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Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD


Finally I can see my house from here


You know the price for my mods: blood, sweat and tears. Oh, and your first born.

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For latest information and instructions see the DynDOLOD 2.18 UPDATE POST

What is this?

DynDOLOD is a set of tools based on TES5Edit and TES5LODGen to automatically create a Skyrim mod based on the load order which adds distant LOD for objects to Skyrim. By combining DynDOLOD with TES5LODGen users can create drastically enhanced traditional static LOD plus tree LOD and the new, optional dynamic distant object LOD in a few 'simple' steps.

DynDOLOD is meant for enthusiast modders who are familiar with using TES5Edit. Enthusiast modders have a general knowledge of computers, folders and files, especially Skyrims 'Data' folders and how to install mods safely with a manager or manually.

To fully expand the visual experience and use the additional features offered by TES5LODGen the DynDOLOD package comes with over 1000 new or updated LOD models for objects that were badly missing from the original game like the Skyhaven Temple or landscape features like roads, smaller rocks and dirt cliffs that simply make the distant landscape look much more natural and alive.

What does it do?

It makes Skyrim look like this









PapyrusUtil 2.8 or higher

DynDOLOD Resources - Make sure to use DynDOLOD Resources version only with matching or higher DynDOLOD Standalone versions but never with older versions.

Vanilla Skyrim LOD Billboards from TES5LODGen or Indistinguishable Vanilla Tree Billboards. If using tree mods that do not include billboards, check TES5LODGen for ready-to-use tree LOD billboards for some tree mods. For STEP users all billboards are included in STEP Texture Compilation.


Download standalone and resources from Nexus or use Mega links from the update post

There are quickstart instruction in the main folder. Also check the folder called 'docs' for additional information. See the update post for latest installation information and guides.



Updating DynDOLOD


Read the update posts for each new version for version specific information and update instructions.

Also read the manual how to update an existing save game, watch the video or check DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM.



DynDOLOD - Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - Sheson


  Reveal hidden contents






TES5Edit Team in general


Ehamloptiran and Zilav for TES5LODGen and LODGen for trees


Bethesda for the game, models and textures




DynDOLOD includes LOD assets based on models and/or textures from:


Holy Cow I fixed Skyrim - Sheson

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Just wondering, will making an entirely new Dyndolod, with a fresh install and all that, result in much in way of visual or performance changes? If I read 1.49 correctly, it seems to contain a lot of under-the-hood changes to the generation process itself. I am debating whether to keep going with 1.47, or make a new install with 1.49



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Posted (edited)
  On 4/11/2016 at 5:28 PM, Kesta said:

Request/Suggestion : Being able to select only blocks/sub-blocks to generate (or to set a min/max x/y), instead of just a single cell or a "band".

This is impossible for tree LOD it is all or nothing. For dynamic LOD this may be doable but seems pointless.


But then I think you really mean static LOD... For LODGen.exe the LOD level and x/y cell drop downs in expert mode are as good as it gets to do specific bto files for now. I never needed anything else than  do all or redo select ones for troubleshooting. I start those manually once the whole worldspace is in the export file obviously. I might add an area selection some day but no promises :)

Maybe if I understand your use case better?

Edited by sheson
  • 0
Posted (edited)


I just generated some LOD for a new worldspace,
and I'd like to ask 2 things:

- is there a set of instructions I could use to merge my dyndolod outpost files and esp with my esm and mod files (such as custom meshes and textures) (and then ofc reconvert to an esm) so I can distribute it for anyone to use (even if they do not have dyndolod installed) ?
- I have a large amount of ice floe objects in my landscape like this:

In the map view however, having generated object LOD with the high setting they do not appear. Can this be remedied?

https://i.imgur.com/IwVNhwt.png (Note the sea between the islands, where quite a few of these floes allow the player to traverse the water)

Thanks for your work, it might not be just the way I like it yet but it sure as hell works like a charm

Edited by RHodeidra
  • 0

Hello and congratulations again for your mod. I just updated today and saw that with the latest version is still present the problem with some distant dynamic elements, same problem which signaled last November. But this time the problem occurs only when you enter and exit a house or a place located inside a city.


