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Everything posted by Kelmych

  1. The link was included in the guide only because some versions of Windows 10 seemed to need a few of the files from it to run Fallout 3. GFWL itself hasn’t been needed in a veyr long time (if it was even ever actually needed).
  2. Often errors with missing meshes and/or textures happen because different mods, especially body/clothng mods and weapon mods, use different models. The patches in the guide, when setup properly, should take care of a lot of this since they the selection of patches used and the associated plugin load order should be consistent in which of the models in the plugin records are chosen to be used in the game. In this case I see two issues with the load order: a bashed patch is often important in selecting the right models, and the load order does not include this. The details on how to create and use a bashed patch are in the guide; let us know if there are questions.the load order of the TWPC plugins is important. The userlist.yaml referenced in the guide helps somewhat when using LOOT to get eliminate problems due to load order issues. Let use know if you have problems with it.Here is the load order in my current profile. Note that I sometimes use this profile for testing as well as playing the game. [spoiler=CPD load order]Fallout3.esm Anchorage.esm ThePitt.esm StreetLights.esm BrokenSteel.esm PointLookout.esm Zeta.esm Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm CALIBR.esm 20th Century Weapons.esm Advanced Recon Tech.esm Point Lookout Reborn.esm Mart's Mutant Mod.esm ArefuExpandedByAzar.esm DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esm Mothership Crew.esm Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esm iHUD.esm Inventory Access.esm Vault 101 Revisited.esm RiversideCafe.esm WastelandGuards01.esm CRAFT.esm FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm Project Beauty.esm EVE.esm Detect Traps.esm aHUD.esm GeorgetownExpansion.esm RH_IRONSIGHTS.esm xCALIBR.esm Xepha's Dynamic Weather.esm Crowded Cities Redux.esm Project Beauty- Vault 101 Revisited.esp UF3P - Exotic Caravans.esm FortIndependenceRedesigned.esp The Mantis Imperative - Mantis.esp FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esp FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Broken Steel.esp WeaponModKits.esp WeaponModKits - FWE Master Release.esp 20th Century Weapons -Plus- Reborn FWE-WMK-Calibr14_V1_70RC_18668.esp EVE Grenade Explosion.esp Advanced Recon Range Finder.esp Advanced Recon Tech FWE.esp Advanced Recon Tech.esp MetroCars.esp ArlingtonRestoration.esp FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Anchorage.esp FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC The Pitt.esp FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Mothership Zeta.esp DC Moods.esp delaypl.esp UUF3P - FWE Patch.esp IMPACT.esp Blackened FWE + MMM + EVE + Project Beauty.esp Nat_Guard_Refurb.esp DCStreet - BS.esp Realistic Interior Lighting.esp MegatonClinicRefurb.esp WeaponModKits - BrokenSteel.esp Rivet City Realignment.esp Temple of the Union Overhaul.esp 20th Century Weapons -Plus- Reborn Cut Weapons.esp WeaponModKits - Zeta.esp overhead.esp WeaponModKits - OperationAnchorage.esp RH_WMK_Bridge.esp The Mantis Imperative - Jello.esp HeirApparent.esp The Pitt Moods.esp WeaponModKits - ThePitt.esp Laurens_Bathroom_poetry_V1.esp Confessor Cromwell has a Break_EV.esp DarNifiedUIF3.esp CALIBRv14 Ammunition Schematics for FWE-WMK-CRAFT-V1_3-18639.esp DelayAnchorage.esp Flora Overhaul.esp WeaponModKits - FWE Talon Loot Crash Fix.esp Another Interior Mod.esp PointLookout Moods.esp WeaponModKits - PointLookout.esp Blackened RH + FWE + EVE.esp tubRRCompound.esp lexx_brahmin-variant-Fo3.esp PLweightadjust.esp NotSoFast.esp ChopShopModv13.esp Billboard Camps.esp MoreMapMarkers.esp BBBackpacks-v1-1.esp Exeter-Type3-armor.esp Armor Repair Kits PL - FO3.esp MegatonLighting.esp UniqueWeaponsRetextured.esp PlasmaRifleAwesomefiedWMK.esp Fo3HirezdFlamer.esp Fo3HirezdMinigun.esp RH_FWE_Bridge.esp