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SRB - something looks wrong with the new instructions (I think).  In your recent revision, one thing I think you removed by accident that was previously there was to remove the error lines from "TeslaRifleForms".  You added in this:

  1. Expand Worldspace->000DA726->Block 0, -1
  2. Right click on Sub-Block 0, -2 and select "Remove"

But you removed "TeslaRifleForms" from the part where it mentions this:


"From the EditorID column, check MNK-RHINOgaussRevolverForms, R700Forms, and MCL_Pre_warXbowForms for errors."


After deleting the worldspace entries given up above this I had 3 error lines (I think it was 3...) appear in "TeslaRifleForms" (I think they were for the Novak placement of the Tesla Rifle stuff).  To me it looked like the Helios One placement remains though, since it wasn't in the deleted "Sub-Block 0, -2".


I still cant see why you need to get rid of a gun in Novac. By then you're probably around level 8 ish and starting to need better weapons...


Ah well different strokes, as they say.


I still cant see why you need to get rid of a gun in Novac. By then you're probably around level 8 ish and starting to need better weapons...


Ah well different strokes, as they say.

It's just laying on ground. The author didn't even hide it or put it behind a lock.


I just installed the latest MO update which is supposed to add the Legacy Script Support, but it isn't working for me with PN - EO and FlashlightNVSE. PN worked fine though. 


I just installed the latest MO update which is supposed to add the Legacy Script Support, but it isn't working for me with PN - EO and FlashlightNVSE. PN worked fine though. 

So what do we do since Legacy scripts have been pulled?


So just a heads up. I added the Machienzo section. It's only three mods, but they are all great mods. The Lonessome Road mod was already in F&L, the Primm one should have been in a long time ago, but I forgot about it, and the third one adds a little diversity to the casinos.


Also, the Nipton Fires Extinguished is a no brainer, really that is something I should have found a long time ago.


Dropped Alternative Blood Sprout since EVE has blood spurts.


Added a cigarette retex by Audley. He will probably redo it, but until then I like the way the alternative version looks in game. Add that banner you made me to your pages bro!!!


I wrote this really long post about the direction of F&L, so I'll update it for anyone interested:



Okay, someone brought up that all the guns are in Doc Mitchell's crib and that it was toooooo easy to get them, so I am going to suggest that part of the merging instructions that I put instructions to disarm the ole doc by deleting the records for those placed items. The mods will still put their guns in the leveled lists and the vendor lists so you can get lucky and steal one off a dead guy or buy them. I even think that the Gauss RHINO pistol has a recipe that I didn't even notice before. I really like that gun too and it's ammo is in the leveled lists, so if the gun is too and it can be crafted then I'm down to delete it from the schoolhouse.


It pretty much just makes the game better for people that have no will power and hording issues, so let me know. ::P:


Let me know and I'll put those instructions in tomorrow-ish, maybe. Tonight I'm going to add four guns to the Addtional Weapons page. The Remington 700 which I forgot I even tested, the Rifle Locomotive which is awesome, THOR because it's crazy how badass that gun is, and VT-191 Murderlizer since it's unreal how awesome that gun is. The last two are overpowered, but THOR and it's mods are going to cost you like 60-70K caps and the Murderlizer is behind a very hard safe. Also, the Murderlizer runs on an MF Breeder and it only has one charge, so you can't just sit there and annihilate everything. THOR is a heavy weapon and most of those can clear out a room of deathclaws pretty quick, so it's about on par with those weapons. Both are by the same guy and there are some errors in the plugins so some FNVEdit work has to be done, which is why I thought adding the instructions to delete the stuff from doc mitchell's is no biggie. You'll already be deleting records from other plugins so it's like practice or something.

DONE!!! YEAH ME!!! :gnome: 


The same person also asked me what version of completeness the guide is. I consider it at v0.8 right now. So, here are some things I'm thinking about for the guide going forward...


