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BTW: SRB, you really should look at this thread. It's Sharlikran's thread for integrating full Fallout support in mainline Wrye Bash - if you found anything that the patch doesn't merge, but should merge (or improperly does), you should post here.

Yeah, I know I should be testing it. I started by testing the Skyrim version, but never made it to the FNV version because the current version was working so well and real life just keeps shitting on my free time.


BTW: SRB, you really should look at this thread. It's Sharlikran's thread for integrating full Fallout support in mainline Wrye Bash - if you found anything that the patch doesn't merge, but should merge (or improperly does), you should post here.

I don't see a separate Fallout version of Wrye Bash, does it use the same one as Skyrim?

Posted (edited)


Unfortunately I'm one of the unlucky few who is experiencing the "double eye" bug. Only seen it on Willow for now (she looks like some kind of terrifying hinduistic god). I'll be trying some of the fixes posted on FCO's page, but it seems to be caused by NVR3.

I also have this double eyes bug on willow. Does anyone know how to fix this?


I've fixed my problem with Willow's eyes using OrmrSnaethorsen fix. Damn those new eye textures are really something!

Where is this fix?

Edited by coldbyte

I don't see a separate Fallout version of Wrye Bash, does it use the same one as Skyrim?

It should work for everything except morrowind. You need to install Wrye flash then overwrite with the new one I believe.


I installed Wrye Bash and when I run it with my Fallout 3 plugin load I get an error near the end of the patch creation. I tried disabling a few mods but I still got the error.


I installed Wrye Bash and when I run it with my Fallout 3 plugin load I get an error near the end of the patch creation. I tried disabling a few mods but I still got the error.

Disable Import Sound and see if that is it.

Also, start with the debug.bat, you can add it as the executable in MO.


I've been using the standalone executable version of Wrye Flash, so I used the same version of Wrye Bash. The problem happens when Relations are imported, or there is a problem when some mods are included in import cells (the updated unofficial fallout 3 patch).

Posted (edited)

I fixed DarnUI issue just by edditing .ini files and I've turned off ENB Booster and got rid of that bloom effect too.


Unfortunately,right now I've installed  Type3 and Robert's body replacement mods and I have this neck "sean" on every NPC, included my player's too. I was googling,also searched trough forums and couldn't find any solution to it.So, is it suppose to be like that or am I doing something horribly wrong again?

Edited by ThomasTheDankEngine

I fixed DarnUI issue just by edditing .ini files and I've turned off ENB Booster and got rid of that bloom effect too.Unfortunately,right now I installed all mods that changes bodies and I have this neck "sean" on every NPC, included my player's too. I was googling,also searched trough forums and couldn't find any solution to it.So is it suppose to be like that or am I doing something horribly wrong again?

Tick all BSAs under the archive tab and see if that works.

So far no issues with your guide's intall EAB, everything is playing nicely!  Can't wait to hear your reports on Impact. :) Coldbyte, thanks for the fix files, I've archived them, in case I experince the need. :D


Okay, I finished DEIMOS last night. It isn't super long, but the voice acting is decent. The story is okay too for something that is only a couple hours. I had one bug pop up, but it was a known bug that probably has to do with the old Bethesda Navmesh bug which is a part of the all games before Skyrim. The fix was to reload a save, which I have plenty since I use CASM.


That pretty much finishes up this round of testing. The mods for this playthrough which have not been added yet:

  • Dragonskin Tactical Outfit
  • Animated Sweat Effect
  • Crossbow of the Wasteland (will probably be on of the supplemental weapon pages)
  • Pre-War Crossbow (same as above)
  • Advanced Recon Thermal Nightvision
  • Advanced Recon Stealth Gear

Not getting in:

  • Holster Gear (I just wanted a holster and got to much other stuff with this mod. Clipping galore.)

As you can see, I didn't leave a whole lot out this round. Thermal Nightvision is the only UI mod, so that is good for people that cry when I change that section.


Next is going to be a power armor playthrough. I'm going to try and add Powered Power Armor, some actual power armors, and probably some heavy weapons to go with the power armor. I'm also going to add in a big quest mod like Beyond Boulder Dome since that would really open up the Quest section with hours of extra gameplay. I will test two companions as well, Niner and maybe Russell. I was thinking about four legged friends, but the molerat was just to silly for me. I have a bunch of Yuki mods tapped as well and those would be good candidates for merging. Of course IMPACT will get tested, probably one of the first things I look at in my new playthrough. I also found a couple different holster mods and I'll address the neck seams with the necklaces this playthrough. It doesn't bother me to much, but others keep asking about so I'll have to add something for it. I'll come up with a full list of test candidate mods soon so if anyone wants to help out or just blow up their current playthrough they can do so.


I can't think of anything else ATM, but if anything jumps out, let me know.

Posted (edited)

I really think that the Mobile Truck Base would make a good edition to the guide to replace fast travel for a more immersive gameplay experience. I will be adding to my current playthrough so if you want me to make a test log then I can. 


I will also be playing through The Inheritance, The Couriers Cache, and using Quick Trade. 

Edited by Audley

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