TechAngel85 Posted October 21, 2013 Author Posted October 21, 2013 I updated the Soul Gems Differ mod page with a FOMOD that I created for MO users. No more time consuming and irritating install.Visit the Soul Gems Differ wiki page.Download the FOMOD provided.Extract both the Soul Gems Differ mod and the downloaded FOMOD.Copy the "Fomod" directory from the downloaded file into the Soul Gems Differ directory (the one with 522 items in it...literally, 522 items)Repack into an archive using 7zip.Install the mod using Mod OrganizerMO will use the new FOMOD to launch the installation. Only one option will be available and already selected. Simply click "Next" to install the mod with the STEP recommended options. Much simpler!
z929669 Posted October 21, 2013 Posted October 21, 2013 I updated the Soul Gems Differ mod page with a FOMOD that I created for MO users. No more time consuming and irritating install.Visit the Soul Gems Differ wiki page.Download the FOMOD provided.Extract both the Soul Gems Differ mod and the downloaded FOMOD.Copy the "Fomod" directory from the downloaded file into the Soul Gems Differ directory (the one with 522 items in it...literally, 522 items)Repack into an archive using 7zip.Install the mod using Mod OrganizerMO will use the new FOMOD to launch the installation. Only one option will be available and already selected. Simply click "Next" to install the mod with the STEP recommended options. Much simpler! Good solution for those wishing to install our recommendation
phosphor Posted October 22, 2013 Posted October 22, 2013 Awesome. Thank you! Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
Eliian Posted October 22, 2013 Posted October 22, 2013 That is great!! Thanks! I know I spent 30 minutes probably trying to do it manually ha. This is much simpler indeed.
Nearox Posted October 22, 2013 Posted October 22, 2013 More work... sorry tech :) Dual Sheath Redux1. Users should not only run BOSS but also FNIS before running DSR (assuming they will use XPMS on a STEP:Extended install)2. XPMS (or another skeleton replacement) is required for DSR, this could be mentioned.3. I'd argue that a post-mod installation tutorial is necessary describing the procedure for BOSS/WB/FNIS & DSR. See last part. EBQO1. Non-essential children with inventory tweaks is called ‘Non-Essential Killable Children’ in the installer.2. The Choice is Yours should only be installed if users opt for the mod in the gameplay section. And the relevant esp should be disabled when launching the game – until Choice is Yours is installed. XPMS Installer1. Select NO at the Joy of Persectives section, it is set to YES by default in the installer.2. Do not install left-hip bolt quiver.3. Questionfrom me: Is the 1H back hand sword placement not supposed to be installed?3a If the 1H back hand sword is selected instead of “default†, then the installer will present a NEW window with the option “1h equip animationâ€. If ‘default’ is select for sword placement, then this menu option does not appear.4. The STEP line “On the "Installer Animation files for Back Weapons as well?", select Yes.†Is now redundant and non-existent in the installer6. “Skeleton Rig Map†must be selected. Disease descriptions1. Users should select dawnguard and dragonborn in the installer only if they have the expansions (duh… but still... since STEP seems to mention such options elsewhere, why not here?) High Quality 3D Map1. Would like to note that this mod suffers from broken meshes, resulting in empty squares at the world map and flickering water. They often appear at the player’s mark or near water. Check the comments at the description page to see I’m not the only one with this issue.2. If users do NOT use this mod – i.e. STEP:Core users – then they are probably better off installing the ‘Quality World Map – Vanilla Map’ version instead of the Quality World Map – Hi-Res Map’ version. The latter is dependent upon the meshes of HQ3D map (as you can read at the description page of Quality World Map)3. HQ3DMap also has a texture pack for SRO. While I never installed it, why is this one not installed? Does Quality World Map overwrite them?4. What resolution is the baseline for the ‘normal originals’? The pack contains 256, 512, 1024 and 2048 resolutions. I can imagine that map resolutions are allowed to be quite high since they are not loaded all the time… I went for 2048 myself for testing purposes. High Quality LODs (something from STEP: Core but I only noticed it now as I didn’t go to a snow region with this installed before)1. Produces purple distant textures on snow landscape when the ‘normals’ package is installed together with the texture package for SRO. I just tested this. The purple textures occur on a clean vanilla install, as