  1. I'm about ready to start giving the axe to some mods. I want to maybe drop a few gameplay mods that don't add much or are covered/partially covered by mods already included or I want to include. Some of those would be:
    1. KFE - Refill Water Bottles. I can't figure out how to get rid of the message. I use this about 3-4 times a playthrough, then I have way to much water in my inventory. If I can make water scarce then I'll think about keeping it, but those stupid messages need to be fixed.
    2. You take a sip from your trusty Vault 13 canteen. I've thought that with the pro-order pack stuff in the leveled list this mod might not even be necessary. I can't ever find canteen, does anyone know where it is? Done
    3. Less Intrusive Killcam. I can tell you how to make this on your own and combine it with another plugin that does something similar so you save a plugin spot. Should have done that a long time ago, but my eyes tend to just gloss over some stuff. This mod will be added to a separate page when it's created using FNVEdit. It only takes about 2 minutes to create this mod and you can use an existing plugin to save a slot. Also, you customize the killcam stuff yourself when I explain what the settings mean.
    4. Nevada Skies. I might goes with something like Realistic Wasteland Lighting or that URWL mod. I'm going to test those soon.Realistic Wasteland Lighting is okay, but it's not blowing me away. Maybe that's the point though. I don't like the way that Night Vision looks with this mod, it's got a touch of yellow in it. There is one thing that I noticed and it's when the sun is overhead that stuff can look really bright, almost blinding. That is actually pretty much how it is living in the desert during summer. The problem is that it sucks in a videogame. It crosses the line of balancing realism with fun. I'll keep using it for a while though, these weather/lighting mods have to be given some time.
    5. Hall of Equipment might get the axe too. I bet most people wouldn't even notice. I already uninstalled it in my current playthrough and haven't noticed. Making this post is what reminded me about dropping it, so it is going to the chopping block. No harm keeping it if you like it, just doesn't do much with everything else that overwrites it, you won't know it's gone.
    6. Alternative Blood Sprout. EVE can handle blood sprouts just fine. Done.
  2. The first point leads to the mods I want to add because I can free up some much needed plugin slots. Here are couple I want to use:
    1. First, a Machienzo section with merging instructions. Great modder, reminds me of Yuki a bit where some of the mods are almost like fixes, here are a few I like:
      1. Primm Reputation Restored. Kelmych recommended this ages ago and it just slipped my mind. Done
      2. Honest Hearts Extensions. Not my favorite DLC, but maybe this will help. Still contemplating this one, it requires another mod that I wasn't to crazy about. I'll do Honest Hearts again soon and see what this mod has to offer.
      3. Regional Slots, Expanded Gambling. More gambling dammit, it's Vegas baby! Again, requires another mod that I wasn't sure about called ACES. The ACES mod looks amazing, but I didn't want to add another big mod to my very big list of stuff. I'll revisit it a bit later.
      4. Freeside Map Markers. I'll probably add some strip markers too. Three load doors to get to the NCR embassy suuuuuuuuuucks. Found a mod I liked more than this one and it's already in the guide.
      5. Refined Casino People and Suits. This almost like a fix.
      6. Lonesome Road True Faction Allegiance. Already in the guide, so this would get added. Last two are done. Also the merging instructions are in there. Returning users be careful, these mods will affect in progress playthroughs so use good judgment.
    2. More Challenges. Same modder as More Perks, so it would fit right in. Haven't gotten around to it. Will soon.
    3. Deserters Fortress. Same mooder as More Perks, but this one is a quest. Same as last mod.
    4. FNV REalistic Wasteland Lighting. Explained above, I'm going to start testing weather/lighting stuff just for the heck of it. This was updated early Dec, where some others are no longer supported. Still testing, thoughts above next to Nevada Skies.
    5. Mr Radioactiv's Weapon Collection. Probably more guns that you'll ever need, but I think a bunch have NVSE functionality that allows for on the fly weapon mod switching like using a dot sight or scope with a hotkey. This mod has 11 BSAs. Your read that right 11. I will look at this later on.
    6. Dire Contraptions. By Imp, totally forgot to add this mod like months ago now. Dart guns and grenades. Really want to do a pacifist run if I can. Just started playing with this mod and I already love it. It has the dart gun from FO3 that let you sneak up on a Deathclaw and shoot it with a poison dart to slow it down, then you pull out your big gun and go to work. There are tons of bullet types that you can craft for it too, and some other guns/grenades too. This is going in after I play with it a bit more. One drawback is that it cannot be merged because it has this Cazador in a Can grenade, I think. FNVEdit will not merge that since it is made as a kind of hack.
  3. More pages. Yep more supplemental pages for stuff. I already have a few and I like them, so that means I need MOAR!!!