Assaultrifle_replacers_WMK+RH+FWE.esp BornAgain Outcast v3.esp BaileysCrossingMetro.esp BauPetSupplies.esp DecoShampooAndSoap.esp K9BreedsMoreDogs.esp Dragonskin Tactical Outfit.esp Advanced Recon Gear.esp Powered Power Armor.esp ZL-ACR.esp Better RC Church.esp DelaySteel.esp Detect Traps - The Traponator 4000.esp DragonskinBonusPack.esp DynamicCrosshair.esp Enhanced Weather - Weather Sounds in Interiors.esp Museum.esp Dree Perks.esp PotomacSteamworks.esp CanterburyCommonsInteriors.esp Brahmin Dairy Products.esp FeralGhoulTest.esp Flashlight-LOS.esp GlowingGhouls-MMM.esp GNR Enhanced.esp JIP Companions Command & Control.esp JIP Realistic Weapon Overheating.esp JIP Selective-Fire.esp K9Breeds.esp megalight.esp Millenia_AKS74U.esp ZL-MP5 Pack.esp PPA - Broken Steel.esp PPA - FWE.esp PPA - Mothership Zeta.esp PPA - Operation Anchorage.esp PPA - The Pitt.esp RagdollOverhaulFo3.esp Monticello Park.esp AutoGates.esp RubblePilesFix.esp Stimpak Counter.esp Tribal_DX.esp UrgeWashingtonBoS.esp Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Dynamic Sneak Bonus.esp bzBodySuits.esp Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Rain.esp Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Sandstorms.esp YearlingBooks.esp FWEAlienWorkBenchFix.esp Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Weather Machine (Vendor Added).esp WinterizedT51bDX.esp UniqueWeaponsRetexturedPITT.esp Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow in Fallout.esp Real Radiation Suit FO3.esp Headwraps Galore.esp (TWPC) PLR-UUF3P-ISS Patch.esp Boulevard of Broken Dreams.esp IntoTheDeepWoods.esp Existence 2.0.esp ArefuExpandedByAzar-Radio.esp Conelrad 640-1240.esp ZL-SVD-CALIBR.esp delayzeta.esp PLFewerItems.esp IntoTheDeepWoods-Forested Overhaul Patch.esp STDG.esp Some Audio Glitches Eliminated.esp Double barreled shotgun fix.esp RadioFix_FO3_BS.esp CouncilSeatFix.esp GilbertToys.esp Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Main + DLC Merged.esp (TWPC) DM-UUF3P-DW Patch.esp The Mantis Imperative - Nasty Zeta.esp ZL-MP5_fix.esp Bashed Patch, 0.esp (TWPC) BBB-UUF3P-FWE Patch.esp (TWPC) BRCC-PB Patch.esp (TWPC) BVR-FWE Patch.esp (TWPC) CMRP-FWE Patch.esp (TWPC) GE-UUF3P Patch.esp (TWPC) K9B-MMM-UUF3P-FWE Patch.esp (TWPC) RIL-UUF3P-DM Patch.esp (TWPC) RRE-PB-FWE Patch.esp (TWPC) TMI-FWE Patch.esp (TWPC) 20CWRECW-WMK-RIFWC-UUF3P-FWE Patch.esp (TWPC) BFO-MMM-EVE-UUF3P-FWE Patch.esp (TWPC) WD-DIFF3-UUF3P-FWE Patch.esp (TWPC) DIFF3-RI-EVE-MMM-WMK-PRA-F3HMG-F3HF-20CWRE-IMPACT-UUF3P-FWE Patch.esp CPD_Ingestible_Patch.esp
  3. When FO3 was released the ability to properly clean DLCs wasn't available. I have never had a problem when I cleaned then. There could potentially be problems when they are not cleaned depending on which mods are used. but I haven't seen anything definitive about cleaning or not cleaning other than issues with deleted navmesh records.
  4. This apparently doesn't fix the problem for all users, but it will be added to the guide since it does for some users.
  5. I haven't seen this problem with the laser rifle and I use "RH_IronSights FWE- WMK compatible" but I do have other patches after it. I'll look at it to see if I can find the problem.
  6. Mod Organizer includes Archive Invalidation Invalidated; you don't need to add it. FO3 stability when using recent Windows versions seems to vary across users, and I'm not sure what causes this. The FO3 mod packages aren't as well organized as those for more recent games, and this increases the time it takes to setup the game. ENB is showing RAM, not VRAM. The GTX 1070 Ti has 8Gb VRAM; more than enough for Fallout 3 even with lots of mods. I haven't seen the problem you describe myself, so it's hard for me to suggest possible fixes. What I usually do is have multiple Mod Organizer profiles, each one at a different level of mods installed. I start with seeing what happens when I load a save game with just the vanilla game, then I try it with profiles that have more mods. Your problem seems to be UI related, and you might want to try using profiles with different sets of UI mods loaded.
