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"Right, I think I seriously need to start to tinker about with armor and weapons and also put some clothes on my female companion ;)"


Conceled Armor had been added to all standard armor....... Not that I enorse the usage in that way :;):

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OK, Stared at it all Old World Radio - Boston is more than a radio station, you know that right? (yea I think I'll add it but it wont be release as a plugin I need to add it as a core due to object placement and crafting)


Soo Unless there is fire, no more little mods or "PLUGINS" or "ADDONS" for a while


I'll be doing a Larger patch for the CORE (With combined patches) and adding a couple of OVERHAULS. The crafting interface needs attention (remove the Weapon double ups and ammo crafting with Weight and Material cost)


If there is anything else interface related you have spotted please tell me SO I can add to the list.


That is all! Move along nothing to see here :innocent:

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As things (new mods etc) have settled down. I've made a




No more alteration will occur to the CORE or addons (NON Fire related please post bugs)

Once I'm happy with the next ALPHA Patch I'll merge it to the core.


This should make things more sane. :woot:


!!!Sorry for all the addons etc in the past week. And making you spend hours reading my drivel!!!

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Sorting By Caliber is how weapons will be.


What I'm changing

Hide caliber, (the [.045] at the beginning. of weapon name)

remove the Mods at the end of the name (the stuff in brackets at the end of weapon name)

Have the legendary mod displayed at the end of the weapon name



ICON [calibre] 'Gun name' 'weapon type' of 'legendary effect' (mod) {mod} {color}


ICON [0.45] combat rifle of Crippling (large) {Automatic} {Sighted} {flaming} {color}


Intended change

ICON [calibre] 'Gun name' 'weapon type' of 'legendary effect'


ICON  combat rifle of Crippling



Anyone need ALL the info?


the [.000] will remain to Star your Favorite weapons to the top of the list



ICON [calibre] 'Gun name' 'weapon type' of 'legendary effect'

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lool to be honest I havent had time except to get to the point at initial vault exit...Full time electrical engineering intern and full time EE student...and the wife and I have errands..so at this moment I am doing homework and checking your wiki for updates...BOOM!!! **** ton of downloads to do in background during HW. I felel like I need to bug you for load list again lol,,,so many extras and LOOT is ******* retarded right now...god I wish wrye bash had full support for fo4....seems odd adding mods without the tools we had with skyrim huh?




should I go ahead and move the esp's to optional in the mod pane now that elianoras merged patch is there? didnt see it in your guide but I assume since it is a merged patch we can move those esps to optional

also, since the worldspace addons are under the weapon plugin section, is it safe to assume that's where they will all go in the left mod pane? under the weapons section divider?

Edited by Gilgamesh2k5
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To be honest can't keep up with all your hard work stupid day job!  I'm going to catch up tomorrow night give you another days worth of tinkering then play a bit sat.  You reckon you'll have the rest of your survival customisation in by then?

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I'll be posting an V0.0.1a combined patch if you install everything

PA+WSE+ Settlers+cloths+VAFS etc and there will be just the new patch set. this will be the "Final Set" of patches for Full install Before It moves to LOCK-DOWN... It will be posted on the ALPHA UPDATE IN PROGRESS section. BUT!!! There will be specific instructions for patch and the rest is not to be touched it's just a work-log.

Edited by Gernash
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Yeah I'm going for the full hog when I install as I'm planning when I start actually playing a proper playthrough to not change anything (apart from maybe mod updates) so just trying to get as much in as I can.  So once you've made your combined patch I'll go through and do a full update to bring it up to standard.


If you let me know when the below are done:



Patches combined

New accurate load order uploaded


I'll test everything for you then and feedback like I did before.

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Um anyone know if there is a "One pot to cook them all", Cooking overhaul of epic proportions?

I have no experience with these but quick search found:

Complete Kitchen Overhaul (CKO)

Wastelander's Cookbook

Chemist's Cookbook

Wasteland Imports - Goodies from all across the Wasteland...

NX Pro Farming


There are probably more and perhaps better ones.

Edit: (couple more)


Commonwealth Chemistry Expanded

Edited by LordKee
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