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Everything posted by Kelmych

  1. I fixed the FOMOD for ICAIO. Thanks for mentioning this.
  2. An updated version of the REGS Pack is now available, and it will again be evolving and maintained. For this update the guide was brought up to date and only a few mods were added or removed. There have been many changes and additions to mods relevant to REGS since the last time the guide was updated, so can we now continue the discussions on mods for the guide. I want to particularly thank CJ2311 for all the work he has done n creating and evolving the guide, and also for all the work that most of us never saw that he did in creating complex patches with the Creation Kit and helping the mod authors whose mods appeared in the REGS guide. I was quite pleased that he recently gave me permission to update and maintain the REGS guide.
  3. It sounds like there is a problem with the installed MO. Is MO or the game installed in a UAC Directory? Have you been able to use MO with any other Bethesda games?
  4. Did you try starting FO3 using the vanilla Fallout Launcher through MO?
  5. Immediate failures when starting FOSE usually happen because there is a missing plugin file or the ini configuration or dll files in the the SKSE folder have an error. Does this happen when you are just using the vanilla FO3 files? It can also be caused by bad ini files in the profile folder. Did you use BethINI to create the INI files?
  6. The records from the FarmhouseChimneysCRF.esp patch plugin don't seem to be included in the STEP Extended patch (from STEP Compilation 2.10a) even though the Farmhouse Chimneys wiki page says they are.
  7. All of the variants of xEdit including TES5Edit and FO4Edit are the same; they can be renamed to the appropriate version for the game or used in Mod Organizer with an argument indicating which game it is being used for. For a long time the updates were posted only to the FO4 Nexus; it seems like this is no longer true.
  8. I saw this in the SRLE LOTD and felt it should also be in other STEP guides. Fortunately it's fairly easy to test; it works for me at least. I hope more mods with long SkyUI menus add FISS interfaces so the FISS files can be provided for users to simplify configuring the mods used. Thanks for noticing it Nebulous112.
  9. I'll add a new Mods topic for the Grimy plugin since it is a separate mod.
  10. I used this mod with a new game start and it worked well. I also liked the additions the mod added.
  11. Now that we added the FISS mod to the STEP guide, we should add three optional files from the SkyTweak mod to the STEP Guide to provide FISS interfaces for three of the mods in the STEP Guide. These optional files are "Preset Patch- iHUD", "Preset Patch- MoreHUD", and "Preset Patch- SkyUI". The Grimy Plugin mod will also be needed; it provides an SKSE plugin that extends SKSE and enables simpler interfaces from mods to FISS. The Grimy Plugin and the three optional files from SkyTweak are already in the SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn guide, by the way.
  12. The wasteland patches are intended to be loaded after the bashed patch and to override the bashed patch, versus being merged into the bashed patch. They don't need to be merged unless there are issues with plugin count.
  13. The user in this recent post suggested having mixed results with this fix, while another older post found changing the value to 0 helped. In any case some comments about it can be added to the FO3 guide. Let us know how this change works out.
  14. Thanks. I also used them a while ago and I didn't have any problems then, but recently I had the problems I mentioned.
  15. Last November Astakos reported having a problem when using DynDOLOD with three mods that extend beyond the "borders" of Tamriel: Nyhus and the Border of Cyrodiil Folkstead and the Border of Hammerfell Haafstad and the Border of High Rock I tried running the current DynDOLOD with the most recent versions of the plugins for these mods in my load order. When the Haafstad plugin was enabled DynDOLOD froze during creation of atlases before any logs were written even when I only selected the Tamriel world. I removed that plugin and reran DynDOLOD and it got an "Exception in unit userscript line 322: List index out of bounds (-1)" error when it was processing the plugin from Folkstead; this time there was a log created. I removed all 3 plugins and reran DynDOLOD and it ran without any problems.
  16. Most mods don't have MCM menus; they need to include some SkyUI interfaces to support this. Do you have mods that should have SkyUI menus and mention this on their Nexus page but don't seem to have SkyUI menus?
  17. Exiting buildings and areas are stressful on the game engine. Are auto saves disabled and do you limit any fast travel to interior spaces such as Megaton (vs. the area outside near the Megaton gate)? Have you checked the CPU usage, RAM usage, GPU usage, and VRAM usage to make sure that you are not close to exceeding the limits? Random crashes are hard to diagnose and the engine itself is the cause of some of these. Mod conflicts are not the usual cause of these.
  18. I'm sad that it's time for you to leave the Fear & Loathing guide behind. You created the first non-Skyrim guide for STEP, starting STEP onto the path of creating guides for all the major Bethesda RPG games, as well as other significant RPG games. I particularly enjoyed the whimsical comments; the first guide I ever saw that did this. Whimsy was a critical part of Fallout 1 and 2 lore, and you found a way to continue this important aspect of the Fallout series by weaving it into your Fallout guide. The FNV guide also had a fairly unique (compared to previous FNV mod selection guides) theme of trying to remain lore friendly when selecting mods while still greatly improving the fun of playing the game. "Imitation is the sincerest form of Flattery" of course, and the Fallout 3 guide style (including whimsy) is heavily based on your FNV guide style. With the history of creativity from your previous efforts I look forward to the directions you choose for new modding related efforts here on STEP.
  19. Did you check the computer and graphic card usage? How many plugins can you run before having a problem?
  20. Fiss doesn't need specific installation instructions since it should be installed by Mod Organizer in the ordinary way. Instructions on Nexus pages are often aimed at users who are not using a mod manager. You should remove the files that were added by manual installation and then install it with Mod Organizer.
  21. Those comments are based on another user's observations since I haven't used it the room as mentioned above. There is a gnome quest in DC Interiors, and possibly the gnomes can be stored in that room.
  22. It would be good to have a compatibility solution for these two mods. It would also be good to add it to the guide. Putting it on Nexus would give it a wider distribution. You might want to check with the author of room with a view before putting it on Nexus. I have some small compability mods for this guide that I provide and when I finish them I will likely put them there.
  23. The lack of wear is particularly noticeable with all the belts and straps, but it is also present to a lesser extent on the rest of the armor.
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