  7. I noticed that STEP Extended has a version of the STEP patches without this. The records in the patch that reference ELE can be eliminated from the patch. When the next version of the guide is prepared, which is already late, I'll look at what it takes to produce patches that don't use ELE.
  8. There are a lot of mods in REGS so there isn't always a simple answer. Most of the REGS mods are quest, locations, and cities mods, and these are usually installed after the Gameplay mods in STEP Extended. The mods that are related to STEP categories like Clothing and Equipment are generally installed along with the STEP Extended mods of the same category.
  9. I use some of these mods along with STEP Extended and REGS: Cloaks of Skyrim, Winter is Coming (using the WAF compatible versions), Apocalypse, Deadly Dragons. I have used also Immersive Patrols; I remove some portions since they create large battles that can overwhelm the game engine and leave too much loot on dead bodies. Several of Arthmoor's Villages are incompatible with ETaC which is an important part of REGS.
  10. You'll have to remember all the plugins to change from optional the next time you make a bashed patch, which can be fairly often if you change or update mods regularly.
  11. When you create or update the bashed patch there is a window that has a list of check boxes on the left (e.g., "Merge Patches"), and on the right part of the window there is often a another set of checkboxes for the individual plugins that will be included for each check box on the left that is checked. Make sure that the plugins you disabled are not still in the the window on the right for any plugin type in the left window that is checked.
  12. The Mod Organizer Guide, referenced in the CPD FO3 guide, includes .Net Framework version 3.5 as one of the prerequisites for Mod Organizer. The FO3 guide will be revised to add some of the material in the prerequisites section of the STEP MO Guide.
  13. I use the game without FSR, and yes it has noticeable stutter. I haven't heard of any solutions for those systems that crash when using FSR.
  14. If you are using Windows 10 and have the Creators Update then some users get crashes when using FSR (including me) and some don't (including GamerPoets).
  15. The compatibility patches do not provide Ironsights for all of the weapons. In addition, using Ironsights in some cases requires different graphic models (e.g., some of Millenia's weapons).
  16. Thanks for the tip. I didn't realize that 7-zip could do this.
  17. I used LOOT for the load order shown. The guide includes a custom userlist.yaml that affects the LOOT generated load order.
  18. Here is my current load order. It doesn't include plugins that are merged into the bashed patch.
  19. If CASM ends up being related to the problem it can affect the save games. Usually the main problem with crashes due to resource loading is when you first leave Vault 101, so if you have a save before that you might want to try it. I haven't had crash problems going from rivet city past the bandit camps, by the way.
  20. As I said, all or most of the TWPC patches should load after the bashed patch since they are not intended to be part of the bashed patch. They are intended to override the bashed patch, and to be loaded last as stated in large underlined red type on the Nexus page for the mod. A few can be included in the bashed patch, but you would need to check them to make sure that the bashed patch doesn't change what they provide. With as much RAM and VRAM as you have ENBoost is likely unnecessary, by the way. I have 16Gb RAM and >8Gb VRAM and I haven't been using it with FO3 lately.
  21. I've only seen infinite loading screen problems when there were resource usage problems. I've also only seen them at transitions from indoors to/from outdoors or cell transitions. How much RAM is being used before you startup Fallout, how much does Fallout add, and how much RAM and VRAM does your system include? A few comments on the load order: The (TWPC) plugins should typically be loaded after the bashed patch.MCGrass, MCRockTextures, and MCRubblePilesFix are part of the updated UHQ mod which is not part of the CPD guide since there are a few bugs in some of the plugin contents and in the textures/meshes. It still needs some additional work before it can be used.I have a lot of problems with crashes when I use CASM so I don't include it in my FO3 game. I assume you also already disabled all the autosaves in the FO3 game.New Vegas typically has much worse infinite loading screen problems than FO3 because it can't handle as many plugins as FO3. Have you looked through the NVAC log to see if it has any clues on what is happening?
  22. I've seen this occasionally, but not as often as you mention. Have you been able to relate this to periods of high RAM or VRAM use?
  23. How much of the RAM is being used by processes other than Fallout 3 including the OS? How much RAM does your system have? On my system Fallout 3 by itself (see the memory display in the Task Manager) uses 1-2Gb RAM. This does not include any RAM used by the OS or other applications that are running in the background or foreground. If you use ENBoost the RAM use could be higher.
  24. I don't have any tips on this since I haven't done it in my FO3 games, and I don't remember seeing any posts elsewhere about this.
  25. That sounds great. With your changes Millenias weapons can be used as good vanilla replacers. Are you having to change the models (meshes) in order to do this? When it's finished I can make a small patch to allow mods like Impact to work with these weapons.
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