well as on STEP:Core and on STEP:extended. You can see this outside of windhelm. Enabling or disabling SRO itself thus has no effect. Would be good to mention in the notes not to install the normal package – installing HQLODs is already confusing for a lot of people, best to make it clear.2. What texture size should be chosen? The package comes with 128, 256 and 512. NACMIM1. Should read: STEP recommends to ONLY install the optional ‘full’ version file2. ‘Until the mod is updated to support SkyUI 4.0 or higher. Turn off version checking in the SkyUI MCM menu for maps†is a better read for new users when you say: Turn off version checking for maps in the MCM: SkyUI menu. This has to be done until NACMIM is made fully compatible with SkyUI 4.0 or higher†Unknown Enchants1. In the installers users need to select DG and DB when applicable. Legible Road Signs1. Users only need to install the Worn Text optional file. Vibrant Auroras1. Users can choose between 1.5x and 2.x strength.2. I went for 1.5x strength because 2.x strength changes the color reflections on land and water too much imo. Ice Wraith1. “only use the main ice wraith fileâ€. That file is no longer there (it is in the old section now). The new main file is called “Even Better Ice Wraiths - Completely Redone†. Users should not install the dragon pries retexture main file ( I guess) XCE1. In the downloadd file is an optional map with character normal maps. The descriotn page says this is for people with the HRDLC. I guess this can be considered a performance (or even baseline) option. DSI1.There are a few different colors of the impacts to choose from, not only for frost but also for fire (I persoanlyl really like alternate 1). Would be nice if STEP could give a recommendation.2 I can remember that Garfink (I think) said that when he had DSI on medium resolution, even on his Titan, it made his game crash. Installing the low res version solved it. Of course does not mean this will be the case for everyone but maybe attach a note about it. Dual Wield Block Anim.1. STEP recommends to install this after DWParyring, but that isn’t necessary because the mods don’t overwrite eachother. FNIS description1. No instructions for MO users, which must add GenerateFNISForUSers.exe to executables. Skyrim Coin Replacer1. This mod has issues. The author never fullycompleted the mod. It also has problems with lore-friendliness as the wrong coins seem to drop off of some mobs. And there are other issues. I posted about this before in the mod’s forum here at STEP. Also see revelationman’s second comment at the nexus page for a more detailed description and possible cure (which requires extensive tes5editing). Oblivion gates1. Instructions need more clarity.2. Users should install only one esp and in this case only the “without markers espâ€.3. EDIT: Just saw an oblivion gate in-game. It's purple without the textures so unless I misunderstood the instructions, STEP users must install the textures from this mod. Wearable LanternsWhile STEp recommends BSA for the other wearable lantern mods, it doesn’t for the main mod, which are dependent upon the main mod. The author mention they should either all use bsa or the loose version. I doubt that in the end it makes a difference but for ocnsistency’s sake I’d recommende the no-bsa version of WL as well. General noteAll the recommendations for the various interior/dungeon/cave mods have 1k textures as a baseline. But the SRO optimized torrent is used specifically because exterior textures are 1k and interiors are left at 2k.Shouldn’t baseline then be 2k for the other interior mods as well, for sake of consistency? Otherwise many of the 2k textures will be overwritten by the other STEP:Extended mods, rendering the purpose of the torrent obsolete. STEP In-game configurationIf users do not properly configure or enable some mods, they either won't function well or their script load may become too intensive for either the skyrim engine and/or their system to handle. Some directions could be given. Disabling some W&C functions in particular can really help stabilizing the game, especially the ‘cloaking spell’ functions and some of the ones that put gear on NPCs (isoku himself said to me @ nexus that those are the most taxing options for the script engine). BOSS, Wrye Bash, Fores New Idles & DSR It would be really handy to have instructions at the end of the mod list with things to do in chronological order before runinng Skyrim. Much like neovalen has in the SR guide. At the moment in STEP, all these instructions are a bit chaoticaly found throughout the guide and people must click the detailed instructions of the mods again to see them, which can easily lead to errors. A standard procedure would be nice.
