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A Real Explorer's Guide to Skyrim

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I cry because I am already pushing 255 esps with STEP Extended & SR:LE.  I wish more of these great packs had merged ESP alternatives to help cut the numbers down and get even more great content in one of the greatest games of our time.  Thanks for your hard work!


I have excellent news for you, there might be 4 more esp coming up tomorrow. And no merge either.


You can always merge mods yourself though, it's easy with mator's script.


CJ2311, I have been using mator's script for tes5edit, but have been avoiding REGS mods and patches because of potential navmesh issues. Are there any you know which are safe to merge?

  On 3/29/2014 at 1:25 AM, CJ2311 said:

There's no note about not cleaning if not stated, although I suppose I should specify that "ignore boss warnings" only refers to actual warning (i.e. only deleted navmeshes)Also, the reason why I didn't put cleaning instructions for BFT is because it's meant to be replaced when you use the BFT-MAS patch D:EDIT: Gotta hate when you hit tab and up posting before you're done typing...Concerning CWO and follower mods, I don't think they really belong in the pack. They don't have much to do with exploration, now do they? ::P:There's no reason why Immersive Survival would not be compatible with REGS either. As a matter of fact I used to use Hunterborn before Immersive Armors got updated to v7 and they became somewhat incompatible.

I agree it doesn't belong in the pack, I meant missing from my ideal setup is all. Like I said, I love this pack in conjunction with SRLE. Much thanks. Didn't know that Hunterborn conflicts with IAv7, care to elaborate? or is that posted somewhere I can read up on it? Another mod I wish I could use is Immersive Patrols but I suspect it could cause issues with a full SRLE/REGS setup

Posted (edited)

Since in the description of REGS you mention Solitude as being small for a capital, I'd like to suggest checking out Solitude - Capital Edition, by GrandDukeAdense (the author of Riften - Theif Edition.)


Main downsides are it's still WIP, and will probably in the least conflict with Skyrim Sewers, as it also adds an explorable sewer system. I have to assume there's probably cross-over with some other mods now in REGS, but it's still very interesting nonetheless, and from the video and screenshots gives a much more crowded and densely packed city feel to Solitude.

Edited by keithinhanoi

Having an error in TES5edit due to the Prometheus_NSUTR BDS Patch.esp being sorted AFTER Better Dynamic Snow.esp per the SRLE/REGS guide. That puts it at #29 in the load order ... Prometheus_No_snow_Under_the_roof.esp is #139...being the master TES5edit won't finish loading. Changing the rule to sort after Prometheus_No_snow_Under_the_roof.esp fixed the issue. I think the SRLE/REGS conflict resolution guide needs to be changed...

  On 3/29/2014 at 3:43 AM, CJ2311 said:

All regs patches (and etac replacer patches) can be merged together with the exception of the ELFX "fix".


Perfect, thank you, does this apply to the Immersive Winterhold College patches as well?


  On 3/29/2014 at 7:16 AM, wain831 said:

Having an error in TES5edit due to the Prometheus_NSUTR BDS Patch.esp being sorted AFTER Better Dynamic Snow.esp per the SRLE/REGS guide. That puts it at #29 in the load order ... Prometheus_No_snow_Under_the_roof.esp is #139...being the master TES5edit won't finish loading. Changing the rule to sort after Prometheus_No_snow_Under_the_roof.esp fixed the issue. I think the SRLE/REGS conflict resolution guide needs to be changed...


I can confirm this. I have been putting NSUTR BDS patch after No_snow_under_roof. A quick look in tes5edit showed its ok to do so, but perhaps there is a good reason to put it after better dynamic snow?

WB kicks up a fuss when it does via the guide way as well.


In the SRLE - REGS guide there is supposed to be another part about BDS which I never added. The author's instructions of the NSutR mod are:



Better Dynamic Snow.esp

Prometheus_NSUTR BDS Patch.esp


The part about resorting Better Dynamic Snow.esp to be after NSutR was not added by me, sorry for the confusion.


Note: I'll ask CJ about this again. I believe he looked at BDS-NSutR compatibiltiy once and said resorting BDS.esp wasn't strictly necessary, but I have to ask him again as I don't recall exactly.

  On 3/29/2014 at 4:43 AM, wain831 said:

I agree it doesn't belong in the pack, I meant missing from my ideal setup is all. Like I said, I love this pack in conjunction with SRLE. Much thanks. Didn't know that Hunterborn conflicts with IAv7, care to elaborate? or is that posted somewhere I can read up on it? Another mod I wish I could use is Immersive Patrols but I suspect it could cause issues with a full SRLE/REGS setup

They conflict because of the death items for trolls and mudcrabs. I think the author of Hunterborn posted a workaround for that, but without the death items from IA, you won't be able to craft some armors...


  On 3/29/2014 at 5:02 AM, statmonster said:

Have you considered these mods?  They expand the game boundary a bit into High Rock and Cyrodil/Morrowind, adding some towns and small quests.

Never seen these before, I'll take them for a test ride today, have you tried them in the past?


  On 3/29/2014 at 6:21 AM, keithinhanoi said:

Since in the description of REGS you mention Solitude as being small for a capital, I'd like to suggest checking out Solitude - Capital Edition, by GrandDukeAdense (the author of Riften - Theif Edition.)

Yeah I'm tracking that mod, but as you said, it's a wip. At this point it's more of an alpha than anything.


  On 3/29/2014 at 9:57 AM, MadWizard25 said:

Perfect, thank you, does this apply to the Immersive Winterhold College patches as well?

The CWI patch isn't a REGS patch, however I've merged the 2 DLC patches for the college with the main file and it works for me, so you should be able to merge those 2 patches with the rest of the REGS patches.


  On 3/29/2014 at 11:15 AM, Nearox said:

Note: I'll ask CJ about this again. I believe he looked at BDS-NSutR compatibiltiy once and said resorting BDS.esp wasn't strictly necessary, but I have to ask him again as I don't recall exactly.

Yes, the NSutR-BDS patch overwrites the conflicts between both mods, therefore there's no need to reorder BDS.


Better Dynamic Snow.esp


Prometheus_NSUTR BDS Patch.esp


is the load order I use in my main profile.

  • +1 1
Posted (edited)

Concerning Haafstad and Nyhus, I read this bit in the description that the author put in the description:

- Terrible voiceacting and stupid jokes.

And honestly, can't argue with that after running through both mods...

The border to High Rock is kinda nice, but it's obviously a WIP, especially the second village where the interiors are all the same and the innkeeper is standing outside his inn. But the voice acting is all done by the same person (and I dare say with a cheap mic)

The border to Morrowind/Cyrodiil looks more interesting, I'll have to test that one more (and have a look at the Morrowind part, I only crossed the Jerall mountains so far)


EDIT: The Immersive College of Winterhold is getting an update with bug fixes, and hopefully an NPC changes-free version (which I suggested to the author so there'd be no more conflicts with the Requiem pack among others) ::):

Edited by CJ2311
Posted (edited)

Small update this time around.


Version 3.2.3:


Guide-only Update:

    [*]Added Unique Border Gates by Duinnin.

    [*]More Immersive Dawnguard Entrance by Ahzaab.

CWI has got it's update, so I changed the instructions for that one.

Do note that you should not leave your stuff (or yourself) in the college of winterhold if updating.

Edited by CJ2311
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