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Everything posted by Kelmych

  1. Red exclamation marks indicate missing models (meshes) and purple items indicate missing textures. You are missing some mesh file(s) that a plug-in is expecting. As mentioned above, make sure the mod installations are complete.
  2. I’lol look at this tonight; perhaps other forum users have seen this.
  3. Great and thanks for checking these out. They will be added to the guide shortly. I'll add a post to the guide thread about this and a few other mods I have been following.
  4. I previously looked at several of them but I wasn't sure they were useful and hadn't had time to test them. There wasn't enough detail in the comment posts to be sure they were. They all look like good candidates for the guide and I don't think they are in the Unofficial Fallout 3 patch.
  5. I don't know whether it is desirable or not; I haven't seen it mentioned before. Removing deleted navmesh records can only be done with the Creation Kit so it is generally difficult to do and most users don't remove them. There has been some discussion on the STEP forums about how to remove them, by the way.
  6. It looks like the FOMOD for the 14.2.10 update isn't working properly. I don't see anything obviously wrong in the FOMOD script file but the guide needs to be changed to directly install the updated files vs. using the FOMOD. Yes, the small Solstheim update should be included. I need to check the Karthwasten update to see if it is needed.
  7. The ETaC modular patch version number and the ETaC nodular update version number don't need to be the same; ETaC didn't always keep these in lock step. What is important is that they are the most recent versions, and that update files (for the settlement files) were used with the correct base settlement files. This is fairly straightforward since there is one set each of base settlement files and patches, and one update file for the settlements. The terms of use of files on Nexus does not allow us to host any files that are taken from Nexus. We can create patches, but even there if we want to provide them on Nexus we need to get permissions from some of the mod authors or maintainers such as the ETaC mod maintainer (Nazeen). Ideally we would get permission to provide a merged version of the subset of settlements and associated patches that are used in REGS. I haven't asked for such permission yet and I'm not sure what their reaction would be since about 1/3 of the settlements are removed.
  8. It might be useful to check the files that the 14.2.10 update FOMOD installed to make sure it provided the correct files. If you open the update file in 7zip you will see a number of folders. The FOMOD should have installed the contents of "02 Morthal - No inn", "02 Dawnstar - No inn", and "02 Dragon Bridge South" into the folder with the modular ETaC settlements with the updated plugins replacing the older ones.. Check the sizes of the plugins in those folders against those of the "ETaC - Morthal.esp", "ETaC - Dawnstar.esp" files that you used when merging the modular settlement files into the "ETaC - Complete.esp". Also check that the "ETaC - Dragon Bridge South.esp" plugin you are using is the same as the one in the folder mentioned above.
  9. Many of the mods in the guide don't add resources in plugin records that overwrite vanilla resources, so these don't need bash tags. I used the Generate Bash Tags scripts on some of the mods in the guide and then examined the results in FO3Edit. I added the bash tags for these mods to the userlist.yaml file I created for the Fallout 3 guide available here. It would certainly be good to look at creating tags for more of the mods in the guide, but this hasn't been done yet. Note that the weapon and other patches that are part of TWPC and the plugins they patch don’t need bash tags since the TWPC patches load after the bashed patch.
  10. With ETaC DynDOLOD recomputes the LOD based on what is present in a town/settlement (as noted in the DynDOLOD documentation), but note that DynDOLOD only works with large items. It never looks at small floating items. Since REGS uses the modular version of ETaC so you can always eliminate any individual updated settlement such as Dawnstar and/or Morthal during the installation of ETaC. For each settlement it's all or nothing; you get the full vanilla settlement or the full ETaC version of the settlement.
  11. The patches for ETaC have not always been updated for the latest ETaC changes, so there can be floating items. There is no current development effort on ETaC, so the developers themself are not updating the patches. When CJ was working on REGS he was updating some of the ETaC patches for problems like this, but I am unable to use the Creation Kit to make such changes myself. It would be great if someone would make these changes, but I don't know who would be willing to do it. None of these small errors can affect the ETaC LOD, so I can't see how they can cause any DynDOLOD errors by the way. I have never had a CTD in Morthal with the mods I am using including all of the REGS location mods and DynDOLOD.
