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Dreadflopps Modular patches

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Garfink, I am getting a message error when running asis.in


error reading IncreasedSpawns.ini[factionExclusions],TMAFollowerFaction could not be resolved to a faction.ignoring...


Is it normal ?

  On 5/7/2014 at 5:58 PM, Nicopad said:

Garfink, I am getting a message error when running asis.inerror reading IncreasedSpawns.ini[factionExclusions],TMAFollowerFaction could not be resolved to a faction.ignoring...Is it normal ?

No, there is a setting in the ASIS increase spawn Ini that causes this. Try an older version about 3 versions back that works, then I just add the changes of the newer version cut n paste style. I can post my version of the Ini tomorrow of course. It's 5:35am where I am.
  On 5/7/2014 at 6:49 PM, hishutup said:

Have you checked this out. I thought it was cool.It also appears to be 100% customize-able. It also seems it would make some mods redundant from in the guide. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12452

I have been following this mod since forever. It's an amazing mod but also doesn't like many other mods. It's possibly the most script intensive mod on the nexus. It's use belongs in a pack of its own!
Posted (edited)

Yes, as an option at least.  There will be SkyRe_Main as the main overhaul replacement, you will need my SkyRe-Morrowloot adapted esp you can download from the Nexus, SkyRe Survivalism & SkyRe Standing Stones Module and also optionally SkyRe Races.  I am still preferring Resplendent Racials for its much more interesting Races implementation.


You will need the reproccer, SkyRe Compatibility and Reproccer patches (install the patches you need), CCOR SkyRe patch that is needed for the Post-Reproccer patch, I am using the Unofficial SkyRe fixes (fixing only the modules you are using.).  Remember to install the Apocalypse/Forgotten Magic SkyRe patches if you are using those mods.  You can also install gimpyone's patches from the other thread on the S.T.E.P.  As for the reproccer's xml file, I am using the new one Xathra posted on the SkyRe Compatibility and Reproccer patches page.  


That should get you started.  There may be a couple more little things, at work at the moment, will check when I get home.  And the wiki will be updated soon thereafter.

Edited by Garfink
Posted (edited)

Now that I've fixed all remaining High Level Item issue with my loadorder, I have just started a new character that will use smithing so I can do some more low level playtesting and test out my economy settings.  I am also testing the weapon and armor degradation mod, for those that are adventurous, remember not to wrye bash or reproccer this mod and put it near the end of the load-order or even dead last.  


So far so interesting, Scarcity 10x rare loot and 6x Merchant, Trade & Barter, Gold Adjustment, Sold Out and Less Gold for Quests (and Resplendent Racials for Orcs means even more bartering penalty), at level 3, I have a grand total of 33 Gold pieces (Alternative Start: left for dead so no starting gold), after selling everything I had after attacking the fort near Whiterun and selling everything worthwhile I can carry... I got like another 15 Gp!!!  :)  Oh the pain!  Fortunately I can still buy iron/steel type ore/ingots from the vendors if only I can afford it.  I really need to get out of Whiterun and head for an orc stronghold where I get much better prices (35% better at least).  Fortunately, build-in to the design, to aid you in the start is the ready available iron/steel/leather equipment you can melt down for ingots/leather strips.  


I am seriously considering taking speechcraft early on, unlike every other play through.  My first perk was in smithing, as I can feel that is going to be tough.  I need to either invest in Alchemy (make my own), Speechcraft (afford potions) or Restoration (healing magic) or I am going to find it very tough.  Funny, usually I can find almost enough potions to get by for many levels, but now with Scarcity that isn't happening.  4) I noticed that enemy bosses can spawn at very high levels with HLE Hardcore, so the usually anticlimatic fight against Red Eagle was a straight out RUN FOR MY LIFE with my well armed 36 leveled hero armed with a Holy Broadsword that adds 29 fire damage AND Dawn-breaker with all dual wielding perks leveled including the one that adds elemental damage!  He was level 80 for G-Sakes!  Nice! something you just have to come back to, sounds almost like a leveled world to me :).


As for the difficulty, I think it still works, I have SIC and RE on hard/expert and gameplay setting on Apprentice.  (cheated a little and had it on novice for the bandit camp, as I wanted to speed up testing a little), at level 1-2 I had no serious issues with small packs of wolves and that is where any hardcore start should start out as.  A bandit camp should rape you and leave your corpse to dry at level 1-2.  So balance is still great.