The bug is also present in the Windhelm area, and is easily reproducible if you do these things: enter the city, go to Candlehearth Hall, go out from the inn, leave the town and then go to the top right of the bridge and position yourself in the direction of Anga's Mill.


Finally, I noticed a strange glitch that occurs closer to some water mills, not everyone.


Best regards

  • 0
  On 4/11/2016 at 6:39 PM, sheson said:

This is impossible for tree LOD it is all or nothing. For dynamic LOD this may be doable but seems pointless.


But then I think you really mean static LOD... For LODGen.exe the LOD level and x/y cell drop downs in expert mode are as good as it gets to do specific bto files for now. I never needed anything else than  do all or redo select ones for troubleshooting. I start those manually once the whole worldspace is in the export file obviously. I might add an area selection some day but no promises :)

Maybe if I understand your use case better?

DynDOLOD is chocking (CTD) on the 4 new meshes Vurt provided for SFO 2.5b Billboards Namely the following:


Meshes\Landscape\Plants\ReachShrub01.nif (000AAE8D)

Meshes\Landscape\Plants\ReachShrub02.nif (000AAE8E)

Meshes\Landscape\Plants\TundraShrub05.nif (000AAE81)

Meshes\Landscape\Plants\TundraShrub07.nif (000AAE85)


I was able to make it happy with the TundraShrubs by moving them to Landscape\Plants\Tree\ and updating the MODL entry for their records - I'm just testing now to see if the same is true of the ReachShrubs.


Kesta and I were hoping to not need to spend 30+ minutes waiting on the worlds.pas running to test.

  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 4/11/2016 at 6:44 PM, RHodeidra said:



I just generated some LOD for a new worldspace,

and I'd like to ask 2 things:


- is there a set of instructions I could use to merge my dyndolod outpost files and esp with my esm and mod files (such as custom meshes and textures) (and then ofc reconvert to an esm) so I can distribute it for anyone to use (even if they do not have dyndolod installed) ?

- I have a large amount of ice floe objects in my landscape like this:


In the map view however, having generated object LOD with the high setting they do not appear. Can this be remedied?

https://i.imgur.com/IwVNhwt.png (Note the sea between the islands, where quite a few of these floes allow the player to traverse the water)

Thanks for your work, it might not be just the way I like it yet but it sure as hell works like a charm

That's Expedition to Atmora is calling right? If you have a newer dev version than the 0.6 I am happy to take a look, just pm a download link.


To have the ice floes show on the map add a mesh rule

Mesh           LOD4        LOD8        LOD16       VWD

icefloessolid  Static LOD4 Static LOD4 Static LOD4 Yes

Static LOD4 works because there is only one LOD model for icefloessolid01 and icefloessolid02. LOD16 is the one use for the map.


A while back I did add a setting to DynDOLOD to create an esp to be merged with your mod that would then also work with TES5LODGen to some extend. I haven't tested in a long time, so I am not sure it still works as it should. You might want to give this a try:


In DynDOLOD_TES5.ini set STATOnly=1 and CreateMod=1

When you start the process it should ask for an esp name and just update the STAT records with the needed flags and LOD level data. You can merge this and should be able to generate vanilla type static LODGen build-into xEdit. The LOD levels on the base record are not needed for the game - only generation purposes. However the Has Distant LOD flag is important.


If that doesn't work out as expected do this: I suggest to only include the generated tree/static LOD in your mod. So uncheck "Generate DynDOLOD" in advanced or expert mode, then generate as usual.

What you then need to merge into your esp/esm would be just the updated STAT, best to keep the STATOnly=1. I suggest not to merge any other type of records. Just remove everything else and clean masters before saving.