DoYouEvenModBro Posted October 22, 2013 Posted October 22, 2013 More work... sorry tech :) Dual Sheath Redux1. Users should not only run BOSS but also FNIS before running DSR (assuming they will use XPMS on a STEP:Extended install)2. XPMS (or another skeleton replacement) is required for DSR, this could be mentioned.3. I'd argue that a post-mod installation tutorial is necessary describing the procedure for BOSS/WB/FNIS & DSR. See last part. EBQO1. Non-essential children with inventory tweaks is called ‘Non-Essential Killable Children’ in the installer.2. The Choice is Yours should only be installed if users opt for the mod in the gameplay section. And the relevant esp should be disabled when launching the game – until Choice is Yours is installed. XPMS Installer1. Select NO at the Joy of Persectives section, it is set to YES by default in the installer.2. Do not install left-hip bolt quiver.3. Questionfrom me: Is the 1H back hand sword placement not supposed to be installed?3a If the 1H back hand sword is selected instead of “default†, then the installer will present a NEW window with the option “1h equip animationâ€. If ‘default’ is select for sword placement, then this menu option does not appear.4. The STEP line “On the "Installer Animation files for Back Weapons as well?", select Yes.†Is now redundant and non-existent in the installer6. “Skeleton Rig Map†must be selected. Disease descriptions1. Users should select dawnguard and dragonborn in the installer only if they have the expansions (duh… but still... since STEP seems to mention such options elsewhere, why not here?) Didn't we drop this mod? High Quality 3D Map1. Would like to note that this mod suffers from broken meshes, resulting in empty squares at the world map and flickering water. They often appear at the player’s mark or near water. Check the comments at the description page to see I’m not the only one with this issue.2. If users do NOT use this mod – i.e. STEP:Core users – then they are probably better off installing the ‘Quality World Map – Vanilla Map’ version instead of the Quality World Map – Hi-Res Map’ version. The latter is dependent upon the meshes of HQ3D map (as you can read at the description page of Quality World Map)3. HQ3DMap also has a texture pack for SRO. While I never installed it, why is this one not installed? Does Quality World Map overwrite them? Good call. Never noticed this. 4. What resolution is the baseline for the ‘normal originals’? The pack contains 256, 512, 1024 and 2048 resolutions. I can imagine that map resolutions are allowed to be quite high since they are not loaded all the time… I went for 2048 myself for testing purposes. High Quality LODs (something from STEP: Core but I only noticed it now as I didn’t go to a snow region with this installed before)1. Produces purple distant textures on snow landscape when the ‘normals’ package is installed together with the texture package for SRO. I just tested this. The purple textures occur on a clean vanilla install, as well as on STEP:Core and on STEP:extended. You can see this outside of windhelm. Enabling or disabling SRO itself thus has no effect. Would be good to mention in the notes not to install the normal package – installing HQLODs is already confusing for a lot of people, best to make it clear.2. What texture size should be chosen? The package comes with 128, 256 and 512. Why are you using the Normals? Doesn't it say only to use the Meshes? NACMIM1. Should read: STEP recommends to ONLY install the optional ‘full’ version file2. ‘Until the mod is updated to support SkyUI 4.0 or higher. Turn off version checking in the SkyUI MCM menu for maps†is a better read for new users when you say: Turn off version checking for maps in the MCM: SkyUI menu. This has to be done until NACMIM is made fully compatible with SkyUI 4.0 or higher†Unknown Enchants1. In the installers users need to select DG and DB when applicable. Legible Road Signs1. Users only need to install the Worn Text optional file. Vibrant Auroras1. Users can choose between 1.5x and 2.x strength.2. I went for 1.5x strength because 2.x strength changes the color reflections on land and water too much imo. Ice Wraith1. “only use the main ice wraith fileâ€. That file is no longer there (it is in the old section now). The new main file is called “Even Better Ice Wraiths - Completely Redone†. Users should not install the dragon pries retexture main file ( I guess) XCE1. In the downloadd file is an optional map with character normal maps. The descriotn page says this is for people with the HRDLC. I guess this can be considered a performance (or even baseline) option. DSI1.There