    1. Conflict Resolution Page. I've been saying this for a while, a long f'n while, but I might actually do it this time. I started on it a while ago and if I do about 50 conflicts week, then it will be done pretty quick and I won't burn myself out on it. Been working on other stuff, but I think that I will start this tomorrow. It will grow over time, even if do 20 a day it will be done pretty quick.
    2. FAQ/Troubleshooting/Tips/Hints. I never did one, but I should. It would be so easy to just link to questions I've answered instead of getting PMs or having to retype stuff in threads. Also, people send me messages on reddit since I help people out there and it's like I'm now known to be the guy that did the Fallout guide on those subreddits, so I get asked stuff a lot. Maybe one day.  ::(: 
    3. Additional Armor/Clothes. I have two for guns, so it's time to do a nice armor set page. Suggestions? Got some good suggestions from a few people, plus I found a couple myself. This will start coming together soon, maybe next week if work isn't to crazy or if I don't forget.
    4. More guns. I'd almost like those pages to be packs. You pick a couple from the list and then you move on, but I like the idea of there being a bunch of different ones that may not even be compatible or may overlap. It was a way for me to bring the community in on making suggestion pages, but everyone just waits for me to test it all out. I've almost gotten to the point that if you were to just come up with a list of guns, I'd make a page for you. Got a suggestion? Let me know. Got a whole list? Even better. Dire Contraptions is the only weapon mod I currently am testing and adding soon.
    5. MCM settings. I want to make them different for different playthroughs. Playing a heavy with power armor and lasers, do this, playing a ranger with with a bounty hunter duster and pistols, do this, survivalist/pacifist, do this. Like a way to customize a playthrough even more. Another one I haven't gotten to, but I have been working on other stuff. Hopefully, I keep going back to this list and updating it so I remember stuff.
  4. My own mods. I've been playing long enough and have enough know how that I want things a certain way and the only way to do that is to make it myself.
    1. Limbs heal over time. Like you know in nature and stuff. If I cut myself it heals in a couple days. Limbs stay damaged and never heal until you use (Hail) Hydra or a Doctor's Bag. I think they would heal up a little everyday on their own. This could be an NVSE plugin for sure. Maybe this exists some, but I missed it. Working on the script. I'm learning some NVSE stuff right now, it isn't too hard, but it is time consuming. I think I can do this pretty easy though. The idea is that if you aren't in combat for a few hours that you would heal up a little naturally. And, if you weren't in combat for days or weeks then you'd probably heal up all the way. You will not naturally heal a broken limb though, that isn't how it works. Resting doesn't reset a broken bone.
    2. There is a mod that adds bobbleheads for Special and Skills and then there are lots of implants, so I want to lower the starting Special and Skills, so you aren't a freak of nature by level 20 destroying everything in sight. With a perk every level that you can setup in one of the PN MCM menus, it also allows you to add Special through a perk you can take ten times. This will add balance. Messes around with this a bit. The game will force you to start with 40 SPECIAL points no matter what, so I gotta find the setting that does that so I can lower it. I want to make it hard, so you'd be stating at 4 with all SPECIAL attributes and you only get 4 points. That's 32 total to start. You can then go get the bobbleheads and implants and the perk for adding SPECIAL points would be more valuable as well. I haven't really looked at skills yet.
    3. Implants bother me. I love to have them, but wish they were tiered. The regen implant could be three levels where each additional level is 6000 caps and adds other bonuses like limb regen. I was working on this a while back, but am more serious about it now then I was back them. I even had thought up a Blade Runner backstory. Tyrell Corporation, More human that human. ::P: This is one of the bigger reasons I want to learn some NVSE stuff. Just some thing I want to do with the Monocyte Breeder Implant is make it three levels. I talked about this before, but I've been messing with it some more lately. I already learned a bunch of new stuff for scripting and think I can pull off everything that I want to do now. Since PN adds the regular game's implants as items, you will be about to upgrade them at a work bench unless I learn to do dialogue scripting and add some lines to Dr. Usanagi about upgrades.
    4. One more new mod idea I had was to revamp the Mojave Outpost. It's really just a mind bender when you play the game and actually start to think about that area. How did all those cars not slide down that hill after two hundered years? Why are there cars right next to the statue? Wouldn't they be in the way of scaffolding when they built the statue? Wouldn't those cars have been used for scrap to make the statue? Isn't the outpost an important place to both the Desert Rangers and NCR? Why is it so run down? Anyways, I'm looking at messing around with the southern road there from the Mojave Outpost to Nipton. Okay, I'm rambling again, but uhh... yeah that is what I'm doing with the GECK and modding and stuff.

