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Everything posted by Kelmych

  1. By the way, the next time you edit the Deleveled Loot pack you might want to change the notes about the REGS pack since it is active again. I haven't looked at your old patches for REGS yet or the compatibility of this pack with the updated REGS. I'll also look at this soon; at first glance I didn't see any obvious issues. The REGS guide will reference your Relighting Skyrim - RRRE compatibility editing for RS as well as the recommended removals from RS for other mods in REGS since these are clearly needed, especially since REGS is trying to maintain compatibility with STEP Extended.
  2. The updated REGS removes mods for a few locations where ICAIO has extensive scripting, but most of the ETaC locations are intact. The "basic" scripting level in the current ICAIO is supposed to be compatible with almost everything, and currently most locations still have "basic" level scripting. Whistling Mine is an issue for discussion since it has full ICAIO scripting, but there is very little content in the vanilla Whistling Mine. Arthmoor's Whistling Mine is supposed to be ICAIO compatible (based on the ICAIO compatibility page), but I don't know what this means since the mod includes a lot of scripting for the NPCs and adds some buildings.
  3. Now that the guide is active again it's time for discussions on what should be added or removed. Some enhancement mods have been added, but little has been done with the location mods other than some editing to improve compatibility with Immersive Citizens AI Overhaul (ICAIO). A REGS mod spreadsheet is now available on Google Docs here. It includes mods that have been recommended in this thread over the past few years plus a few recent mods that seem relevant. The location section is organized by locations, with one or more rows per location. It shows which mods currently in REGS and those that have been recommended provide content for which locations. One of the discussion questions is how much coverage of these locations should be included in REGS. Currently REGS covers most of the vanilla locations, but there are still some for which location mods could be added. The spreadsheet shows which locations are covered by ICAIO and the extent of the coverage. The main focus of nearterm efforts will be on location mods. The second tab includes other recommendations to be addressed later that have been made for possible inclusion in REGS. There are a lot of quest mods of course. Comments on this topic and suggested additions (or removals) to the spreadsheet are encouraged.
  4. No. The game engine takes care of this once it is entered since it tied to the plugin name.
  5. The Null reference can be replaced by the VividStrongSnowEffect xx000D66. There are a lot of other differences between the Vivid Weathers SkyrimStormSnow record and the STEP Etended Record; you might (or might not) want to copy these over to the STEP Extended Patch, in any case leaving the SNAM - Sound records in Step Extended patch alone.
  6. You need to change thje master file to Vivid Weathers.esp first as I described previously. There is also a description of how to do this in the REGS Merge guide.
  7. The answer I provided was incomplete. "Vivid Weathers" includes even more effects than "Vividian - Extended Weathers", but to switch STEP Extended to use "Vivid Weathers" vs. "Vividian - Extended Weathers" a small edit must be made. After changing the master file name to "Vivid Weathers" open TES5Edit selecting only STEP Extended Patch.esp. In the FormID box in the upper left of TES5Edit enter "000C8221" then enter. STEP Extended will not have the correct "NNAM - Visual Effect" object. Right click this object, select "Edit" and enter "xx000D66" where xx is the plugin ID of "Vivid Weathers". The LOTX object should also be copied from "Vivid Weathers" to the "STEP Extended Patch". Close TES5Edit and save the plugin.
  8. Using teleport is fine for testing but should never be used in a game that is going to be continued. This can break a lot of scripts; it might not be the cause of all of the problems you describe but it could be related. If you want a particular outfit you can use the console commands (e.g., player.additem) to get it without needing to teleport. Console commands for adding items shouldn't break the game. You could post the details of game setup to support other forum users help get you debugging information. This would include mod list and plugin list; enclose these in spoiler tags so they don't take up as much space. However, the behavior you describe is very unusual and I'm not sure many other users will have seen it. Using DDSopt should not have caused any of the problems you mention. Did you use it to reduce texture sizes or just to clean textures? MO can handle a very large set of textures without any problems; Skyrim has a lot more textures than Fallout 3 for example.
  9. I am currently compiling the suggestions made over the past few years in the REGS discussions and building a spreadsheet for the mods covering existing locations such as the cities, towns, settlement, mines, etc that are supported by Immersive Citizens AI Overhaul, the vanilla locations that are not covered by ICAIO, new Skyrim or Solstheim locations, and new lands. I'm hoping this can be used to have some interesting discussions on what make sense to add or possibly remove from the guide. If there are other mods that should also be included let us know. Suggestions for mods that are primarily quest mods are also being compiled, but the spreadsheet won't include these yet. So many of these have been suggested for addition or removal that it is hard to have good discussions since typically few of us have used any particular mod. Choices of which enhancement mods to use are often highly dependent on each user's interests. A few of these that I have used (so their capabilities and limitations are understood) and find quite useful will be added as optional mods. All of the ones added to the REGS guide will be compatible with full ICAIO functionality.
  10. I realize the questions I asked were about unusual cases vs. what happens most of the time. I just wanted to use these examples to get a better understanding of how Mod Picker works. I wasn't expecting the current MP to be able to handle all of these situations. Thanks for the answers, they were very helpful.
