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Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade (by kryptopyr)


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Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade by kryptopyr
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Looks like a good replacement/upgrade for Ars Metallica.  CCOR looks like it will go well with her other crafting overhauls and features can be turned on or off via MCM,  Patches or included compatibility with many mods (and looks like they are done in such a way that we might be able to reduce the number of ESPs used), though not being able to use this mod alongside the Ore Guardians in Skyrim Immersive Creatures is disappointing (though it is compatible with everything else in SIC) - maybe someone will do a patch though i fear it will need merged scripts...

Maybe Kryptopyr herself will give us a bit better of an overview.
MT Notes
Complete Crafting Overhaul


MT Notes:

EssArrBee - "This mod will need testing with input from the STEP Pack authors for compatibility reasons. It has already had lots of testing done for personal use and other mod compatibility, so lets gather that info and apply it to the STEP Mandate. Also, make note of any mods in STEP that might be changed or dropped because of it."


To Do Notes:

  • Find mods in STEP Core and Extended this will conflict with or change, i.e. Ars Metallica and AMB BoS.
  • Get input from pack authors about compatibility issues and ease of work around for STEP users installing said packs.
  • Testing with just STEP Core and then STEP Extneded to determine it's use.
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I've been using the "beta" (IE, fully functional but lacking some of the bells and whistles such as incorporating Bandolier etc.) for months and can't imagine playing without it. Assuming no bugs have crept into this edition, two solid thumbs up from me. The fact that it's so highly customizable makes it hard to argue with imo.

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I'll be very interested in the feedback you guys have. The Ore Guardians issue will require a merged script and probably a patch file, which I cringe to think about (I hate creating script patches). I think Frostfall also needs a patch for a conflict over the wood block. I've actually been talking to Chesko about incorporating the changes needed for CCO compatibility directly into Frostfall. I'm not sure when, or if, this will happen, it might depend on whether or not CCO becomes very popular.


EDIT: Actually it looks like in both of the cases above, there isn't an actual script conflict, but rather both mods are adding an additional script to the ore activators (SIC) & chopping block (Frostfall). That should mean that compatibility can be made simply by combining the script properties via TES5Edit. No piecing through lines of script. :)


EDIT2: Patches for Skyrim Immersive Creatures and Frostfall are now available.

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Ok, so I'm finally home and I manage to play a little at the forge.

This is an amazing mod!! The filter option for the crafting menu is absolutely brilliant.

There is way to many jewelry craft... oh wait no, just filter what for what you're looking for :)

The receipt looks good to me but I don't pay very much attention to them. I just look what I need and if don't have enough I make a trip to the mine (and kill a few bandit which is always great).

Being able to craft the exact variant of an armor set you want is great.

Actually the whole mod feels to be made crafting less a hassle, easier, more interesting and fun even.


As a former user of Ars Metallica I regret a little the lost of XP gain by melting/breaking and skinning. But that is a VERY small price to pay considering what your mod brings.

I also expected something more like this https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/4014/? when I read about the matching set circlet but I'm just being picky ;)

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In the mod there is a circlet for every armour type. I'm 28 in smithing and the only circlet I see is the steel one. No leather, iron or fur for example.

The ingame description says that there is a matching circlet for every head piece for the matching set perk.

I suddenly wondering if every armor set can fulfill the matching perk...

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Most of the recipes are direct conversions from their respective helmet. If you have the Inventory Conditions option checked, then you need to have the helmet from that set in your inventory in order for the circlet recipe to show up. If you uncheck the Inventory Conditions, then you can see everything available to you to craft, regardless of what you're actually carrying. I personally really like having the inventory conditions turned on, but toggling them off temporarily is a great way to double-check if there's something you want to make and aren't sure what it requires. :)

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I checked and tried every options and I really like it.

I'm just saying that unless there is a huge conflict with my other mod, there is no leather circlet for example which the other mod provided.

I think you made a tremendous work on this mod (and your others too, I use many of them) I was just saying that when I read about the matching circlet I thought I'll find a circlet for almost every head piece like in the mod and I could get ride of it :)

Now, that's not case, well nevermind, I'll see if they are compatible and if not I still keep your mod ;)

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There should be a leather circlet for the leather set. I just double-checked. ;) Obviously, you need to have the Matching Set Circlets option selected. You also need to have both Helmets & Light Armor recipes toggled on, and either have 1 or more leather helmets in your inventory or else have the Inventory Conditions option turned off. If those four conditions are met and you still don't see the circlet, then I'm not sure what's going on. It's a new item, so I wouldn't think it could be a mod conflict. Double-check the settings. The Matching Set circlets are treated as if they are helmets by the crafting menu toggles, so that may be the problem? I'll add a some more detailed information on this option in the MCM description; I can see where the different conditions might make it confusing.

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