start taskmanager and kill with that. No doubt there is a simple change that I can make but it isn't a priority for me at this stage.
  18. Actually MO2 is now in a stable condition and is a viable alternative to MO1 for all the 32 bit games. Sorry @Greg, so much testing lately that it moves on at quite a pace. I have just now tried to install PN with MO2 and it worked flawlessly. Note the snippet from my logs: 09:02:31 [D] mod id guessed: Project Nevada 2_5-40040-2-5.7z -> -1 09:02:31 [D] passed mod id: 40040, guessed id: -1 09:02:31 [D] using mod name "Project Nevada" (id 40040) -> Project Nevada 2_5-40040-2-5.7z 09:02:37 [D] running D:\Games\MO2\NCC\NexusClientCLI.exe -g FalloutNV -p "D:\Games\ModOrganizer\FNV\profiles\Test2" -gd "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas" -d "D:\Games\ModOrganizer\FNV\overwrite" -se "5.1.4" -i "E:\Games\ModOrganizer\FNV\downloads\Project Nevada 2_5-40040-2-5.7z" "D:\Games\ModOrganizer\FNV\mods\Project Nevada 2" 09:02:52 [D] brought window to front 09:03:00 [D] Installation successful You may just need to wait a bit longer on your machine due to some unknown reasons. If you wish to post your logs here we can examine what is happening.
  19. Another thing you may want to consider id switching to MO2. I've been testing it with all the older 32 bit games lately and the 2.1.1 release is really quite solid. Since you only have FNV installed I suggest installing it as a portable install and working with it that way.
  20. You're using MO 2.0.7. Update to the latest 2.1.1 release and see if the issue persists.
  21. I'm only offering wild suggestions now as I have no clear idea why you are seeing these messages. Try adding MO to Defender's exclusion list. I'm sort of thinking it may be stopping MO from telling xEdit about the VFS it is creating when xEdit is performing this function. (moving the backup into the default backup folder.) If that doesn't work you may wish to remove that folder from the list again. Your choice.
  22. Post your INI and the logs from the last time you ran those tools. Be sure to use spoiler tags for long posts or use a service like PasteBin.
  23. Try turning off the backup save in the xEdit dialogue.
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