are a few different colors of the impacts to choose from, not only for frost but also for fire (I persoanlyl really like alternate 1). Would be nice if STEP could give a recommendation.2 I can remember that Garfink (I think) said that when he had DSI on medium resolution, even on his Titan, it made his game crash. Installing the low res version solved it. Of course does not mean this will be the case for everyone but maybe attach a note about it. Dual Wield Block Anim.1. STEP recommends to install this after DWParyring, but that isn’t necessary because the mods don’t overwrite eachother. FNIS description1. No instructions for MO users, which must add GenerateFNISForUSers.exe to executables. Skyrim Coin Replacer1. This mod has issues. The author never fullycompleted the mod. It also has problems with lore-friendliness as the wrong coins seem to drop off of some mobs. And there are other issues. I posted about this before in the mod’s forum here at STEP. Also see revelationman’s second comment at the nexus page for a more detailed description and possible cure (which requires extensive tes5editing). Oblivion gates1. Instructions need more clarity.2. Users should install only one esp and in this case only the “without markers espâ€.3. Users should not install the texture folder (or remove it after installation).4. Why are the meshes installed when the textures are disabled? Don’t the vanilla meshes match the vanilla textures better? Wearable LanternsWhile STEp recommends BSA for the other wearable lantern mods, it doesn’t for the main mod, which are dependent upon the main mod. The author mention they should either all use bsa or the loose version. I doubt that in the end it makes a difference but for ocnsistency’s sake I’d recommende the no-bsa version of WL as well. Where does it say to use the BSA versions? I see 'NO BSA' in the notes. General noteAll the recommendations for the various interior/dungeon/cave mods have 1k textures as a baseline. But the SRO optimized torrent is used specifically because exterior textures are 1k and interiors are left at 2k.Shouldn’t baseline then be 2k for the other interior mods as well, for sake of consistency? Otherwise many of the 2k textures will be overwritten by the other STEP:Extended mods, rendering the purpose of the torrent obsolete. STEP In-game configurationIf users do not properly configure or enable some mods, they either won't function well or their script load may become too intensive for either the skyrim engine and/or their system to handle. Some directions could be given. Disabling some W&C functions in particular can really help stabilizing the game, especially the ‘cloaking spell’ functions and some of the ones that put gear on NPCs (isoku himself said to me @ nexus that those are the most taxing options for the script engine). BOSS, Wrye Bash, Fores New Idles & DSR It would be really handy to have instructions at the end of the mod list with things to do in chronological order before runinng Skyrim. Much like neovalen has in the SR guide. At the moment in STEP, all these instructions are a bit chaoticaly found throughout the guide and people must click the detailed instructions of the mods again to see them, which can easily lead to errors. A standard procedure would be nice.Also, if you check the 'wearable lanterns for caravans' nexus page, all the comments are people complaining about CTDs at night near caravans. I have also gotten this CTD. This should be removed. I thought I also read somewhere that Chesko was planning on discontinuing lanterns for guards/caravans because of this.
kranazoli Posted October 22, 2013 Posted October 22, 2013 "High Quality LODs (something from STEP: Core but I only noticed it now as I didn’t go to a snow region with this installed before) 1. Produces purple distant textures on snow landscape when the ‘normals’ package is installed together with the texture package for SRO. I just tested this. The purple textures occur on a clean vanilla install, as well as on STEP:Core and on STEP:extended. You can see this outside of windhelm." I have mentioned this issue earlier. Noone believed me. :/ I use just: High Quality LODs - HQLODs - Meshes Hi-Res -> HQLODs - Textures Skyrim Realistic When enable the second one, I got purple textures front of Windhelm.
Eliian Posted October 22, 2013 Posted October 22, 2013 For High Quality LODS Skryim Revisited currently suggests using Meshes Hi-Res + Normals Original. This is while using SRO. As long as you do not install the SRO specific textures you should be fine (or any textures from this mod for that matter). I have not seen purple textures and have done this.
