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  On 9/24/2016 at 9:45 AM, mordan said:

I also read on the BABY nexus page the creator saying that it's better to learn to use xEdit and make custom patches  for my specific setup etc. can any of you pinpoint me to the right direction, for a good simple tutorial on how to do that? Thanks a million.

This tutorial video by a moderator on the Skyrim Mods subreddit is pretty good and straight to the point. It's for Skyrim but the process and principle is identical.

  • +1 1
  • 4 weeks later...

Any chance of an update? I am guessing that we're waiting for the new NMM to be released before work on this starts up again? A STEP guide for FO4 is really what's keeping me from playing the game lol.

Posted (edited)

To be honest, the situation haven't changed much in 1 year...

I still need to buy a new PC to push the graphics in a sensible manner,

The community still need a stable and efficient mod manager, 

We still need a proper interface mod so we don't have to rely on awful and compatibility-hell sorting mod,

We still need a dynamic patcher to handle pre-baked cells datas at load-order scale.


So... I guess I'm kinda loosing hope. Not to mention that a lof of things have also gone wrong on various minor subject (Several critical mods either became extremely intrusive or got removed, lot of bad practices are becoming standard, ...)

Edited by Kesta
  • 1 month later...

This is some Fallout4Custom.ini settings I use that you might consider adding. 


SIntroSequence=0 (Disables Bethesda intro video
fChancesToPlayAlternateIntro=0 (Disables random SPECIAL video intros)
uMainMenuDelayBeforeAllowSkip=0 (Disabling the Start button delay timer on the start menu)
sStartingConsoleCommand=cl off  (Turns off the artificial lighting on faces and bodies.  Best for Darker Night and Interior mods)
These next settings dim the Power Armor Pip-boy brightness making it much easier on view and read.
fPipboyScreenEmitIntensityPA=1.2500 (default is 3.0000)
fPipboyScreenDiffuseIntensityPA=0.1500 (default is 1.0000)
This one is optional:
bPipboyEffectColorOnLight=0 (forces the Pip-boy lamp to always be white light no matter what color you choose for your Pip-boy interface)
+ This setting is good for people that like to use darker color settings on their Pip-boy display but would also like be able to to see with there lamp, or just want there lamp to be the classic white light, like in Fallout 3 and NV.
++ This setting is not necessary if you are using the INI tweak that replaces the Monochrome Pip-boy interface with a clean Colored interface.  Instead you can use the Pip-boy color sliders in the games settings to adjust the Lamp color to your liking.
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, thanks for making this guide, I am using some parts of it as I'm only looking for a very basic setup. I have a question about the part where you merge plugins from Val's Sorting Mod - should the process start from the lowest mod loaded in FO4Edit and work upwards? I guess so as this would make the overrides follow the load order, but it's not that clear to me the way you wrote it.

  On 1/4/2017 at 10:56 AM, jakeslim said:

Hi, thanks for making this guide, I am using some parts of it as I'm only looking for a very basic setup. I have a question about the part where you merge plugins from Val's Sorting Mod - should the process start from the lowest mod loaded in FO4Edit and work upwards? I guess so as this would make the overrides follow the load order, but it's not that clear to me the way you wrote it.

Yes, that would be the order. But I have no idea if the current state of VIS is still up to date.

But Merge Plugin now have FO4 support, so you might want to use it instead of merging manually.

  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

So, I'm not Jesus or anything like that, but I just kinda resurrected.


I can't say I'll have as much time as I used to "back in the days" (a job and a girlfriend are 2 things most men look forward too... but once you got both, you realize how much time it's taking away from your geek-self). Still... new PC is finally ordered and on its way! With an i7 at 4.2Ghz and an 8Gb 1080 GTX, plus the rest of the setup that match... Let's just say the geek in me should arise soon, which will include a serious (and much needed) guide update  :woot:

Big hope now is that NeMo (or whatever they decide to call it) is available soon enough so I can write the guide around it.

Edited by Kesta
  • +1 1
Posted (edited)

So Cortex didn't capture you again? ::P:


That's weird, I just noticed last night that you hadn't posted on this topic for a few months and here you are today! It's good that you will continue so we have a nice guide for the future. If you can, focus on gameplay and immersion modifications. Fallout 4 is very lacking in those areas and didn't Bethesda recently release some sort of high res texture pack or something anyway?


Edit: Just checked the hot files and it's guns and creepy fetish outfits as usual bar that CDante stuff. I knew he would go places and do well in the scene, even told him myself. Good man.

