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Everything posted by TehKaoZ

  1. This used to be a thing https://modsofskyrim.tumblr.com/post/50307584260/manure-by-jonx0r-mod-description-manure-gives Creator of of Wyrmstooth. It's silly AND Immersive!
  2. The sleep package from the mod is different from both vanilla and USKP which leads me to believe it's an intentional change as the author stated he has moved all "relevant" fixes from USKP. As for the water height fixes, they are easily fixable but I don't know if they matter as many mods with cell edits don't always transfer these fixes and I never noticed anything different in game.
  3. Author has stated in a comment about adding better transitions.
  4. Will be keeping an eye on this one, Hopefully any conflicts can be determined and sorted out, looks impressive.
  5. Giant Buns https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/42410/? Giant Cheese https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9383/? Giant Sweetrolls https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/42895/? Why? because giant stuff is entertaining =)
  6. lol. I figured someone would eventually bring up those mods in this thread. I do find some of them silly, others a fascinating study of human psychology. I don't really understand why you would want your game to be an interactive adult film, but at the same time, I think anyone is free to do whatever they want with their game. there's a fine line between having a good laugh at a silly mod, and insulting it/it's users
  7. Seems like it would have been easier to have had a RL friend re-upload instead of making another alt account >.> oh well
  8. From the mods' page "Innkeepers aren't dwemer robots, they need sleep like everyone else. Each night innkeepers all over Skyrim will get some sleep on the bedroll by their post, allowing them to still serve any late night customers who come in. Due to the nature of their job, they usually sleep from the early hours of morning until sunrise." https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49206/? Recommended on Isoku's Sleep Tight mod page. Figured this deserved a thread in-case anyone missed it. Nice little fix IMO.
  9. Exploding chickens =) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/17427/?
  10. Whiterun has stone walls and a wooden door. I can't really tell what windhelm is made of but it look's at least partially wood to me. I don't think it's impractical for solitude to have one as well. I think it's a nice replacement, I will likely try it out
  11. I loved fallout 3 (actually played it completely vanilla since I wasn't modding things at that point). I own the other games but have yet to play them yet. I love the post apocalyptic theme and will likely build a nice mod load out when I begin them.
  12. lol descriptions a good read, also never used this shout, seems legit
  13. so set the flags to deleted? that seems almost.... logical. Thanks DoubleYou!
  14. bump. No ideas here? not even "your a moron?" :)
  15. Hello, I am trying to make a patch for myself concerning the new USKP versions edit to Breezehome as I use a mod that changes it and it will now have a conflict since USKP has a new record. I'm trying to disable the placed object 02002304 from the USKP via Tes5edit. So far I have been scanning my other mods to see how they might have gone about it but I am still unsure of myself. So far I have in the patch: Set flags to initially disabled and set parent to enable state opposite of parent. I have no idea if this is correct. Any help would be appreciated and make you a super special awesome person! (that's three adjectives!) But seriously =D
  16. that's the name of the mods .esp
  17. New values work much better, thanks z929669
  18. Our planet has one moon. Nirn has two moons of whom may be bigger and/or closer in orbit than ours. Nights will likely be far brighter than you would experience on earth (not even accounting for a nebula or what not, which is also something we don't see in our skies). I think that "realism" has to account for the lore aspects of the game and not just what we see in RL. I tend to agree with Aiyen on this point.
  19. Does such a thing exist?
  20. the new fSunUpdateThreshold=0.01 does seem to make the shadows animate oddly though, as if they are stuttering when the rest of the game isn't. setting iBlurDeferredShadowMask to 0 when using enb makes it less noticeable since it smooths out the shadows. perhaps it's because I'm not running ultra shadows
  21. I don't know if this is intentional so forgive me if I missed something but the new guide uses this tweak [Display] ;Improves shadow changes as the sun moves through the sky fSunShadowUpdateTime=0 fSunUpdateThreshold=0.01 while in 2.2.7 it's fSunShadowUpdateTime=0 fSunUpdateThreshold=2.0 I didn't see it in the change log that this was changed. The above tweak from 2.2.8 causes my shadows to become very blocky.
  22. Silly Question but did you make sure to install the bsa with the esp?
  23. Having an enb ignore load screens doesn't effect that I have AA turned off =p Maybe you can go into Tes5edit to change the percentage to make it compatible with lore-based loading screens? Idono. I know the tips (written stuff) still alternates between the new quotes, vanilla, and some of my mods (frostfall). testing my game has become so much more enjoyable now ^.^
  24. Gotta say I prefer this to the vanilla. I use enb and have hardware AA turned off so the load screens are particularly bothersome to me since I just end up staring at the swimming pixels on screen. The load screens are nice and lore friendly from what I have seen thus far, in addition I actually prefer the lore based quotes to the mechanical "if you push blah blah button". Great overall addition IMO
  25. Big Update: Version 3.0Beta: Complete redo of the mod. Improved performance by placing 2 waterfalls for every ingame waterfall, 1 for distant and 1 for close-by. Parallax patch now caries forward changes from the USKP Now the problem with the waterfall splashes of realistic water 2 not showing up is solved, no need for iMaxDesired tweak, please set to 650-900 (refer to readme) Now people running old saves on which the original Realistic Water Textures (RWT) was installed before it became W.A.T.E.R., should have no more floating waterfalls. FOMOD created for mod When using the FOMOD a max of 2 ESP files per installation Wyrmstooth support added Enhanced Lights and FX mesh included in main file. SkyMills and SkyFalls have been be merged, to reduce number of esps. Now includes optional new LOD files for all worlds, to remove clipping. The SKyrim Distance Overhaul by Grieche will get a patch in the future, not finished yet. The mod has been renamed, BOSS will recognise at some point, for the time being, please refer to the readme. Now back to loose files, less hassle and problems for me!
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