  12. Items inside towns - even floating lanterns - do not have LOD meshes/textures so they shouldn't have any effect on DynDOLOD. DynDOLOD does add a lot of GPU and VRAM load so it can increase existing resource usage problems that might otherwise not be problematic. I have had this happen myself; during one game I couldn't exit from Nightcrawler Temple unless I disabled DynDOLOD. You might want to try temporarily disabling a few other resource intensive mods, particularly ones that do have LOD, and see if you still have the problem.
  13. Some places have a few floating lanterns with ETaC. I am using most of the REGS mods in the guide wtih DynDOLOD (I use all the location mods and only use a few of the quest mods and I don't use Interesting NPCs myself) and I don't have any CTDs. I have not found things like floating lanterns to cause CTDs. If you are already close to the VRAM limit when in Morthal then leaving off DynDOLOD can reduce or eliminate CTDs simply because it reduces GPU load and VRAM usage. This does NOT mean there is a problem with ETaC, it more likely means that the mods you are using create too high a GPU and/or VRAM load. I had problems in several locations with the profile I was using that included REGS locations until I upgraded my graphics card. Have you used GPUZ or Skyrim Performance Monitor to look into the problem you are having?
  14. I'll look at it and see, and if you find anything that should be changed or added to the guide let us know. Thanks.
  15. We don't usually recommend a merged patch. Like a bashed patch from Wrye Bash it can merge some levelled lists, but for conflicting records it just chooses the one from a plugin with higher load order. The bashed patch can accept tags which can provide more selective merging, but it does require more setup (adding bashed tags) to provide this and is more complex to run. Bash tags are often available in LOOT for popular mods.
  16. As pointed out in a number of posts on the STEP guide topics, the MO warning about load order should be ignored for the STEP packs and guides. Determining load order is a lot more complex than just looking at script dates, and the pack/guide authors have already looked at this and other factors.
  17. The guide includes weapon mods that aren't compatible; users can choose which ones they use. It tries to provide some guidance on what is likely to be compatible and incompatible. If you are familiar enough with xEdit (FO3Edit) you can examine the plugins and identify the compatibility problems.
  18. As mentioned in the guide, compatibility across multiple weapon mods is difficult to achieve. The guide list some possible choices and patches, but since plugins are involved the guide doesn't (and can't) provide a list of compatibilities across all the possible weapon mods. Your posts don't show all the weapon mods and patches you are using; it would be helpful if you provide this (please put it inside spoiler tags). I don't personally use these two mods in my primary FO3 MO profile since they aren't compatible with some other weapon mods I happen to use.
  19. One set of script problems does involve spamming the papyrus script logs, but these script errors usually involve CTDs at some point. Did you try using player.dispelallspells in the console; sometime this works? The sovengard glow bug is similar and searching for posts on it with google might lead you to a solution for your problem. The Nexus thread on "TUTORIAL: REMOVING UNWANTED MAGIC EFFECTS FROM THE PLAYER" might have some ideas.
  20. There have been comments on similar problems for a long time when a magic script “sticks†to a character. The best known is the LvlPredatorScript problem (which was fixed a while ago) but there are other similar problems that have seen mentioned once in a while. It is a save game problem (an engine problem) not a mod problem. I don’t remember exactly where I found a solution when I had a related problem.
  21. Update.esm is first
  22. Handling navmesh incompatibilities with ICAIO varies with the location of the navmesh. Look at the ICAIO "Modifications Overview" table here. It has a list of what level of script changes ICAIO makes in different locations. I would be wary of overwriting any ICAIO navmeshes in places that have a green font such as Whiterun (especially Whiterun); this could affect the behavior of a lot of NPCs. One location you mentioned (000FC127) is in Windhelm Docks. You might be OK in using the 3DNPC navmeshes there. You could of course run a test at each affected location by going to that location and watching what happens for a day: waiting for an hour and then seeing if there are any problems and then waiting for another hour, etc. I've done this for a few of the mods in REGS and there are some mods that haven't been added since I haven't gotten to doing this (e.g., Arthmoor's Darkwater Crossing). In my game I have ignored some navmesh conflicts between mods (these didn't happen to be with ICAIO) and often found they didn't cause any significant problems.
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