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first off...

 i LOVE mod organizer!!

so easy, and separates everything.. incredible job!!



 i was viewing some threads the other day, and thought 'hmm what if MO would make a txt list of some kind that u can just copy and post into a forum.

list of mods installed or installed per profile?




I use MO with BOSS to create a list of the esm/esps I have when necessary. Other than that I don't think its possible to get MO to create an installed list.

Sorry I couldn't answer this initially as I was on my phone, but if you go into "PathToMO/Mod Organizer/profiles/ProfileName" you'll see loadorder.txt and modlist.txt.  The former is a list of the ESPs/ESMs in the order you have defined (in the right column of MO) while the latter is a list of all the mods you've installed (left column). 

first off...

 i LOVE mod organizer!!

so easy, and separates everything.. incredible job!!



 i was viewing some threads the other day, and thought 'hmm what if MO would make a txt list of some kind that u can just copy and post into a forum.

list of mods installed or installed per profile?




I use MO with BOSS to create a list of the esm/esps I have when necessary. Other than that I don't think its possible to get MO to create an installed list.

Sorry I couldn't answer this initially as I was on my phone, but if you go into "PathToMO/Mod Organizer/profiles/ProfileName" you'll see loadorder.txt and modlist.txt.  The former is a list of the ESPs/ESMs in the order you have defined (in the right column of MO) while the latter is a list of all the mods you've installed (left column). 


 thats awesome :)


1. How do you get BUM to be able to save the Userlist when running as an executable? When I try to do this is generates the error "Unable to Backup User list... External Component has thrown an exception". I can see the Userlist if I display it - I just can't save it.


2. However, even if I manually edit the Userlist (at F:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\BOSS\Userlist.txt) BOSS does not recognize it when run as an executable - it says items listsed in there are unrecognized plugins. (BOSS does identify all of the pluggins I have - it just "unsorts" the unrecognized ones - I assume because it can't use the Userlist. Is the Userlist.txt file supposed to be stored somewhere else when BOSS is an executable inside of Mod Organizer?


Both BUM and BOSS worked correctly with the same MODs when I installed them via Wrye Bash.


Thanks for any help or insight.


You should be able to make rules right in BOSS. I don't know if MO actually reads the files that BOSS would generate to save those, the virtual directory thing really messes up interactions with other programs.


The way I have my MO set up under executibles, I have one linked to the BOSS.exe in my boss installation folder, and another one linked to BOSS GUI.exe. When I use BOSS GUI.exe, I'll click edit user rules and set up my BOSS rules list in there. BOSS.exe will just sort the list in my case. As long as I use BOSS.exe or BOSS GUI.exe, it will sort it and use the rules list generated from the BOSS GUI path. As long as you use MO to open the program you want, it should see all the plugins just fine.


I think there's a program called Boss Userlist Manager, but its easier to just use the BOSS GUI to create the rules list. I hope this information helps.

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the quick answer :)


Just one more question, I not sure how exactly work the overwrite folder, what are the difference between it and the general mod folder ? I wondering also what files MO is going to unistall or install, if I uncheck and then re-check the mod in question in the left panel.

Not sure if I was clear...


Thanks for the quick answer :)


Just one more question, I not sure how exactly work the overwrite folder, what are the difference between it and the general mod folder ? I wondering also what files MO is going to unistall or install, if I uncheck and then re-check the mod in question in the left panel.

Not sure if I was clear...

Unchecking a mod doesn't uninstall anything, it simply deactivates all the files in that mod.  I'm not sure if you're familiar with the folder structure, but if you go to "PathToMO/ModOrganizer/mods" you'll see a folder for each mod you have installed.  When you uncheck the mod in the left panel the files in that folder are simply not active when you launch the game.

Farlo is correct. To add to that, the overwrite folder is there for when you make changes to esm or esps. If you use Wrye Bash to make a bashed patch or make a merged patch in TESV Edit, it'll show up there. Anything in there automatically overwrites any .esm or .esp in your skyrim data folder or MO's mod folder of the same name, so that you have the changed file, as well as the unchanged file still available. I hope that made sense.


It make sense. :)

@Fargo In fact, by "uninstall" I was meaning "deactivating" sorry about that.


Now I can understand how these MO folders overwrites themselves.


Thanks both for your dedication

  • 1 month later...

Necro'ing the thread.  Here's the problem I'm running with Overwrite:


1. I have Module A installed.

2. I use TES5Edit on it to clean it; data is add to Overwrite.

3. The left-pane for Module A is checked; it is enabled.

4. The right-pane/ESP for Module A's ESP is checked; it is enabled.


Then, I now want to disable the module.


1. The left-pane for Module A is unchecked; it is disabled.

2. The right-pane/ESP for Module's ESP is still checked; it remains enabled due to Overwrite.


It's not simply a UI display bug; the ESP is still active.  Which means you end up running a mod with some but not all of the assets/scripts/logic.  I can't figure out how to overcome this problem.


Easy, when you modify an ESP move it from Overwrite folder back to the mod folder.


/Overwrite -> /Mods/


That way when you remove a mod it also removes the ESP.

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