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Everything posted by TehKaoZ

  1. Update: re-tested using True Storms and a different area. It appears you are right about it not really doing anything. Occlusion was the same whether I set it to 0 or 1. I thought it was just odd because it affects the launcher option. I do have bPrecipitationOcclusion=1 however.
  2. For me the setting is placed inside Fallout4Pref.ini under the [Display] uPipboyTargetHeight=700 uPipboyTargetWidth=876 bEnableRainOcclusion=1 iAdapter=0 iTexMipMapSkip=0 toggling on or off in the ini also toggles off the setting in the fallout 4 launcher settings. Bethini removes the line completely and if I access the launcher the option is unchecked. I should also note that I am using test save that existed prior to applying Bethini, in case the settings don't change inside a save for whatever reason.
  3. Hello DoubleYou. I am using BethINI for Fallout 4 and wanted to point out that it seems to disable Rain Occlusion. I have to manually add bEnableRainOcclusion=1 to my Fallout4Pref.ini after every run on BethINI since it removes the line and disables it. Just wanted to let you know.
  4. I think it is likely just a straight port more or less to a new engine. They may have remade what they had to but overall if they could just re-use old assets they probably aired on that. Personally I am really excited for this. While I do think it will cause some mod difficulties in the beginning; I am hoping the more popular mods will be ported over (if they need to be) and as someone who spent YEARS tinkering with a load order and troubleshooting, I for one am very happy for the engine upgrade. With any luck, I can finish a play-through in its entirety without having to stop and fix a CTD or some other nonsense.
  5. Hello Sheson, I did a little bit more testing. The draw count you described varies from 1500 to as high as 4000 but the fps doesn't seem to correlate with these numbers. I can get the fps drop with 1500 but have stable in another location around 4000. I should also note that I have observed that the drop is not always consistent, some loads I get the drop for a few seconds and other it will be locked at 19 fps until I leave the location. Using the free VRAM key on enb does seem to make the problem disappear temporarily but if I run around for a few more minutes it will return. If I am indeed simply running out of memory, I am not sure how I would solve it short of switching to Windows 7 to bypass enb's 4 gig limit on dx9 games. What concerns me though is that other people do not report such steep drops in fps when running out of memory. I have uploaded the resources you have requested. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9LvaZjT0SUhNkJtRlJycW1Qdmc/view https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9LvaZjT0SUhbHgtWVYzaEtYdkE/view The LOD gen is actually from a different run with two mods missing but the slow down occurs in this one as well. Thanks again for the help Sheson.
  6. Hello Sheson I was using beta 6 for LOD Generator so I re-downloaded as suggested and carefully redid the entire process with a new game. Unfortunately the fps drop persists. I looked up the .bto as suggested via MCM in the worse area it occurs (it drops from 60 to 19 fps instantly) and listed was the following: Tamriel.4.-16.20.bto 844 kb Tamriel.8.-16.16.bto 1,496 kb Tamriel.16.-16.16.bto 1,668 kb I opened them in niskope as suggested but admittingly I am out of my realm of experience so I didn't know what I was looking at, but from snooping around I did not see too many of the BSMiltiBoundNode as you described. I did not know how to unfold BSLightingShader. I don't know if any of my mods use full models for LOD, Most of them are either in Skyrim Revisited or STEP, but I may need to start deactivating some to see what happens. How does one check draw calls in enb? All I know is my fps drops to 19, if I dll LOD it shoots back up to 60. The location it is the most severe and the location I referenced the bto is on the Solitude Docks. Pretty much the whole area looking toward the swamp.
  7. Sheson back on the Dyndolod thread suggested I toggle lod via console to see if it lod is the cause. As soon as I toggle it off the frames shoot back up. I am wondering if my LOD generation is messing up somehow.
  8. Thanks for the tips. It does indeed seem like once I toggle LOD off the fps shoots back up. 24 fps to 60 fps and vise versa. It's interesting because on my old rig I had virtually the same mods with no issue. Is there anything in the LOD generation logs I should look for to indicate where the problem might be?
  9. Hello Sheson, I am having a peculiar issue that I am not sure is related to Dyndolod but I cannot seem to reproduce it once I remove it. I posted the thread in the enb forums originally because I thought it was a memory problem https://forum.step-project.com/topic/10326-enboost-fps-with-drop-by-half/?do=findComment&comment=162529 Essentially in certain locations I can instantly drop 30-40~ fps sporadically. I originally thought I was running out of memory because of windows 10 dx9 4 gig gap but the slowdowns are not consistent and don't occur in some of the heaviest areas in the game. Have you ever heard of anything like this? Only thing I can think (if it is dyndolod at all) is something got mucked up with the meshes. Thanks for any input!
