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Requiem Pack (WIP)

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Posted (edited)

2.2.9 already? Argh, so much to update already.


Thanks for the tip on removing mods from the patches, I never did try loading ars metallica, diverse priests and the patch in tes5edit and checking manually for conflicts. I took the shortcut I posted. Ive also found out that the shortcut method does not detect all errors in tes5edit, no idea why its so selective in error checks.


Some further info. Merging is a pain, often you get errors in subrecords (which tes5edit error check does not find), maybe this occurs when two mods that edit the same record get merged? I then make sure the merge mod is overwritten by a conflict resolution and repair patch. So its doable but takes even more tes5edit time.


Tracking down mods which dont like to be merged; some (or 1) seem to cause CTD on save irritation. Ive narrowed it down to some 20 odd mods, thankfully its not any requiem or REGS patches. SFO addon plugins dont like to be merged either; you get the occasional tree LOD texture up close.


Current setup takes up 3.5GB VRAM on average, 3.9GB VRAM at peak. Is this normal? Have a new 4GB card. All textures are 2048x2048, and exterior textures and normals are 1024x1024. Running Real Vision performance ENB with SMAA.

Edited by MadWizard25

2.2.9 seems to be coming along nicely. EssArrBee is on it, I would presume that the release of AOS 2.0 requires some development time though. I just hope for a pre-release patch for testing purposes I can link to, there already are so many versions and patches to keep track of, it would be nice if the STEP patches wheren't among them :)


Been testing STEP Extended + SR:LE + REGS + Requiem + Additional mods.


I found that the sheer number of scripts was causing stack dumps and i guess as a result CTDs. I bumped my papyrus values and it solved the issue. I didnt raise the values much higher.


My papyrus is spamming;

[04/01/2014 - 11:15:11PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].REQ_MassEffectField.RegisterForUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].REQ_MassEffectField.onBeginState() - "REQ_MassEffectField.psc" Line ?
[None].REQ_MassEffectField.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[None].REQ_MassEffectField.OnObjectUnequipped() - "REQ_MassEffectField.psc" Line 20
04/01/2014 - 11:03:12PM] Error: Unable to set the sound's position
[ (000BCD35)].Sound.Play() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (0010C334)].FXBirdFleeSCRIPT.OnCellAttach() - "FXBirdFleeSCRIPT.psc" Line 17
[04/01/2014 - 11:03:13PM] Error: Unable to set the sound's position
[ (000BCD35)].Sound.Play() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (0010C334)].FXBirdFleeSCRIPT.OnLoad() - "FXBirdFleeSCRIPT.psc" Line 26
I noticed Nicopad had these logs as well. Has anyone worked out what they are?
Posted (edited)

Yes, I would surely go for the 2.0 update. For me it obsoletes improved combat sounds, better sheath and draw btw. The AOS bow sounds are also better imho, without having tested it I assume the same is true for xbow sounds and weapon swings. Hopefully those will change in STEP 2.2.9.


As for the Masseffect I do not know where they come from, tbh I haven't checked my papyrus log so far so I cannot tell if it's SR:LE or STEP. And I cannot check atm because I send my graphics card back again.


[edit] Just saw Azirok updated his WAF patch, a new Requiem pack patch is probably in order (with AOS 2.0 compatibility).

Edited by Spock
  • +1 1

Ok, ill update AOS when step 2.2.9 is out.


The mass effect is definitely a requiem script. However, I cant find reference to it at all in tes5edit. REQ_ are all requiem based. Im currently going through pap log to solve errors, and i have been able to find everything else referenced and fixed some of them, so odd...


Yep, mass effect is a Requiem feature, I should have made that clearer. I would ask around in the Requiem thread on the Nexus, there are some really helpful people around there and Ogerboss is very active too (if he isn't on holiday or something).

Posted (edited)

Well, seems AOS 2 fixed bird script error, and the masseffectfielf from requiem is harmless, happens due to unloaded NPCs from other mods. Great  ::):


I think I have managed to almost fix everything obvious. Running 350 plugins requires some serious papyrus ini setting modification though, default values cant handle the script load, requiem pushes it right over the edge  :lol:

Edited by MadWizard25

I am running a big Requiem build too (with nearly all of Hard Times and other arizok-compat mods) in addition to STEP and a few extras.


I did not have any Papyrus-related issues, but I did get script overload with uGrids 9 and over (NPCs not reacting to PC behavior outdoors). Reducing to uGrids 7 resolves.


Load order is also a significant management issue to resolve, and I have a long-staniding plugin order that seems to work well. Will post later if I remember.

Posted (edited)

Huh, I thought your were STEP only  ::):


I run ugrids 7, however I believe my script overload is a result from being 100 plugins over the 255 limit, some of them script intensive. I was getting stack dumps and thrashing. Doubling pap ini values solved it, at the cost of 3 fps give or take.


Yeah, load order was a pain. I dropped BOSS for LOOT though, ill see how that goes. Need far less rules. Additionally I have a huge conflict resolution patch, so as long as thats last all should be golden. Makes troubleshooting and fixing much easier as well with tesedit.


Edit: Argh, still get stack dumps, just much later

Edited by MadWizard25

This has just been uploaded to Nexus: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52669/? - you may be interested guys





Requiem Plus adds several quality of life fixes which are completely optional to Requiem, some are off by default. All of this is managed from Requiem Plus' MCM Menu in game. I made this mod and learned CK in a weeks period, and I admit I have not playtested it very much. 

However I believe it to work properly, and I've gone over my own mod with TES5Edit / CK and made sure I have no dirty edits. I am a programmer, and this was a fun project. Some of the fixes are no brainers, like giving Horses regenerating health, other fixes are more heavy handed and are off by default. Pick and choose what you want.


I have not tried this yet, it does look interesting. It's a single esp. I have added it to the mods section of the wiki so it can be added to the guide should we wish it.



Posted (edited)

Hi guys.


I'm trying tio install REQUIEM on top of SRLE+REGS, and after reading this topic, I'm a bit confused about OBIS.

1) I saw this in Smile loadorder :


OBIS.espOBISDB.espOBIS - Requiem Patch - Named.espOBISDB - Requiem Patch.esp


But I can't find these two last esp this on the guide. Are they renamed version from OBIS - Organized Bandits in Skyrim - Requiem Patch BETA?


2) On the OBIS patch for Requiem the OBIS recommended version is 1.503A, but SRLE guide was updated to 1.61G recently.

Will I encounter conflicts with the "uptodate" version of OBIS or can I play without troubles?


Thanks for any answers.

Edited by Malouz
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