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Everything posted by TehKaoZ

  1. Not sure If I'm being paranoid or not but I suppose it wouldn't hurt to ask. I have been going through the DDSopt guide for vanilla textures and the HRDLC, ect. I downloaded the batch files performed all the steps leading up to running the 2_Pre-Optimization.bat In the step it says run the batch file and when the processing is complete - which takes a fairly long time - make sure that the log file (log.txt) does not show any errors. While the batch file runs there will be a command window that echoes the commands; this allows monitoring the progress of the batch processing if desired, although it is not required. Now the log file is completely blank but the batch file takes literally 2 seconds to run contrary to the "which takes a fairly long time" The newly created folders total out to about 2 gigs while the vanilla extracted folder takes up 12 gigs, Finally "Vanilla Normal Maps" folder is completely empty. This is all normal, or is something amiss? none of the batch files say anything like "successfully completed" which maybe it's not suppose to, but Just want to make sure before I proceed to next steps. thanks! EDIT: I figured out what I was doing wrong, I shouldn't do things after midnight. Please ignore everything that is me and this post, or an admin can delete it if they wish ^.^
  2. LoL @z929669 I don't think any of them are perfect. SFLH I think has the most potential but as it is currently half the hairs look like they have some heavy duty gel in them, the rough version less so but it's still present. If the author added more stray hairs, soften out the jaggedness it would look pretty good. Vanilla doesn't really even look like hair to me, maybe like the end of a mop. I don't love AOF either, but it looks the most natural so I'd swing for that one.
  3. Thanks for the replies! I have been keeping track of Real Clouds since release actually, Aside from the possibility of hiding Z-fighting, it looks spectacular within itself. Just waiting for it to mature a little first. If anyone could actually "fix" Z-fighting I'm sure Boris could do it, but yeah I was curious why no modder has tried to hide it with some strategically placed objects or scenery.
  4. I was unsure exactly were to post so I figured since it's technically a bug I'd post it here. until recently I was using the STEP Z-Fighting guide fixes unfortunately, I began to get infinite loading screens with them now (probably from increased mod count, ect) It occurs to me, and maybe it's occurred to some others too, idono Has anyone ever tried designing a mod that places clouds or possibly other LOD that don't have Z-fighting objects in-front of the locations most commonly afflicted (Whiterun distant mountains for example). Obviously the modder would have to be one of those unfortunate souls that has system with it. As I'm not a modder and have very little rudimentary ability with the CK I just naturally assumed this was never done because it can't or wouldn't work. In any case I figured I'd give into my curiosity and ask.
  5. If I had to guess comments may be disabled because I don't think the author speaks English at all. I didn't think to post comparisons, I will take that into consideration next time I post. As far as realism goes, I own a rabbit, and this looks pretty accurate to me, but it could also be because mine isn't wild. there are different meshes and color options in the download, from what I can tell in game they look pretty good (as opposed to the static screenshot)
  6. https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/38138/? For my first ever post here, I will leave this post here. Best Rabbit's I've seen so far!
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