  10. Update: Upon reactivating DynDoLod I began traveling to separate locations. Riften Exteriors: no fps drop (heaviest area in the game to test) Whiterun hold: consistent 30 fps dip half way to the waterfalls and bridge Windhelm bridge: no fps drop Solitude: no drop until I stand on the docks, than almost a 45~ fps dip It sorta looks like they are location specific although I have no idea how I imagine if it were memory related my sharp fps dips would be consistent throughout external locations, particularly the heavier areas.
  11. I disabled DynDoLod and the problem vanished (of course this doesn't mean it's dyndolod's fault). Will need to do more testing when I have more time.
  12. lol.. I can't actually go outside without enboost. I hit the 3 gig limit and ctd
  13. Hello, I am fairly certain this is related to enboost in some way and it feels like it would be but so far adjusting settings doesn't do anything. After about 10 minutes of gameplay walking through the world I will suddenly start dropping from 60 fps to 30-35 fps for 3-5 seconds or so before jumping back up. it doesn't seem contingent on exterior location only on time spent running around. I am using enb .305 ExpandSystemMemoryX64=false ReduceSystemMemoryUsage=true DisableDriverMemoryManager=false DisablePreloadToVRAM=false EnableUnsafeMemoryHacks=false ReservedMemorySizeMb=256 VideoMemorySizeMb=4096 EnableCompression=true AutodetectVideoMemorySize=false [THREADS] DataSyncMode=0 PriorityMode=0 I "hope" this is not me running out of memory because of windows 10 ridiculous memory cap (You can see my inquiry about this in the same forum). Any help would be appreciated
  14. That's what I was hoping!
  15. Thanks guys. It feels like a whole lot of work to dual boot an OS just because of a ridiculous limitation like that. Figured I'd ask before putting myself through the hassle particularly if it wasn't going to be worth it :)
  16. Hello All! I just got a new rig (see sig for specs) and I recently found out that windows 10 has this odd issue where it caps enboost usage at 4 gigs? Based on my research it looks like I would need to duel boot windows 7 (ugh) if I wanted to use my card past that amount but I would like to pose the following question. How likely is it for someone to actually need more than 4 gb of Vram? I am running mostly 2k with a few 4k thrown in but I would prefer to not need to dual boot if I can (but of course I want a pretty Skyrim). Also do enb effects use additional Vram? Thanks!
  17. OK... So far I believe I solved it. I ended up re-downloading my drivers to see if that fixed it, and it did. Windows had one of those forced reboot updates a day or so ago and obviously decided to mess with a few settings somewhere. Knew I should have been suspicious when it said "We have some new features to get excited about". Also, Thanks Nebulous112, this fixed the SweetFX side of things, although I never had issues with those files before today. Either way everything seems to work fine for now... Thanks!
  18. Basically I cannot start Skyrim up via enb at all as it gives me a "the procedure entry point createDXGIFactory2 could not be located in the dynamic link library c:\Windows\SYSTEM\d3d11.dll" error. I had been attempted to fix this issue but then I started skyrim without enb and the whole image is massively distorted and I got this weird console crap that pops up. I was trying to take a screen of it but I only managed to get part of it when I started Skyrim in windowed mode (See attached file for screenshot) This occurs without SKSE start-up, without MO start-up so It's not related to either of those. Thanks for any help.
  19. You are correct. If you turn on the debug in the MCM and it says that you are under shelter but the rain is still coming through. you might need to remake the RSpatch from scratch using the patcher.
  20. There's a debug setting in the menu I believe. if you turn it on it will tell you if your under shelter. As long as that is functioning you just may need to rerun the patcher and rebuilt the RSpatch.