Edited by Guest
  • 2 weeks later...
  On 3/27/2017 at 11:17 AM, Kesta said:

So, I'm not Jesus or anything like that, but I just kinda resurrected.


I can't say I'll have as much time as I used to "back in the days" (a job and a girlfriend are 2 things most men look forward too... but once you got both, you realize how much time it's taking away from your geek-self). Still... new PC is finally ordered and on its way! With an i7 at 4.2Ghz and an 8Gb 1080 GTX, plus the rest of the setup that match... Let's just say the geek in me should arise soon, which will include a serious (and much needed) guide update  :woot:

Big hope now is that NeMo (or whatever they decide to call it) is available soon enough so I can write the guide around it.

Good to hear that!


Hope everything goes well and you can update the guide as you intended.



  On 3/27/2017 at 6:38 PM, SparrowPrince said:

So Cortex didn't capture you again? ::P:


That's weird, I just noticed last night that you hadn't posted on this topic for a few months and here you are today! It's good that you will continue so we have a nice guide for the future. If you can, focus on gameplay and immersion modifications. Fallout 4 is very lacking in those areas and didn't Bethesda recently release some sort of high res texture pack or something anyway?


Edit: Just checked the hot files and it's guns and creepy fetish outfits as usual bar that CDante stuff. I knew he would go places and do well in the scene, even told him myself. Good man.


Nah, I just kicked Cortex' *** :P


Yeah, I do intend to focus more on immersion (gameplay... I don't know. "Immersive Gameplay" definitely, but overall gameplay mods are a very sensitive subject... they're always so subjective it's hard to find something that really suit you). The core problem is... mod's amount/quality. I find the Nexus empty. 1 week back in, and I feel like I already found everything which is interesting and/or have potential. :( 


On an other note, there is a serious issues with WET. I still need to investigate what's causing this, but it's giving weird grey halos to everything that's between the camera and the water plane (typically your gun in 1st person).



  On 4/11/2017 at 1:39 PM, johanlh said:

Good to hear that!


Hope everything goes well and you can update the guide as you intended.



I started to make a few adjustments on some tools versions. Bringing the current version to something up-to-date shouldn't be too big of a job. Expanding it too something really cool... well, that's an other challenge ^^ Everything seems to lack maturity.

Posted (edited)

I've been watching from a distance for quite some time, more specifically creating my build recently... At least as far as I've seen, there really aren't a ton of really developed mods, in comparison to Skyrim, FNV or F03.


Workshop Rearranged is my personal favorite settlement mod,


Though Sim Settlements looks really interesting. 


WR has been (and is) developed extensively and Sim Settlements looks to be continually supported as well.


Horizon is a regularly maintained survival overhaul, but definitely a subjective experience type thing, and something that needs to be built around.


Moddable Robot Settlers is a nice little sensible addition.


Start Me Up is the definitive alternate start for F04


NPCs Travel is basically Immersive Patrols for F04


Survival Unlocker is best of it's kind IMHO


Lots More Male / Female Hairstyles and Beards or Settlers and Enemies  are the best hair mods ever as far as I'm concerned - just expands the vanilla selection in a sensible way, using the vanilla meshes (or whatever).  Settlers and Enemies is really cool too... It annoys me that all the women are 'pretty' otherwise great mod that expands faces to basically all factions, as well as putting new hairstyles on them.


I'd imagine you know about most if not all of these, but they're a couple mods I use that I feel work well in just about any list (other than Horizon of course).

Edited by baronaatista
Yeah, I do intend to focus more on immersion (gameplay... I don't know. "Immersive Gameplay" definitely, but overall gameplay mods are a very sensitive subject... they're always so subjective it's hard to find something that really suit you)
No harm just putting it in there somewhere I guess. Some people would be grateful I am sure, but others may not. As long as people are aware of it.


On an other note, there is a serious issues with WET. I still need to investigate what's causing this, but it's giving weird grey halos to everything that's between the camera and the water plane (typically your gun in 1st person).
Wasn't that in their previous games? I'd assume it was some sort of refraction problem being that I have seen this in other games too. Maybe the approximation isn't very accurate? I could do with a picture though.
  • 4 weeks later...

Kesta, have you considered using Patreon to fund your modding guide?


Also, there is a pretty new and pretty good guide out there, and you may consider contacting the nexusmod author about it for potential teaming. It's not near S.T.E.P caliber or completeness, but the author is working very hard and it's a very decent start: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23556/?

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