Not sure If I'm being paranoid or not but I suppose it wouldn't hurt to ask.
I have been going through the DDSopt guide for vanilla textures and the HRDLC, ect.
I downloaded the batch files performed all the steps leading up to running the 2_Pre-Optimization.bat
In the step it says
run the batch file and when the processing is complete - which takes a fairly long time - make sure that the log file (log.txt) does not show any errors. While the batch file runs there will be a command window that echoes the commands; this allows monitoring the progress of the batch processing if desired, although it is not required.
Now the log file is completely blank but the batch file takes literally 2 seconds to run contrary to the "which takes a fairly long time" The newly created folders total out to about 2 gigs while the vanilla extracted folder takes up 12 gigs, Finally "Vanilla Normal Maps" folder is completely empty. This is all normal, or is something amiss? none of the batch files say anything like "successfully completed" which maybe it's not suppose to, but Just want to make sure before I proceed to next steps.
EDIT: I figured out what I was doing wrong, I shouldn't do things after midnight. Please ignore everything that is me and this post, or an admin can delete it if they wish ^.^