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lol he does love it. so after following your plugin load order I have the following left that I didnt see in your list..


1. BetterModDescriptionsCAS.esp

2.No Crafting and Settlement Experience.esp


4. BetterModDescriptionsAE.esp

5. Crafting Workbenches-faction and Quest Requirements.esp

6. WET.esp


They are all in your guide but not in your plugin, suggestion on where to place them in load order?

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I dont use


SkjAlert_All_DLC.esp --is going to be removed or is removed I think I updated the list

BetterModDescriptionsAE.esp need to remove. I've integrated it as all the description I'm changing to reflect the balancing I've done

Crafting Workbenches-faction and Quest Requirements.esp dunno turn it off

BetterModDescriptionsCAS.esp need to remove. I've integrated it as all the description I'm changing to reflect the balancing I've done

No Crafting and Settlement Experience.esp leave it on for now I'm integrating that into main file

This is good you ask, I now just go and "Fix" the Wiki I cant fix anything if I'm not told what is broke

Edited by Gernash
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glad I could help dude!

I usually just open the mod in the mod pane and move the esp up to optional instead of deleting it...nevr know


so the two crafting related esps I will just move up near the top in the section you say where crafting esp's should be

Edited by Gilgamesh2k5
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V.A.F.S is up for PA Overhaul


If other modules or balance is needed for PA please comment and I'll check out.


I intend to restructure PA for "survival mode" Using the ZW F4 as the framework.

So now is the time for the "I Wish....." type stories. Because once I start the Survival mode will be very,closed, and controlled

You won't be able to just add a mod to unless you disable the patches. But in that case what would be the point of installing it in the 1st place.....


Are there any other MAJOR overhauls that might be missing? Because they take a lot of time to Process through my brain to "fit" them in. (Like that one jigsaw piece the dog chewed.)


I don't think there are any fires at all, so, I'll be spending the next few days doing all the descriptions for the million new weapons and mods zzzzz.(I hate you all so much) and other general tidying.


Then BEN HUR Mk2 will start.

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There is also Unlimited Survival Activations which Kesta in his Fallout 4 Guide used, He suggests to Download the Optional which is a merged patch with USA and Survival Menu Save Enable that Hackfield posted previously.


Unlimited Survival Activations is unfortunatly outdated, since the pacth, which introduced a new mainmenu.swf


Survival Menu Save Enable is updated to the latest version.

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Unlimited Survival Activations is unfortunatly outdated, since the pacth, which introduced a new mainmenu.swf


Survival Menu Save Enable is updated to the latest version.

Hmm that is odd, Been using USA and has no issues, Only issue that there is and has been posted in the Bugs Section as well as the Post section of the Mod is after that patch you can no longer re-active Survival within the game, The Work around was to go to the main menu and do it there then load your game up and good to go.


But yeah SMSA probably is the safe bet since it's more up to date.

Edited by Verenios
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Yea welllllllll....How do you think I feel.......


was out testing and pewpewing some things and then I ran off and had a look at teh landscape.....


yea..... I turned off all the bounds in the game.....and the mods "recruit" friends 


there I was patting DogMeat looking into the Horizon and the biggest Sh t st rm rolled over the hill...



The only other !!BIG!! intergration is Synth Overhaul into the CORE but it's was annoying last time so I've been avoiding it.

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Oh bloody hell. I died. Don't remember when I last did that (lv 48 on normal)...the combat is brutal but oh so freaking awesome. Was dark night when I met several raiders of all kind of new sorts. Some was flanking me, a small group of minutemen joined the fray just to be slaughtered down by something ugly lurking behind some trees....

Right, I think I seriously need to start to tinker about with armor and weapons and also put some clothes on my female companion ;)


Think I got all installed correctly, everything ran smoothly. Some mods I have come across that looks interesting:


Old World Radio - Boston Tried it out earlier, seems pretty nice, many hours of new radio content that fits the atmosphere

Durable Vertibirds Seems the vertibirds could use some tougher armour, seen so many drop down during my vanilla gameplay

Companion Command and Tactics Would fit nicely with the FO4 hotkeys mod

And I seriously need some sort of scrapping mod...with so many options to build, I want to make it pretty as well :)

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Sorry for double post, wasn't able to add to the last one...


Seeing that one needs to create a lot of these new ammunition for all the new guns, I took a look at the contraptions stuff, which I haven't touched before.

Found a mod called New Calibers Contraptions DLC Patch  which sort of fits the bill but I guess some heavy editing is needed to make it comply with the ammunition workbench way of creating them bullets.

Almost tempted to do some modding on my own...

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