Before I move on to my new character, a couple more notes from the old character:  1) Side effect from Morrowloot:  One of the biggest complaints of a leveled world is a lack of a sense of achievement as the world levels with you, but because now all the humanoid creatures have <orc level weapons (mostly), you still gain the upper-hand as the game goes on and you explore the world and find rare ores/ingots and hand-place loot.  So that sense of achievement is back!  2) Also creatures that don't rely on the level-list for abilities and powers are a lot more scarier.  3) I had an issue with Gold Adjustment with some other unknown mod, fortunately it isn't any of the mods in the pack or step, it was one of the quest mods, either the Manny's oblivion series or thirteen oranges ones, raven-nest, mzark, or forgotten settlement or northern encounters/extras and the thundershout mod.  In my new playthrough, I have uninstalled these as non-essential mods and Gold Adjustment is working fine again, it maybe just my load-order but its just an observation I will record here, just in case anyone has the same issues.  Fortunately not these mods aren't all that great, the quests aren't all that polish or the mod just adds another decorative town.  Good news is Falskaar, Wyrmtooth, Moon and Starts, Interesting NPC, Inconsequential NPCs are all fine.  I like the thunderchild mod so I will probably reinstall that eventually.


As for weapon armor degradation, there is no doubt that I would include it IF I find it stable and doesn't cause issues.  I have learnt in the past couple of weeks of intensive testing that many mods that you would think should have many users, don't really work!  Goes to show that many people mod their game more than play the game.  I love how this mod requires you to repair your weapons either with gold at a blacksmith, or yourself if you have the ore/perk, you can even repair remotely with a whetstone/hammers.  The mod is adjustable as to how quickly your weapons degrades and if you armor degrades with time.  I have turned the latter off and set the former to normal speed for now.  (I know this mod works fine with Sands of Time, so it should work with anything if it works with that crazy mod)


Other mod I am testing is professions, adding real-time to paused-activities.  Given the new economy, this is going to play a huge part in the game.  A real game changer.

Edited by Garfink

I believe Scarcity needs STATS for the bashed patch. It isn't mentioned on the page. Another question can you post your current list. I want to follow it.

Posted (edited)
  On 5/8/2014 at 5:14 AM, hishutup said:

I believe Scarcity needs STATS for the bashed patch. It isn't mentioned on the page. Another question can you post your current list. I want to follow it.

Sure tonight, at work at the moment.  I am using the Clothing & Clutter Fix & Weapon & Armor Fixes so I already have STATS on for the bashed patch, as these mods require that too.

Edited by Garfink
Posted (edited)

One more thing:  


Just did some more testing you definitely still need this added these into the asis perk ini (from the improved ASIS ini page) even if you are NOT using SkyRe, or all dual wielders and some other humanoids will one shot you, like the briarhearts, especially if they are the same level as you (which is often with High Level Enemies Hardcore running!)




DualFlurry30 <--- if you are not using SkyRe just add these
DualFlurry50 <---
You will still get one shot-ed, but only from monsters many level above you, which can happen with HLE Hardcore.  My level 36 character can easily be one-shot-ed by level 50 druagrs (you have some warning with these, as they are named differently), not to mention level 80 master-bosses that infrequently spawns.  Low level bosses like Bandit Chiefs are killable even if they are higher level than you are.
Edited by Garfink
  On 5/8/2014 at 5:14 AM, hishutup said:

I believe Scarcity needs STATS for the bashed patch. It isn't mentioned on the page. Another question can you post your current list. I want to follow it.

If you mean add STATS bash tag, I'll check it. In the mod description on the nexus it says not to use any bash tags though. What do you mean by list?
Posted (edited)

I mean the mod pack page. I might be incorrect because the bashed patch changes the LVLD - Chance None back to vanilla but carries LVLD - Global. I have limited knowledge when it comes to how mods function. I only know things that I have found out over time.



Yes, I was wrong.

Edited by hishutup
  On 5/8/2014 at 6:41 AM, hishutup said:

I mean the mod pack page. I might be incorrect because the bashed patch changes the LVLD - Chance None back to vanilla but carries LVLD - Global. I have limited knowledge when it comes to how mods function. I only know things that I have found out over time.



Yes, I was wrong.

What happens if I have STATS merge via Bash with Scarcity?  What happens to WAFR and Clothing/clutter fix if I have STATS merge turned off?


What's more important?  Do we need a patch here?

Posted (edited)
  On 5/8/2014 at 7:03 AM, Garfink said:

What happens if I have STATS merge via Bash with Scarcity?  What happens to WAFR and Clothing/clutter fix if I have STATS merge turned off?


What's more important?  Do we need a patch here?

I had originally just took a quick glance because its late and decided to post it because I was unsure. It seems like it doesn't use the LVLD - Chance None but uses the LVLD - Global. In a bashed patch the LVLD - Chance None is reverted to vanilla whereas the LVLD - Global record is carried in the patch. The text below is from the front of the mod page.


  • (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED) For compatibility with other mods, use Wrye Bash to create a Bashed Patch. Include "Scarcity - Less Loot.esp" and your chosen rarity module(s) in the Bashed Patch (DO NOT use any Bashed Tags). Remember that you must rebuild your Bashed Patch whenever your load order changes, this includes when you want to change rarity modules."
Edited by hishutup
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