Once the BTO meshes and the texture atlas are generated there should be no need to include the source LOD meshes into your mod. However, there might be a few single LOD textures that are still used because they are tiled. I guess the easiest way to "see" this is to hide the source LOD texture folders and then start the game and look for the missing purple textures. If you know how to run LODGen.exe manually from command prompt by copying the exec line from the TES5Edit_log.txt, you could add --verbose switch and there will be messages about UV out of range for textures.


You can check these files to get a list of all used meshes that were used to build the BTO and textures that were added to the atlas:

xEdit\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\cache\DynDOLOD_TES5_[worldspace]_mesh_count.txt

xEdit\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\cache\DynDOLOD_TES5_[worldspace]_textures_used.txt

xEdit\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\cache\DynDOLOD_TES5_[worldspace]_flat_textures_used.txt (if it was generated)

Edited by sheson
  • 0

Hi Sheson


I have been building SRLE - Extended and have been going great until i have to run the final DynDOLOD TexGen an error appears "Source tile not found DynDOLOD-temp\textures\clutter\beehive.dds." i am unable to find the problem, any pointers?

  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 4/11/2016 at 7:29 PM, LordOfLA said:

DynDOLOD is chocking (CTD) on the 4 new meshes Vurt provided for SFO 2.5b Billboards Namely the following:


Meshes\Landscape\Plants\ReachShrub01.nif (000AAE8D)

Meshes\Landscape\Plants\ReachShrub02.nif (000AAE8E)

Meshes\Landscape\Plants\TundraShrub05.nif (000AAE81)

Meshes\Landscape\Plants\TundraShrub07.nif (000AAE85)


I was able to make it happy with the TundraShrubs by moving them to Landscape\Plants\Tree\ and updating the MODL entry for their records - I'm just testing now to see if the same is true of the ReachShrubs.


Kesta and I were hoping to not need to spend 30+ minutes waiting on the worlds.pas running to test.

Are you trying to use their full models for static LOD? I assume you mean LODGen.exe that is crashing?


If it is DynDOLOD World.pas please post TES5EDit_log.txt, if it is LODGen.exe can you post screenshot and LODGen_log.txt


Test those plants in smaller worldspace...



  On 4/11/2016 at 9:37 PM, Oneye said:

Hi Sheson


I have been building SRLE - Extended and have been going great until i have to run the final DynDOLOD TexGen an error appears "Source tile not found DynDOLOD-temp\textures\clutter\beehive.dds." i am unable to find the problem, any pointers?

Check for file not found messages earlier.

Verify that all the BSAs are loaded. MOs archive management is incompatible with xEdit.

Edited by sheson
  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 4/11/2016 at 9:47 PM, sheson said:

Are you trying to use their full models for tree LOD? I assume you mean LODGen.exe that is crashing?


If it is DynDOLOD World.pas please post TES5EDit_log.txt, if it is LODGen.exe can you post screenshot and LODGen_log.txt

Neither lodgen.exe or world.pas. Skyrim was crashing to desktop with those models if dyndolod.esp was loaded. However Vurt just released updated meshes that seem to have resolved the issue. I'm just rebuilding full esp/lod data to double check.


Edit: Vurt's new meshes fixed the DynDOLOD CTD.

Edited by LordOfLA
  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 4/11/2016 at 7:27 PM, Paolino said:

Hello and congratulations again for your mod. I just updated today and saw that with the latest version is still present the problem with some distant dynamic elements, same problem which signaled last November. But this time the problem occurs only when you enter and exit a house or a place located inside a city.




The bug is also present in the Windhelm area, and is easily reproducible if you do these things: enter the city, go to Candlehearth Hall, go out from the inn, leave the town and then go to the top right of the bridge and position yourself in the direction of Anga's Mill.





Finally, I noticed a strange glitch that occurs closer to some water mills, not everyone.