  11. I did some more testing and it looks like the master names can be changed in TES5Edit. Open TES5Edit selecting only the STEP Extended Patch. Select the File record and change Vividian - Extended Weathers to Vivid Weathers, then exit TES5Edit saving the plugin. It seems to be OK when doing this.
  12. Make sure both "Vivid Weathers.esp" and "Vividian - Extended Weathers.esp" are in the load order. Open WB and select the "STEP Extended Patch.esp". On the right side of Wrye Bash you should see what is shown in this image . Note that "Vividian - Extended Weathers.esp" is highlighted; it might be in a different place in the load order on your system. Using the cursor select this name until you can change it and then change it to "Vivid Weathers.esp". The right side of WB will then look like this image with "Vivid Weathers.esp" now in the list of master files. Then click the save button in the lower right of this image.
  13. In Wrye Bash in the window that includes the list of master files, click on the master plugin name you want to change several times until the name is highlighted. Then type in the new name. TES5Edit does not have a similar capability to simply change the name of a master file, at least one I am aware of. There is a USLEEP master reference change script, but this is only for USLEEP. If you want to do this in TES5Edit it is much more complicated. You would need to have both the old and new master plugin active. Open TES5Edit selecting only the mod to be edited and the new master file. The use the "Report Masters" script, selecting only the old master plugin name in the UI box that comes up, to identify all the records in the plugin that include the old master plugin. Then every instance in a record with a reference to the old master would need to be edited to instead use the comparable reference in the new master. When this is all done running "Clean Masters" on the plugin should remove the old master and add the new one.
  14. I wasn't familiar with NVLA. It looks quite interesting; I'll start playing with it.
  15. No, I meant what was written. Currently the master file is "Vividian - Extended Weathers.esp". Since Vivid Weathers is going to be the new master file, the name of the master file in the Wrye Bash list of master files is changed from "Vividian - Extended Weathers.esp" to "Vivid Weathers.esp". The name of the plugin itself isn't changed, but the name of the master file is changed. After doing this the STEP Extended patch will use Vivid Weathers as a master file, which will work properly since it includes the necessary record.
  16. There is only one record in the STEP Extended patch affected by Vividian - Extended Weathers. Do the mods you mentioned Tech replace the need for Vivid Weathers?
  17. Vivid Weathers includes the records in Vividian - Extended Weathers. You can use Wrye Bash to change the master file for the Step Extended patch plugin to use Vivid Weathers. Highlight the STEP Extended patch in Wrye Bash and in the right center window you will see the list of masters. Click on Vividian - Extended Weathers.esp, change the name to Vivid Weathers.esp, and then hit save.
  18. If you are using Mod Organizer it should quite easy. If you look in the right pane of MO that includes the plugin list you will see an error symbol next to any plugins with missing masters.
  19. Having just done the initial update of the REGS guide, I have some questions about Mod Picker.; some of these might be about features that wouldn't be implemented or considered for a long time. They might have been answered previously; I did read all the posts but I could have missed something. 1. Different packs may need different installed versions of a mod. Since all of the mods are in MO I usually add a pack name at the end of the mod name (e.g., " - STEP") to indicate which version it is. Does Mod Picker support this or some other (and perhaps better) way to have different versions of a mod or is it at least indifferent to it? 2. I saw comments about creating Fomods. I was wondering how these would be created? Will there be a tool with UI input that allows creating or editing of Fomods; as one example supporting an "install for the xxx pack" option? 3. When installing mods that include portions that will be merged (usually patch plugins but sometimes also resources) the installation might need to be different than the standard install if the patch plugins need to be put into a separate mod. Merge Plugins supports copying resources, but it doesn't seem to support making this selective by plugin. Often a patch plugin that will be merged is part of an overall mod that includes multiple plugins and resources, but typically only the patch plugins are merged. The merge in the REGS guide for "Interesting NPCs" is an example of this. It includes some patch plugins and a mod with both plugins and resources. The patch plugins were in most cases initially located along with the rest of a mod. 4. Dreadfloop gave an example of edits to "Relighting Skyrim" for using xEdit to edit a source plugin vs. creating a patch that included only vanilla records to override onea in RS. With location mods it isn't an either/or situation. There are several examples in the REGS guide of using xEdit to remove sets of records associated with a particular location. I am not aware of any other relatively straightforward way to do this.
  20. The updated REGS guide now includes an indicator in the mod description to show which mods are also available on SSE, by the way. It's not intended as a mini-guide since the mods that need SKSE are such an important part of the guide.
  21. I got busy for a while, but I now have a Mod Picker account. As of a few weeks ago I am the pack author for two packs (one Skyrim and one Fallout 3).
  22. It will be added to the list in the guide of overlays that cause problems with the Bethesda game engine and/or MO. Sorry it took so long to find it.
  23. Thanks for the support. I'm looking to forward to your comments and discussions as we look at possible additions and changes.
  24. The updated FOMOD instructions for ICAIO were already in REGS so it was easy to copy them and then edit the one item that needed change.
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