Nearox Posted October 22, 2013 Posted October 22, 2013 @DoYouEvenModBro Why are you using the Normals? Doesn't it say only to use the Meshes? Like I said, installing HQLODs is confusing for many people, including myself when I did it the first time. It doesnt say explicitly not to install the normals. When you read the description page the author says meshes, normals and textures must always be installed for a full package. Moreover, the normals are used from HQ3DMap, which is made by the same author. So it's all more confusing than it needs to be. Where does it say to use the BSA versions? I see 'NO BSA' in the notes. Wearable Lanters does not say 'NO BSA'. @Ellian I get the purple textures regardless of SRO itself and/ór the HQLOD-SRO texture pack being both enabled, disabled or a combination thereof. Edit: see changes in the reply.
DoYouEvenModBro Posted October 22, 2013 Posted October 22, 2013 @DoYouEvenModBro Why are you using the Normals? Doesn't it say only to use the Meshes? Like I said, installing HQLODs is confusing for many people, including myself when I did it the first time. It doesnt say explicitly not to install the normals. When you read the description page the author says meshes, normals and textures must always be installed for a full package. Moreover, the normals are used from HQ3DMap, which is made by the same author. So it's all more confusing than it needs to be. Where does it say to use the BSA versions? I see 'NO BSA' in the notes. You're absolutely right. That mod is confusing and ive also always wondered why only meshes are recommended.Wearable Lanters does not say 'NO BSA'. @Ellian I get the purple textures regardless of SRO itself and/ór the HQLOD-SRO texture pack being both enabled, disabled or a combination thereof. Edit: see changes in the reply. EDIT: Sorry, didnt' post correctly. I meant to say, yea, that mod is extremely confusing and I've always wondered why STEP only recommends the meshes.
Nearox Posted October 22, 2013 Posted October 22, 2013 "High Quality LODs (something from STEP: Core but I only noticed it now as I didn’t go to a snow region with this installed before)1. Produces purple distant textures on snow landscape when the ‘normals’ package is installed together with the texture package for SRO. I just tested this. The purple textures occur on a clean vanilla install, as well as on STEP:Core and on STEP:extended. You can see this outside of windhelm." Yeah. I actually meant to say what I said one reply earlier: I get the purple textures regardless of SRO itself and/ór the HQLOD-SRO texture pack being both enabled, disabled or a combination thereof. Not "only when the ‘normals’ package is installed together with the texture package for SRO". It's the normals that are the issue. I have mentioned this issue earlier. Noone believed me. :/I use just: High Quality LODs - HQLODs - Meshes Hi-Res-> HQLODs - Textures Skyrim Realistic When enable the second one, I got purple textures front of Windhelm.
TechAngel85 Posted October 22, 2013 Author Posted October 22, 2013 Just got home from work and will address this after I find some food. But as for BSA vs Loose it says this at the beginning of the mod tables: Notice: Consider the following while installing mods:Mods should be installed in the order that they are listed to ensure that mods further down the list overwrite those occurring before them. This is necessary to ensure the desired in-game effect. Mods are otherwise listed in alphabetical order within each section, and any deviations from this are purposeful to achieve the desired outcome.To achieve the best results, “Loose files†(non-BSA) versions of mods should be used. If a "loose files" version is not available, extract the BSA as described here.Always install plugins (ESPs/ESMs) unless otherwise noted. If there are not any notes associated with a particular mod, then all options fit the STEP mandate. The notes only provide instructions where necessary; otherwise, STEP encourages user customization.Unless otherwise stated, follow BOSS's advice with regards to mod cleaning.Kinda hard to miss unless it was just ignored because that is a big "notice" box. :P
Nearox Posted October 22, 2013 Posted October 22, 2013 Just got home from work and will address this after I find some food. But as for BSA vs Loose it says this at the beginning of the mod tables: Notice: Consider the following while installing mods:Mods should be installed in the order that they are listed to ensure that mods further down the list overwrite those occurring before them. This is necessary to ensure the desired in-game effect. Mods are otherwise listed in alphabetical order within each section, and any deviations from this are purposeful to achieve the desired outcome.To achieve the best results, “Loose files†(non-BSA) versions of mods should be used. If a "loose files" version is not available, extract the BSA as described here.Always install plugins (ESPs/ESMs) unless otherwise noted. If there are not any notes associated with a particular mod, then all options fit the STEP mandate. The notes only provide instructions where necessary; otherwise, STEP encourages user customization.Unless otherwise stated, follow BOSS's advice with regards to mod cleaning.Kinda hard to miss unless it was just ignored because that is a big "notice" box. :PSince when does one need to RTFM when doing an extensive review? :facepalm:
