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Everything posted by Kelmych

  1. This problem with head/body texture mismatch has come up multiple times in these FO3 forums, especially with the example of Colin Moriarty. I haven't seen a good solution when Project Beauty (Fallout Redesigned) is used. I keep hoping that someone will find the answer.
  2. That's great. It will be good to have this support for Millenia's weapons. At the same time, my biggest issue with FO3 weapons is that almost every weapons mod author chose to modify the vanilla weapons rather than create their weapons as standalone; this would have required adding the weapons to the appropriate levelled lists for NPC and store inventory but to me that is a small price to pay. If Millenia's weapons are used then many other choices in weapons aren't always available including features like RH_Ironsights (which I think adds a lot of immersion; it was put into the game engine for FNV)
  3. Few if any users on STEP are using the Arwen mods you chose, so most forum users won't be able to comment on your problems. Have you tried using the game without them, but including any fix mods like NVAC?
  4. Thanks for the update. I looked at some of the Punga records but couldn't see where the Point Lookout Reborn records/scripts were overriding. This will be added to the guide. By the way, although the In the Shadow of the Swamp text says that the alternate Punga fruit happens 10-15% of the time, in a playthrough without PLR the frequency of the altered (mutated, poisonous) fruit was unfortunately much lower than this.
  5. It's fixed. It was hidden for a while while determining which plugin records to disable.
  6. For some users of Win 10 Creator’s Update, Fallout Stutter Remover causes frequent crashes while others have no issues with it.
  7. Yes, the rendered Terminal recommendations were removed since they caused problems for some users. There are some old posts on this in the FO3 part of the forum.
  8. I don't see a bashed patch in your load order. You should have one, it provides useful capabilities including incorporating and eliminating 21 of the plugins you have, by the way. I'd suggest leaving out Powered Power Armor because of the problems I and others have with it (see the guide). Merging DLC plugins for several mods would remove another 10-20 plugins. There are more suggestions in the guide.
  9. Mods with new FormIDs can be merged; you just need to make sure the last six hex values of the FormIDs aren’t the same in two or more mods. The clothing and K9 mods might have no problems when merging; they probably don’t. My point is that there are some other candidate plugins that might be easier to merge.
  10. I wouldn't suggest merging any of the clothing mod plugins or the K9 plugins since they add new FormIDs. The guide has an updated list of merge possibilities. Do you have a list of the 225 plugins you need to merge, excluding of course any that Wrye Flash will merge into the bashed patch and disable.
  11. There is a list of potential merge suggestions in the guide; more will be added soon. I’ll try to add a few more when fixing the overwrite. There are several approaches that STEP forum users have used for this. I like to leave primary ESP plugins alone since LOOT uses checksums on plugins to determine which plugins are clean. I try to avoid merging plugins with Navmesh records; it’s a bit tricky to merge these if more than one plugin has these records. Merging some of the small fix plugins is usually fairly easy (the Fallout NV guide does a lot of these merges, for example) as long as they are patches and don't add new FormIDs. In my game I have around 180-190 plugins after running Wrye Flash so I haven’t done much merging. I don’t use all the mods in the guide, although I have tested almost all of them. You are using Wrye Flash to create a bashed patch I assume, and Wrye Flash will disable a lot of plugins since they get incorporated into the bashed patch. These mergable plugins have green text in Wrye Flash. I see some plugins in your list that can be merged and disabled by Wrye Flash.
  12. Sorry. I’ll fix it when I get home tonight; I keep a copy of what I am editing on my PC. Meanwhile you can see previous versions using the History.
  13. These types of problems require editing with the CK and I'm not as knowledgeable as CJ was in doing these fixes.
  14. Some updates were made to the guide to address all of the above questions. If there are still questions let us know.
  15. Problems with that part of the UI are usually related to the configuration of DarNUI in the xml files. DarNUI also has a configuration menu in the game. for setting some parameters. I'm not sure what causes the specific problem you are seeing. Are you using the DarNUI settings from Fallout My Way? If so it might be related to that.
  16. The best approach is to open xEdit, select all plugins (just hit OK). Once xEdit is loaded expand 32S&W.esp, expand Weapon, and look at the .32 pistol object. You can then see which mods change records for this weapon that overwrite those in 32S&W, particularly records that change the model.
  17. Not specifically but, but as mentioned in the guide, whenever Millenia mods are used some other mods that affect the same weapons cannot be used. Weapon mods in FO3 for individual weapons all too often made changes to vanilla weapons since it is simpler vs. doing the more complicated but safer approach of making a new weapon. The guide includes weapon mods from several excellent mod creators since different users prefer different weapon mod collections, but as the guide mentions there are significant compatibility problems and many of these cannot be fixed with patches. It's not feasible for the guide to include a matrix of exactly which weapon mods are compatible. Instead there are groupings of mods in subcategories such as Millenia's Weapon Retextures, and the implication is that whenever a mod(s) from a subcategory is used the user needs to make sure that they work with other mods selected by a user from other subcategories (as mentioned in the preamble for the Do You Feel Lucky section). For the Millenia weapons in particular it would be great if someone took the current mods using the weapons and built a mod that instead provides these as new weapons. This would require some extra records in the new mod to add the weapons to vendor inventories and NPCs as appropriate. Obviously this would also require permission from Millenia.
  18. 1. In the SkyUI MCM, Advanced tab turn off Map Menu under SWF Version Checking. This will eliminate the error message. 2 & 3 I'm not sure exactly what causes problems 2 and 3. It's possible that mod updates introduce problems like these. I'll check these and see what I can find. Problems like these are not unusual in location mods since several mods/patches could interact.
  19. As mentioned in the guide, you need to be very careful whenever changing which mods are active in the initial UI section, especially Darnified UI. You need to understand how UIO works if you want the menus to work properly after making changes. Darnified UI for FWE is intentionally the last UI mod that changes Menus\main\hud_main_menu.xml before UIO is installed.
  20. I don't use compatibility mode either. Several users have reported the problem, but I have no idea why some users find problems when their plugin count exceeds some seemingly arbitrary value.
  21. Disabling a core mod like FWE can cause a lot of other problems, particularly in gameplay and balance. For the CASM problem you might need to revert to a save before the problem occurred and then remove CASM.
  22. There are multiple threads in the Support section on problems with the number of plugins that a few users have had. I don't have this problem myself so its hard for me to recommend solutions.
  23. I use NVAC, Darnified UI, UIO and (until the Fall Creators Update of Win 10) FSR. I don't have a plugin limit problem. For those that do have this problem the Merge Plugins utility can be used to reduce the number of plugins. The FO3 guide will add some material on merging including recommendations on what to merge. By the way, proper use of the forums is to post a problem or issue in only one thread. For your problem this is the proper place. The General Feedback thread is about questions and issues with the guide, not with FO3 itself or mods unless there are issues with the guide material on these.
  24. The new version of ETaC is being developed to run on both Skyrim and SSE. It will include less than the current version, so Skyrim users may prefer to use the original version. There is no guarantee that the new version will be fully ICAIO compatible. Currently only a few towns have been developed in the new version and it will be a while before it is complete. Once the new version is complete it will be interesting to see whether they be mixed with some towns using new versions and some using the old versions; many of the original ETaC towns don't affect ICAIO compatibility.
  25. One of the key goal of the additions made last year has been to make REGS compatible with the Immersive Citizens AI Overhaul (ICAIO) mod included in STEP. Unfortunately this has added complexity to the installation process, primarily because of the need to eliminate portions of the Expanded towns and Villages mod. Some merge instructions were also added since the plugin count wold otherwise be potentially too high for many users, and these are also a little complicated.
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