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OK, I had posted in this thread, that I have tried out any possible combination to get normal AA working with nVidia Inspector, but it definitely doesn't work. I'm not going to reupload 10 images again unless you don't trust my judgement.

The only ways to get AA in Skyrim are:


1. Skyrim Launcher MSAA

2. Skyrim Launcher FXAA

3. FXAA injector

4. ENB Edge AA

5. SMAA injector


Transparency AA still works through nvidia inspector.

I trust up but I'll have to test the Inspector without ENB to see if it works or not on my end. I'll try to do that later. Been really busy with work and moving...plus a slower connection where I moved.
  • 2 weeks later...

Howdy all. A few questions and observations about the NVIDIA Inspector configuration for STEP. BTW I installed the latest NVIDIA INspector, 1.97.




In my NVIDIA Inspector, SLI compatibility bits (DX1x) was set to 0x080116F5 (BF3, MoH: Warfighter)- I think this was as per an older STEP instruction. The current STEP Inspector guide has this set to NVIDIA default (0x0000000).




Because I am running 2 x 680GTX cards in SLI, I just want to confirm with the resident STEP experts that this NVIDIA default is indeed correct. Thanks.




I noticed a few inconsistencies in the STEP NVIDIA Inspector guide:


The guide says to turn Antialiasing Gamma Correction OFF:




But the corresponding screenshot has it ON:




Which is correct? I am assuming OFF.



Ditto Texture Filtering- Anistropic sample optimization- Guide says OFF, corresponding screenshot has ON

"Texture filtering - Anisotropic sampling optimization

Sampling optimization should remain off for best quality."





Also, the latest version of NVIDIA Inspector (1.97) now has a Texture Filtering - Driver Controlled LOD Bias right above Texture Filtering - LOD Bias. Guessing that didn't exist in the version that was written about in the STEP guide. I am leaving this at the default, which is ON



Noticing other inconsistencies (7 for Maximum pre-rendered frames in screenshot when guide mentions 8) between the guide and the screenshots...maybe the screenshots weren't updated to match the guide? I won't mention anymore unless they seem like they could be significant.


Howdy all. A few questions and observations about the NVIDIA Inspector configuration for STEP. BTW I installed the latest NVIDIA INspector, 1.97.




In my NVIDIA Inspector, SLI compatibility bits (DX1x) was set to 0x080116F5 (BF3, MoH: Warfighter)- I think this was as per an older STEP instruction. The current STEP Inspector guide has this set to NVIDIA default (0x0000000).




Because I am running 2 x 680GTX cards in SLI, I just want to confirm with the resident STEP experts that this NVIDIA default is indeed correct. Thanks.

The guide does not cover SLI setups at this time. Using the recommended or default settings according to NVIDIA is all I can advise at this time. I don't have SLI so if someone wants to right that portion for the guide, go for it! Just post your chances here.

I noticed a few inconsistencies in the STEP NVIDIA Inspector guide:


The guide says to turn Antialiasing Gamma Correction OFF:




But the corresponding screenshot has it ON:




Which is correct? I am assuming OFF.



Ditto Texture Filtering- Anistropic sample optimization- Guide says OFF, corresponding screenshot has ON

"Texture filtering - Anisotropic sampling optimization

Sampling optimization should remain off for best quality."



Good eye. Those are just mistakes in the images by me. I'll try to fix them tomorrow. Use what the text says.

Also, the latest version of NVIDIA Inspector (1.97) now has a Texture Filtering - Driver Controlled LOD Bias right above Texture Filtering - LOD Bias. Guessing that didn't exist in the version that was written about in the STEP guide. I am leaving this at the default, which is ON



Noticing other inconsistencies (7 for Maximum pre-rendered frames in screenshot when guide mentions 8) between the guide and the screenshots...maybe the screenshots weren't updated to match the guide? I won't mention anymore unless they seem like they could be significant.

Again, just a mistake by me. Use what the text says unless you experience mouse/key lag for this setting. If you do, turn it down until the lag is gone and use that setting.


Thanks for catching those. :thumbsup:


Personally hate the HDR in Skyrim so I consider it being disabled a blessing.


Easiest way to tell... look at the sky then down at the ground... if you see.eye adaptation then HDR is on.


And what about the water bug, Neo? Is that a blessing, too?

Beth support themselves told me, it's best to play Skyrim on a single GPU setup.


Of course they do. Skyrim was never designed to even work with Dual GPU because its basically a console port.


The water bug is unfortunate but I haven't run into it very much and worth the extra performance IMO.

  • 2 weeks later...

A quick follow up here if I may...


A).... I noticed it was asked, but I couldn't seem to find a direct response for this here, but in the case of the extra setting Texture Filtering - Driver Controlled LOD Bias in Nvidia Inspector, since the text does not address this, should I leave this on the default setting of "On"?


B).... Also, when setting up the initial configs in the game launcher, we set the AA to 4 samples from the text, then in the Inspector settings we adjust the settings according to the text, but then the note here confuses me a little...


"Note: Any ENBSeries version after v0.119 no longer has support for hardware AA. So if you're planing on using an ENB which uses a version newer than v0.119 please turn AA off here in the drivers. The ENBSeries v0.139 and above now offers edge antialiasing which is similar to MSAA, but with more blur. For a better AA solution with ENB, use SMAA Injector."