TechAngel85 Posted October 22, 2013 Author Posted October 22, 2013 Because the manual has the answer to the raised issued. Haha! :P
TechAngel85 Posted October 23, 2013 Author Posted October 23, 2013 More work... sorry tech :) Dual Sheath Redux1. Users should not only run BOSS but also FNIS before running DSR (assuming they will use XPMS on a STEP:Extended install)2. XPMS (or another skeleton replacement) is required for DSR, this could be mentioned.3. I'd argue that a post-mod installation tutorial is necessary describing the procedure for BOSS/WB/FNIS & DSR. See last part. EBQO1. Non-essential children with inventory tweaks is called ‘Non-Essential Killable Children’ in the installer.2. The Choice is Yours should only be installed if users opt for the mod in the gameplay section. And the relevant esp should be disabled when launching the game – until Choice is Yours is installed. XPMS Installer1. Select NO at the Joy of Persectives section, it is set to YES by default in the installer.2. Do not install left-hip bolt quiver.3. Questionfrom me: Is the 1H back hand sword placement not supposed to be installed?3a If the 1H back hand sword is selected instead of “default†, then the installer will present a NEW window with the option “1h equip animationâ€. If ‘default’ is select for sword placement, then this menu option does not appear.4. The STEP line “On the "Installer Animation files for Back Weapons as well?", select Yes.†Is now redundant and non-existent in the installer6. “Skeleton Rig Map†must be selected. Disease descriptions1. Users should select dawnguard and dragonborn in the installer only if they have the expansions (duh… but still... since STEP seems to mention such options elsewhere, why not here?) High Quality 3D Map1. Would like to note that this mod suffers from broken meshes, resulting in empty squares at the world map and flickering water. They often appear at the player’s mark or near water. Check the comments at the description page to see I’m not the only one with this issue.2. If users do NOT use this mod – i.e. STEP:Core users – then they are probably better off installing the ‘Quality World Map – Vanilla Map’ version instead of the Quality World Map – Hi-Res Map’ version. The latter is dependent upon the meshes of HQ3D map (as you can read at the description page of Quality World Map)3. HQ3DMap also has a texture pack for SRO. While I never installed it, why is this one not installed? Does Quality World Map overwrite them?4. What resolution is the baseline for the ‘normal originals’? The pack contains 256, 512, 1024 and 2048 resolutions. I can imagine that map resolutions are allowed to be quite high since they are not loaded all the time… I went for 2048 myself for testing purposes. High Quality LODs (something from STEP: Core but I only noticed it now as I didn’t go to a snow region with this installed before)1. Produces purple distant textures on snow landscape when the ‘normals’ package is installed together with the texture package for SRO. I just tested this. The purple textures occur on a clean vanilla install, as well as on STEP:Core and on STEP:extended. You can see this outside of windhelm. Enabling or disabling SRO itself thus has no effect. Would be good to mention in the notes not to install the normal package – installing HQLODs is already confusing for a lot of people, best to make it clear.2. What texture size should be chosen? The package comes with 128, 256 and 512. NACMIM1. Should read: STEP recommends to ONLY install the optional ‘full’ version file2. ‘Until the mod is updated to support SkyUI 4.0 or higher. Turn off version checking in the SkyUI MCM menu for maps†is a better read for new users when you say: Turn off version checking for maps in the MCM: SkyUI menu. This has to be done until NACMIM is made fully compatible with SkyUI 4.0 or higher†Unknown Enchants1. In the installers users need to select DG and DB when applicable. Legible Road Signs1. Users only need to install the Worn Text optional file. Vibrant Auroras1. Users can choose between 1.5x and 2.x strength.2. I went for 1.5x strength because 2.x strength changes the color reflections on land and water too much imo. Ice Wraith1. “only use the main ice wraith fileâ€. That file is no longer there (it is in the old section now). The new main file is