Best regards


Regarding the waterwheel that is something going on with the environment map, which can be changed by increasing the values of






I do not know what the best values are. They can affect FPS I presume. Increase the delta between the 2 values so the fade isn't that abrupt. If performance is a problem consider setting both to 0 so the env map is always off.


Need to test the other stuff.

Edited by sheson
  • 0
Posted (edited)

Hi Sheson, I got a weird error in  LODgen when generating for Tamriel Worldspace. Then LODGen crashed. It looks like this:


meshes\lod\volcanic\mineralpoolbig01_lod_0.nif not found
meshes\lod\rocks\reach\rockcliff02reach_lod_1.nif not found
meshes\lod\tundra\tundrarocks\rocktundraland01tundrarocks_lod_1.nif not found
meshes\lod\rocks\rocks\rockcliff02rocks_lod_1.nif not found
Why would these nifs be missing? Maybe this is easy and if so, I'm sorry!
Thanks so much for this awesome mod.
EDIT: I know it is updated version of TES5edit, I just reinstalled.
Also checked for these nifs in MO data and they are in the correct places. I have no idea why it would have this error
Edited by brooks
  • 0
  On 4/12/2016 at 12:10 AM, brooks said:

Hi Sheson, I got a weird error in  LODgen when generating for Tamriel Worldspace. Then LODGen crashed. It looks like this:


meshes\lod\volcanic\mineralpoolbig01_lod_0.nif not found

meshes\lod\rocks\reach\rockcliff02reach_lod_1.nif not found

meshes\lod\tundra\tundrarocks\rocktundraland01tundrarocks_lod_1.nif not found

meshes\lod\rocks\rocks\rockcliff02rocks_lod_1.nif not found


Why would these nifs be missing? Maybe this is easy and if so, I'm sorry!

Thanks so much for this awesome mod.

EDIT: I know it is updated version of TES5edit, I just reinstalled.

Also checked for these nifs in MO data and they are in the correct places. I have no idea why it would have this error

It stopped with a nice message because it can not generate LOD if files are missing or can not be accessed. It didn't crash.


Do not close xEdit or unlock MO and change mods until LODGen.exe finished. Do not generate into a virtual folder of MO. Check the logs in ..\ModOrganizer\logs\*.log for those files and see if there is are error messages that might explain something.

  • 0

Maybe I'm wrong but Lodgen went into "not responding" mode and then Windows asked to shut it down.

I'll check MO logs, thank you so much! Pretty sure those nifs aren't missing though we'll have to see

  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 4/11/2016 at 11:12 PM, sheson said:


Regarding the waterwheel that is something going on with the environment map, which can be changed by increasing the values of






I do not know what the best values are. They can affect FPS I presume. Increase the delta between the 2 values so the fade isn't that abrupt. If performance is a problem consider setting both to 0 so the env map is always off.


Need to test the other stuff.

I set the value fEnvmapLODFadeEnd to 1.0 and the problem of dark wheel is completely eliminated, even over long distances, with zero impact on performance.


With the default value:




With fEnvmapLODFadeEnd=1.0:




Thanks again.


Small additional note for those who want to correct the problem of dark wheel but have previously changed values of fDecalLODFadeEnd and fDecalLODFadeStart, that fix the problem of the decals: just add the value fEnvmapLODFadeEnd=1.0 under or inside the parameter [LightingShader], otherwise if you add this item again ([LightingShader]) then will see the rocks and walls without some textures. I have corrected both problems using the values:






Edited by Paolino
  • 0
  On 4/11/2016 at 11:12 PM, sheson said:


Regarding the waterwheel that is something going on with the environment map, which can be changed by increasing the values of






I do not know what the best values are. They can affect FPS I presume. Increase the delta between the 2 values so the fade isn't that abrupt. If performance is a problem consider setting both to 0 so the env map is always off.


Need to test the other stuff.

Nice. It seems most these values max out around 1.1.

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