To turn AA off in the drivers, where specifically do I do this? Via Inspector, Nvidia control panel, etc?


C).... Also with respect to Anisotropic filtering mode...


"Anisotropic filtering is a texture filtering technique that improves clarity of textures when those textures are viewed at an angle such as when walking down a path or viewing water from the shore. It is recommended to force AF through the drivers. When doing this, turn off anisotropic filtering on the launcher. The recommended setting to force anisotropic filtering is "User-defined / Off".


How do I force AF through the drivers? Seems like the above question in that I'm unaware of where/how to do this via the drivers.


D)... Under the common settings, Inspector has a setting for "Vertical Sync Smooth AFR Behavior" but the text doesn't address this. Should I leave to default setting of "Off"?


E).... I DL'd and install the SMAA files (and renamed the .dll appropriately). To get SMAA to work, I seem to have seen that making the following edits under "SkyrimPrefs.ini" will enable SMAA to do its thing...



bTransparencyMultisampling=0 (I DON'T have this in my .ini for some reason, is this bad?)


Is there anything else I need to do for this?


Thanks so very very much for the guide and the STEP project overall, I'd be absolutely lost without it. I hope I'm not sounding too noobish with my questions, these are just the things I noticed when using the guide, and just want to get it right from the get go :)


A quick follow up here if I may...


A).... I noticed it was asked, but I couldn't seem to find a direct response for this here, but in the case of the extra setting Texture Filtering - Driver Controlled LOD Bias in Nvidia Inspector, since the text does not address this, should I leave this on the default setting of "On"?


B).... Also, when setting up the initial configs in the game launcher, we set the AA to 4 samples from the text, then in the Inspector settings we adjust the settings according to the text, but then the note here confuses me a little...


"Note: Any ENBSeries version after v0.119 no longer has support for hardware AA. So if you're planing on using an ENB which uses a version newer than v0.119 please turn AA off here in the drivers. The ENBSeries v0.139 and above now offers edge antialiasing which is similar to MSAA, but with more blur. For a better AA solution with ENB, use SMAA Injector."


To turn AA off in the drivers, where specifically do I do this? Via Inspector, Nvidia control panel, etc?


C).... Also with respect to Anisotropic filtering mode...


"Anisotropic filtering is a texture filtering technique that improves clarity of textures when those textures are viewed at an angle such as when walking down a path or viewing water from the shore. It is recommended to force AF through the drivers. When doing this, turn off anisotropic filtering on the launcher. The recommended setting to force anisotropic filtering is "User-defined / Off".


How do I force AF through the drivers? Seems like the above question in that I'm unaware of where/how to do this via the drivers.


D)... Under the common settings, Inspector has a setting for "Vertical Sync Smooth AFR Behavior" but the text doesn't address this. Should I leave to default setting of "Off"?


E).... I DL'd and install the SMAA files (and renamed the .dll appropriately). To get SMAA to work, I seem to have seen that making the following edits under "SkyrimPrefs.ini" will enable SMAA to do its thing...



bTransparencyMultisampling=0 (I DON'T have this in my .ini for some reason, is this bad?)


Is there anything else I need to do for this?


Thanks so very very much for the guide and the STEP project overall, I'd be absolutely lost without it. I hope I'm not sounding too noobish with my questions, these are just the things I noticed when using the guide, and just want to get it right from the get go :)

A & D) The reason that all settings are not cover is because they weren't available in the references I used for the guide or within my card/drivers. So not all possible settings will be covered. When this happens, it's best to just leave them on their default settings.


B) If you're using an ENB: Open the game launcher and turn off AA there (or do it in your INI... "iMultiSample=0") and then open Inspector and set Antialiasing - Setting to "Application-controlled / Off". This turns off all AA.


C) To force AF, open the game launcher and turn AF off. Then open Inspector and set Anisotropic filtering mode to "User-defined / Off". This forces AF via the drivers. Just be sure to choose your filtering setting (I recommend a minimum of 8x).


E) It's not a bad thing that you don't have that parameter and I also believe that is all there is to it. Btw, if you followed B above, then that should already take care of your INI settings....meaning this step shouldn't be necessary if you've already turned off all AA.

  • 3 months later...

How do you get the Skyrim profile to "stick" once you close the profile window in Inspector? Once I pick the Skyrim profile, then close the window, and enter the profile screen again, the default profile is loaded, not the Skyrim profile.


Same for the Monitor window. If I add monitors, the next time I run the program, it is just the default monitors.


Do you have to have the profile open while you play the game?


IE: What is the proper procedure to follow when you want to play the game and have the proper profile loaded?


The Inspector applies the relevant profile when a specified executable is run. When you run TESV.exe (or whatever it's called), the profile assigned to that executable is applied. This is my understanding at least.


To be on the safe side, I added my MO.exe and skse loader exe to the list as well.


Make sure you're saving the changes you make to the profile before you close it. They don't just "auto-save". As for the monitors, I don't think there is a way to "set" certain ones to open by default. You alway just get to the default ones. For quick reversion, you can also export the profiles. For example, you can export the default profile (saving it to your hard drive) and then make your changes and export that new profile. Whenever you need to switch to and from profiles, it's as simple as double clicking on the exported profile and saving before you close Inspector.

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