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Compares, no ENB. Still think these should be moved to testing. Let me know if anybody wants more closeups or whatever.


Ruby > Diamond > Sapphire > Emerald > Glass > Glass Closeup


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  • +1 2

I would second, and third and fourth marking it to be tested, please. It's well worth it! Unfortunately mods have no longer the power to do that, unless I'm missing something... ;)


Yay, thanks!


I should note that this is the transparent version of Gemling. The difference between it and the solid is very subtle imo, you really need to see movement to tell, but when moving, the transparency is noticeable/better imo.


I agree. This mod takes the cake in all shots.


Good job on getting the compares up and posted before this got into testing. This is what I'd like to see happen with most threads. If someone advocates it, then they should be also will to do the work needed to get it up for testing. Great job! :thumbsup:

Posted (edited)

I take TOTAL credit for the circlets thing. Well, except for the actually making the mod thing. :P I planted the seed though! lol I think she's gonna look at jewelry too.

Edited by Noobsayer

Thanks guys for all the positive feedback! I'll have to take some better screens without ENB, the refraction really shines in bright light or when backlit. I feel I should mention though that there is a very minor bug with the transparent version, when viewed against a fire or other particle effect the claws go entirely transparent. They are also invisible under water (just the claws, the solid parts show just fine). This is the main reason I'm keeping up the solid version.


My circlet gem replacer is up, see here: link

All hail Noobsayer for sending me on this particular modding spree. :D

  • +1 1
Posted (edited)

Saerileth, can that bug be fixed by raising the maxparticle value in our .ini files? Also, that sounds like a similar bug that 'Transparent and Refracting Icicles' had when using a custom torch.nif file (from New Thinner Torch mod, etc.). 

The bug happened when you held a torch up against the icicles, ether the icicles or the torch would disappear. That author fixed it with a patch. Sounds like refraction mods cause these types of glitches. 

Are you using a custom fire/ember mod, such as 'Realistic Smoke and Embers'? Maybe a compatibility patch needs to be made. I'm just guessing here. I really have no idea. 

Edited by DoYouEvenModBro
  • +1 1

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