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Is it possible to do this without Sewers and Nernies?  I was going by the "modular" nature of it and leaving those out but now it seems not t be working at all.  They seem so deeply embedded in Reg-Cities I am not sure if it is possible.


@statmonster: No, those 2 mods must be installed... No way around it and I don't think that'll ever be changed. I should update the wiki to reflect this.


@Wryane: Thank you for the report, much appreciated! We're having a look and will respond tomorrow.

Posted (edited)

Thanks.  That would be helpful as I thought it was modular and was leaving them out as I went until I got deep into the TES5Edit and realized this was not possible.  What a mess.


Are there conflicts with using the full version of ETaC (i.e. Dawnstar, Falkreathm, Morthal, etc?)  (Assume I don't mind the conflicting architectural styles...)

Edited by statmonster
Posted (edited)




Skyrim SewersPosted ImageVersion: None

This mod is already included in the REGS - Cities.esp that is available in the REGS Files which you will find at the end of the guide.

You should not activate this mod, but please endorse it nonetheless.


Nernies City and Village ExpansionPosted ImageVersion: 1.25 (Loose Files)

Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):


Note2: In the FOMOD installer at the end of the guide, this mod's .esp is integrated into the REGS - Cities.esp


Also, there's no need to install REGS - Cities.esp, except for the Interesting NPCs patch which depends on it. (The Cutting Room Floor patch is not necessary if not using REGS - Cities.esp)


  On 3/22/2014 at 12:51 AM, statmonster said:

Are there conflicts with using the full version of ETaC (i.e. Dawnstar, Falkreathm, Morthal, etc?) (Assume I don't mind the conflicting architectural styles...)

It is perfectly safe to use the full version of ETaC. Just make sure not to use any of the files I provide in the REGS - ETaC Replacer download. Edited by CJ2311
Posted (edited)



"Also, there's no need to install REGS - Cities.esp


That was more or less my plan until I started going through it and found lots of extra bits that seem to be stuck in there.

Edited by statmonster

I'd be curious to see what bits these are... I mean, as I said, only the Interesting NPCs patch has it as a master, unless I missed something...


Allright, statmonster you got conflicting answers from us haha :P


REGS - Cities.esp is what is marked as "core files" in the installer and thus I said the mods included in REGS Cities.esp (Sewers and nernie's) have to be used. But, as you jsut heard from CJ, that is technically not true if you don't use 3dnpcs. So yes you can play without these 2 mods.


I think some things in the wiki still need some improved wording, this is one of them :)

Posted (edited)

Just checked again, sorry you were right with the bench before candlehearth hall, it has been deleted in the latest version. I also checked the doors at the alchemy shop in Morthal again and the second floor still lacks a working door outside. I am using the latest (3.0.3) version of the patches.

Edited by Wrayne

Okay, now I can reply properly:


  On 3/21/2014 at 11:45 PM, Wrayne said:

Firstly, I know some mods that perhaps could a nice addition to the Pack: Windhelm Lighthouse https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35693/?, Oblivion Gates https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22369/? (Non MapMarker). I also use Undeath (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40607/?), but that conflicts with Aurora Village

- Windhelm Lighthouse: We've already considered adding it to the pack, but I'll most likely need to ask MannyGT for permission to patch it/merge since there's a risk of conflict between it and the main REGS - Cities module.

- Oblivion Gates is part of STEP, that's why it's not included in the pack.

- Undeath makes way too many gameplay changes, I tried to get it to work with a basic STEP:Extended setup with some gameplay mods like SIC and Enchanting Awakened, but the amount of conflicts was too high so I ended up removing it.


  On 3/21/2014 at 11:45 PM, Wrayne said:


- I'll have a look at the innkeeper's packages.

- That horse has driven me crazy, I could not find it inside the CK and ended up thinking he was added by another mod. It's already been removed in the next update's files.

- I'll relocate that stall somewhere else.

- Good point about the horses, will add some there, although I won't make them purchasable so it won't mess with the stable owner's dialog.


  On 3/21/2014 at 11:45 PM, Wrayne said:


- Will investigate the benches, it's probably due to the new 3DNPC blacksmith though.

- Nicely spotted, there were indeed 2 small occlusion planes I missed among the rocks there.

- Damn these doors to Oblivion.

- Smelter is a design choice: It doesn't fit nicely in the area. Even Interesting NPCs doesn't add a smelter, and the one added by ETaC was next to the Jarl's longhouse.


  On 3/21/2014 at 11:45 PM, Wrayne said:


- Will fix her vendor list.

- Thanks, I'll add that to the 3DNPC patch.

- Yeah it's supposed to open... Will check the owner packages, maybe they're making him close the shop all the time for some reason.

- As I said before: Solitude is difficult to mod because of the way it was designed (i.e.: poorly)

- I'll see about adding a smelter to the blacksmith's shop.

- I removed that building because I simply couldn't get it to become a stormcloak smithy if they won the civil war. Also it was nuking the game's performance for some odd reason...


  On 3/21/2014 at 11:45 PM, Wrayne said:


- The bench has been fixed, I'll remove the Ash Yams in front of the entrance of Pit Fighters in the next update.

Apparently I can't add a poll to the OP, so I'm gonna ask here instead:


Does anyone actually use Apple Garden or Daggercross Alley?

Posted (edited)

I do... :)


Oh and we already have permission from mannyGT for his mods, he confirmed that to me a few weeks ago.

Edited by Nearox
Posted (edited)

I didn't bother with the Apple Garden but Dagger Alley looks interesting.



Question - If I use Helgen Reborn and activate it after leaving, do I need to redo the bashed patch or the SUM patches?

Edited by statmonster

I like Apple Garden, it does more than add a bunch of apple trees. It's a nice little addition to that particular area, with some new walls and a picknick bench. Maybe not worth the esp slot of you are hitting your 255 limit but otherwise I consider it an improvement to the base game.

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