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Vividian - Weather & Lighting enhancement - CoT - RCRN and Pure Weather


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@ Daniel,

thanks for the info, can you please open the enb window and tell me the Weather ID's and weather transition values in the statistics tab? I somehow cannot reproduce this.

Do you have any other lighting mods installed that alters the exteriors like the elfx-enhancer?




ill play a bit with that as soon i can reproduce it :)

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OK, I have checked and I am not using the ELFX Enhancer (although I do have ELFX-Exteriors.esp as specified in the SR:LE) and here are the weather stats...


Game Time Hours 9.62

Current Weather ID 0x0005B80B

Outgoing Weather ID 0x0005B80B

Weather Transition 0.00

Night-Day level old (input) 0.49

Night-day factor (output) 1.00

Interior factor (output) 0.00

TOD factor Sunrise 0.25

TOD factor Day 0.75

TOD Factor Sunset 0.00

TOD Factor Night 0.00

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Hey Manga, version 6.0 is great. More performance and especially liking the new colors! 


Quick observation though: Light from fires and the sun seems to be a little bit too white on NPC skins, snow and some other lighter-colored texture types. Sometimes I jsut want to look away from the screen ebcause it's too intensily bright. I'm running pure SRLE atm. Was running 5.5 for qutie some time and never had this issue, which I suspect is due to having the manga palletee instead of the 6.0 black/white palelte. I checked brightness settings ingame and alse ran your brightness test included with the download. 


I made two screenshots to illustrate it:


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Thanks Nearox! i just uplaoded Vividian 6.0 b2 , lets see if that problem is gone now. Overworked also some bloom stuff.


Vividian 6.0b2

This new version introduces a new Multi-installer.You can now install all nessesary presets and patches as well the Vividian ENB directly over it.- Reworked all weathers and enhanced tonemapes on all lighting and Wetaher mods.- reduced Blue mist effects- readjusted Climates of Tamriel imagespaces- updated pure weather weathers to V1.5 final- new effect.txt file with awsome new options to choose from- tryd to lower snow glow- newstunning sunset effects- alot of more stuff i forgot :D

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At a quick glance, the bloom seems more under control but it is too bright and sunny today to get a good impression - give me half a day and I'll have a better look when my blinds are closed.


I did notice one issue which may just be the lighting in my room. Very early in the game morning, spray near waterfalls seems darker than I expected although it was good in the daylight. I will take some test screenshots later and check if what I saw was repeatable.

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I have now had a look at the waterfall near Honningbrew Meadery very early in the morning (06:00) on a clear day (0x0005B7BD) and while I can see dark grey foam appearing as the water flows downstream past the bridge, it is barely noticeable. During the day it is the light grey foamy texture that, at night, is displayed a little darker than expected but to be honest it is a very minor thing and will vary depending on the lighting at the time.


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Yes daniel thats normal. You are actually in a transition between Night and morning.

At night, the particles should not be visible so i lowered their intensity, otherwise rivers would be glowing at night. At morning (8:00) ofcourse they shall be visible so you where now in between a transition of visible and not that visible. Thats how skyrim works and sadly we need to live with that as they do not care about the actual ambientlight much. 

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Vividian 6.00 is finally out :)

Atleast the Vivid Version. The Vanilla Color version fill Follow soon i guess:)


Please reinstall everything when you used the previous beta releases.New:-Vanilla Weather Patch: This patch patches all Vanilla weathers and fixes bugs as well adds Improvements to the Lighting itself.It is a highly recommend install for Vanilla Only users. DO not install if you use RCRN or Pure Weather.- Added Ball11's Optimized Skyrim Prefs to the Support Files.- Added DoF effects to the InstallerUpdated:- Punched more sense in the CoT Imagespaces in the Weather patch. They now work flawless together with any weather mod, you might not even notice any difference anymore.- Updated Pure Weather Weathers to fit with Version 1.7- Updated Extended Weathers to reflect the changes made on PW 1.7- Updated Extended Weathers to be compatible with the Vividian Weather patches.Changed:- Risen up Specular Lighting on Vanilla, CoT and PW.- Changed interior Bloom and Darkness. Now there is a clear Difference between Normal, Doom and Bright.- changed Installer Steps, that should hopefully be more easy to understand.Fixes:- Fixed several lighting issues here and there.

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I am looking forward to trying the new version. I tried a ~5.00 version since Neo switched to it for SRLE, but it chowed down on my FPS a bit too much. I just upgraded the ol' GPU and with performance improvements mentioned above, hopefully the test will go well.

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