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Everything posted by Kelmych

  1. xcopy.exe is located in C:\Windows\system32 . Run "cmd" without the quotes at the run command, then type "path" (no quotes) and then enter. You will see several lines of text showing all of the system directories that are automatically searched when you enter a command in the command window (these are the entries in the PATH environment variable). You should see C:\Windows\system32 on one of the lines. I'm assuming you are a system administrator when running the batch command. If there are no problems with xcopy and the PATH variable then there might be a permission problem of some sort.
  2. Discussion thread: Elemental Staffs by Carnage2K4 Wiki Link This mod has been out around a few months, but I didn't find it discussed when I searched through this forum. Elemental Staffs provides high resolution (1K through 4K) textures for mage staffs; the textures are different for the different underlying magic type. I usually play a mage character, and I find the vanilla staffs fairly boring. I particularly like the looks of the storm/lightening staff. A few months ago this mod was in at least one of the lists of recommended mods. It hasn't been updated since April but the author is somewhat active on Nexus.
  3. I also like the description of the texture selection criteria. For this group it is likely fairly obvious, but it seems to me like a useful summary of some of the important issues.
  4. The STEP guides on the Wiki mention both Steam Mover and Game Save Manager. If I'm using SIS to select among different configurations of Skyrim, which one of these is better to allow me to change the Skyrim directory back and forth between my Game directory on a hard drive and a much smaller Game directory on C: (which for me is on an SSD)?
  5. SIS - Skyrim Installation Swapper allows creating and swapping among up to 10 game "profiles". Each profile includes game and Wrye Bash configurations.
  6. What I liked most was that the smelter itself was more realistic and thus lore friendly. The author has another download with just the mesh to use with other textures, although I also find the new higher resolution textures better than the vanilla ones.
  7. I posted this primarily because of the work the author did to try selecting good textures, and I'm interested in the views of the readers of this forum on these choices since they have a lot of expertise in evaluating textures. If I were going to do this task myself I would certainly use the tool posted by Frihlyand as it would undoubtedly save time. Even then, however, I'd sometimes like to have a screen with the delta picture as z929669 showed when comparing tree fullness in the DDSopt thread.
  8. Ftoppka Realistic Smelter provides a new mesh with a better model of a smelter, and new high res textures for the smelter and the charcoal used by the smelter. I think it looks better and more realistic than the vanilla smelter. It's a small mod with 1 mesh and 4 textures. I haven't seem anything similar in the STEP guide; of course I don't know how the STEP community feels about mods that change the shape of a vanilla object as large as a smelter.
  9. Texture Pack Combiner by Cestral provides a batch file that generates a texture folder which individually selects textures from 3 different texture sources. Two of them, Skyrim Realistic Overhaul and Skyrim HD - 2K textures, are already used in STEP. The third, Serious HD Retexture Skyrim, is not used by STEP. It uses a lot more SRO textures (vs. Skyrim HD - 2K textures) than the STEP recommendations, and uses a few textures from Serious HD Retexture Skyrim.
  10. Like mightyusaid, I prefer the variety of bottles that Radiant Potions and Poisons HD and Unique Booze Bottles HD bring. The cost is two extra esp files so it isn't all for the better when compared to the SLOD bottles, but these bottles are one of the most noticeable items in the game since there are so many of them.
  11. A significant update was released on June 30. I've been using it and I find it quite useful as it handles the Wrye Bash settings along with the Skyrim settings and data.
  12. Several days ago Arthmoor published Open Cities Skyrim - No Gates with no comments or details, perhaps because he doesn't like the gates either. I don't understand why Open Cities included these gates.
  13. I like the newer Categorized Favorites Menu Config - Extreme Compatibility - SkyRe support and more which is based on the mod you mentioned. This configuration, for me at least, has at least two changes I like: - it adds back the equipment configurations ( I never understood why they were removed from the original configuration file in Categorized Favorites Menu Config - Extreme Compatibility), - it separates abilities and powers from magic.
  14. I've been using the non-glowing version and I like that it provides some interesting differences among potion types. I was using the SLOD ceramic potions and poisons but I like this one better. I agree with the previous comments on the glowing bottle version; it was too much.
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