  21. My memory block log gets to about 150 in the first block so It doesn't seem like it's anywhere near even the normal limit. DynDoLod is not currently installed in my current profile either. enboost: [MEMORY] ExpandSystemMemoryX64=true ReduceSystemMemoryUsage=true DisableDriverMemoryManager=false DisablePreloadToVRAM=false EnableUnsafeMemoryHacks=false ReservedMemorySizeMb=256 VideoMemorySizeMb=6144 EnableCompression=true AutodetectVideoMemorySize=false I had it to 4096 for a bit but it caused the game to be considerably more unstable. It seems like 5,120 or 6144 are the sweet spots. I had been running those settings for months without incident before the instability issues occurred. With FNIS I tried nothing no skeleton and I tried using XP32 Extended. Either seem to give me the same ctd amount. Vanilla FNIS FNIS Behavior V6.2 1/23/2016 6:10:43 PM Skyrim: - D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\ (Steam) Skeleton(hkx) female: Default (99 bones) male: Default (99 bones) Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix" Reading FNISBase V6.2 ... All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files ... 0_master usage: 1.1 % ( 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 alternate animations) Alternate Animation mods: 0 sets: 0 total groups: 0 added file slots: 0 alternate files: 0 Creature Pack not installed 47 animations for 1 mods successfully included (character) ------------XP32 Extended FNIS FNIS Behavior V6.2 1/23/2016 6:12:27 PM Skyrim: - D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\ (Steam) Skeleton(hkx) female: XPMS2HDT (115 bones) male: XPMS2HDT (115 bones) Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix" Reading FNISBase V6.2 ... Reading XPMSE V6.1 ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 152 alternate animations) ... All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files ... 0_master usage: 4.8 % ( 0 paired, 0 kill, 80 alternate animations) Alternate Animation mods: 1 sets: 16 total groups: 24 added file slots: 156 alternate files: 152 Creature Pack not installed 199 animations for 2 mods successfully included (character) Current Profile Load Order: https://pastebin.com/7c0BrMav I have considered simply moving forward with rebuilding my load order and using the standard xp32 skeleton and no FNIS. But it's just odd since I had used FNIS for years and never had instability until recently.
  22. Bumping this topic. While re-installing my load order via MO I began to create incremental profiles to determine the CTD issue. Unfortunately when I got up FNIS I began getting crashes either on load or 5 seconds after load. According to FNIS FAQ ("Load CTD") After I ran the generator, Skyrim aborts (CTD) when loading a save file. An FNIS bug? No. Skyrim's memory Management is buggy, and the more you add to Skyrim, the greater the likelyhood that you see CTDs, especially on save load. I personally have NO load CTD with 1500 animations, about 0.5 with 3000 animations, and about 3-6 CTD with 4000 animations before the game is loaded. Interestingly, once Skyrim starts sucessfully, an immediate re-load of the same file will almost always succeed, even with 4000+ animations. So there is an apparent dependency between memory usage and CTD frequency. Here my advice when you have an unacceptable CTD rate: Install SKSE 1.7.0 Alpha or later. This will install "sheson's memory patch", which will not totally cure Skyrim, but geatly reduce CTD likelyhood. Make sure you have a Data/SKSE/skse.ini file with the following lines:[Memory]DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=768ScrapHeapSizeMB=512Make a "clean save". Skyrim's problems to deal with updates of scripted mods is another big CTD cause.At least temporarily reduce the number of FNIS based mods. Pinup Poser, for example, is a great mod. But I can't understand why user keep a pose mod active all the time when they suffer from frequent CTDs. I have the memory patch as well as enboost activated and now I have to question, what is a normal CTD range now? Without FNIS I get no crashes in 5 loads. With it I can get 1 crash every 3 loads roughly. I also do not remember getting this many CTD's with earlier versions of FNIS. I am still inclined to think it is a conflict or something as a result. This is the current load order I had at the time https://pastebin.com/7c0BrMav Will begin digging through animation mods I have installed but they are all vanilla replacer's
  23. Oh I see what is happening. I cannot change a profiles name as long as it is the active profile in MO. So if I wanted to change profile "Basic" I would need to switch to a different profile, then hit manage, and then change the name, and go back to that newly changed name profile Guess I just panicked when it through out an error before :X
  24. Hello GrantSP, I am doing it through MO, I go to the <Manage...> tab. Once The error was thrown out about the .txt then I used explorer to check to see if that file it was talking about was there, and it was. Edit: I did however manage to get it to delete even after that error. So far the only issue I am having now is I'm unable to rename profiles. I suppose I can just copy them and delete the old ones to get a different name. I was just curious if something was messed up in my settings or something
  25. Still relatively new to MO but I think I got most of it down. While setting up multiple profiles however, I seem to no longer be able to rename profiles. It will rename in the window but nothing changes when I hit close. A few times I tried deleting profiles as well and it throw out an error saying it could not access the modlist.txt (which I manually checked and is present in the folder). I did eventually delete it but the whole profile system is acting a bit wonky sorry if this is a common issue. There is so much info in MO but I couldn't find my issue anywhere Thanks!
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