Wow, I really rambled on about stuff for while there. So, if you have been following this guide you know that I do these long posts every once in a while and then I go on to do about 25% of the stuff I say I will do. If I do 25% then that is bad. I need to do about 50% to ever smile again. This is all without doing an ENB section either, I left that out because I didn't even think about it till right now, but I'm tired. I'm at about 25% in 9 days, so if I keep trucking, 50% is very doable in the next 10 days. 




Wow, this post took longer than I expected. I'm sure I forgot something, but whateves. 


Did you update? If yes, I'll help you out when I get home. If no, the dont update.

I second Adonis's awesome statement. Looking forward to the stat/Breeder changes!


And yes, I updated, like an idiot. I wiped everything and started from scratch to follow the guide. Been missing Fallout, and I don't plan on doing F3 till a TTW play through, and right now I don't want to put in the effort of converting so much/working through compatibilities. Besides, figured it was time to switch my FNV install over to MO. I still have some mods to test to see if I want to try an include them on top of the guide or not, mainly house and armor stuff. You already have more weapons than I will ever need. Outside of Millenia stuff, mostly for variety, I don't see the point unless its something very specific to fit a character. Though I did snag Nordic Firearms from somewhere if you want the archive. I also have Lombard Station, its not to my taste but you may want it included in the guide. Its basically a grungy version of Underground Hideout, and works pretty well for Enclave rp'ers.

Posted (edited)

SRB, something else I thought of, in addition to the junk I threw up a few days ago.


Mark Morgan's "Vault Archive" - Some people, such as myself, never use the actual radio and prefer the in-game music.  This is a collection of all the tracks from FO1 and FO2 in high quality MP3 or Lossless format.  Yes, it requires a bit of work to install, as you'll have to manual replace each track in your FONV folder with one of these and rename the file, but once you've done that you're set.  Noticeable difference, doesn't take up a mod slot, and add's a nice touch to the game for folks that played FO in the past.


EDIT:  A few immersion options:


Rusty Highways - Adds some bombed out vehicles to the roads.  Really enhances the feeling of the area being destroyed while people were still going about their day.

Military Expansion Program - Add's soldiers to a few of the military locations.

Repopulated Wasteland - Adds additional NPCs all over the world to give it a bit more life.

Increased Wasteland Spawns - More world spawns.  More stuff to shoot at.

Edited by Veezy

Conflict Resolution - are you working on a "Fear and Loathing Patch"?


Veezy - You mentioned how adding more cars with Rusty Highways to give the feeling that the area got bombed.  The problem with that idea is that the lore/story is that the area around New Vegas was left virtually untouched by the nuclear attacks.


Conflict Resolution - are you working on a "Fear and Loathing Patch"?


Veezy - You mentioned how adding more cars with Rusty Highways to give the feeling that the area got bombed.  The problem with that idea is that the lore/story is that the area around New Vegas was left virtually untouched by the nuclear attacks.

True.  That being said, the main strip is pretty well kept while Freeside and the rest of the world is left crumbling, save the dam (which still needed some NCR effort to get running).  I would say it's open to however you'd want the world to look.  Rusty Highways pretty much leaves the vehicles it adds to the main highways.  Which would fit, as some bombs did get through.


Of course, to be TRULY accurate we'd need a traffic report from the 50s in the Fallout universe and an accurate layout of how far past the strip the destruction goes. As, in game, the look of the strip compared to Freeside is strikingly different.  But that's getting into silly territory.  Video games aren't as serious as comic books, gosh.


FYI: rePopulated Wasteland conflicts with Goodsprings Reborn.


The former adds a number of markers around Goodsprings that don't align with the changes made by Goodsprings Reborn, so you'll see NPCs leaning against trees that aren't there, for example. That said, Goodsprings Reborn has some issues with object placement (e.g., floating corn stalks.)


Disappointing, as Goodsprings Reborn makes Goodsprings much more believable.


The other problem is that rePopulated Wasteland and Goodsprings Reborn together make Goodsprings more populous than most of the larger settlements.


YUP also changes the positioning of yet more objects around Goodsprings. /sigh

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