called “Even Better Ice Wraiths - Completely Redone†. Users should not install the dragon pries retexture main file ( I guess) XCE1. In the downloadd file is an optional map with character normal maps. The descriotn page says this is for people with the HRDLC. I guess this can be considered a performance (or even baseline) option. DSI1.There are a few different colors of the impacts to choose from, not only for frost but also for fire (I persoanlyl really like alternate 1). Would be nice if STEP could give a recommendation.2 I can remember that Garfink (I think) said that when he had DSI on medium resolution, even on his Titan, it made his game crash. Installing the low res version solved it. Of course does not mean this will be the case for everyone but maybe attach a note about it. Dual Wield Block Anim.1. STEP recommends to install this after DWParyring, but that isn’t necessary because the mods don’t overwrite eachother. FNIS description1. No instructions for MO users, which must add GenerateFNISForUSers.exe to executables. Skyrim Coin Replacer1. This mod has issues. The author never fullycompleted the mod. It also has problems with lore-friendliness as the wrong coins seem to drop off of some mobs. And there are other issues. I posted about this before in the mod’s forum here at STEP. Also see revelationman’s second comment at the nexus page for a more detailed description and possible cure (which requires extensive tes5editing). Oblivion gates1. Instructions need more clarity.2. Users should install only one esp and in this case only the “without markers espâ€.3. EDIT: Just saw an oblivion gate in-game. It's purple without the textures so unless I misunderstood the instructions, STEP users must install the textures from this mod. Wearable LanternsWhile STEp recommends BSA for the other wearable lantern mods, it doesn’t for the main mod, which are dependent upon the main mod. The author mention they should either all use bsa or the loose version. I doubt that in the end it makes a difference but for ocnsistency’s sake I’d recommende the no-bsa version of WL as well. General noteAll the recommendations for the various interior/dungeon/cave mods have 1k textures as a baseline. But the SRO optimized torrent is used specifically because exterior textures are 1k and interiors are left at 2k.Shouldn’t baseline then be 2k for the other interior mods as well, for sake of consistency? Otherwise many of the 2k textures will be overwritten by the other STEP:Extended mods, rendering the purpose of the torrent obsolete. STEP In-game configurationIf users do not properly configure or enable some mods, they either won't function well or their script load may become too intensive for either the skyrim engine and/or their system to handle. Some directions could be given. Disabling some W&C functions in particular can really help stabilizing the game, especially the ‘cloaking spell’ functions and some of the ones that put gear on NPCs (isoku himself said to me @ nexus that those are the most taxing options for the script engine). BOSS, Wrye Bash, Fores New Idles & DSR It would be really handy to have instructions at the end of the mod list with things to do in chronological order before runinng Skyrim. Much like neovalen has in the SR guide. At the moment in STEP, all these instructions are a bit chaoticaly found throughout the guide and people must click the detailed instructions of the mods again to see them, which can easily lead to errors. A standard procedure would be nice. Dual Shealth ReduxI've always skipped this mod, personally, because it messed up my Skyrim install the last time I tried to install it due to unclear instructions. The only way I could figure out how to reverse the installation was to start fresh with Vanilla Skyrim so I haven't touched it since. I'll investigate SR and get back to you guys on this one. EBQOFixed/Updated XPMSSame as above. I skip this mod. I'll investigate. Disease descriptionsUpdated. High Quality 3D MapWill investigate. Please post screen shots. I've not had or heard of anyone else here on STEP having this issue. High Quality LODsWill investigate. Suspect a DDSopt issue in vanilla textures. Please post screen shots! NACMIMUpdated. Unknown EnchantsUpdated. Legible Road SignsUpdated. Vibrant AurorasUpdated. Ice WraithUpdated. XCEUpdated. DSINo recommendation. User's choice. Updated. Dual Wield Block Anim.Updated. FNIS descriptionAnother one I skip. Will investigate. Skyrim Coin ReplacerWe know... No word on what is planned yet. Oblivion gatesUpdated. Wearable LanternsUpdated. General noteDepends on the textures. Will investigate and update where needed. STEP In-game configurationI need to update this mod anyway, so when I do I'll update with what to disable in-game. BOSS, Wrye Bash, Fores New Idles & DSRI agree.
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