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just for your interest with all this talk about survival mode just had the below video popup on youtube and looks insteresting especially that "choose your own difficulty" mod because I personally think the damage should be 1 for 1.  artifically making it cause more or less damage to/from you just to make it trickier just makes the badguys a bullet sponge.




Edit:  Also this https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14650/?

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Better settlers patch if you go all out and install all the patches and cloths with clean faces

So there is variation in the Hair and face and the scribe hat works ingame.


Patch is standalone

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Current game damage is High. not crazy. if you play without power armor all is scary. PA is being in a tank atm.

I'm just making loadout more "Immersive" as that is what angry rabble are curently asking about. But It still need to fill the "enhanced Vanilla" checkbox for Core.


I'm trying to make the items in CORE enough so you can play without carry weight Cheat mods hence the scrapper and shortly backpack mods etc.

so when I get to survival mods there will be enough to work with that you shouldn't need to "Cheat" as it should be all well rounded.


That is the goal/Dream

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yeah ideally i'd not cheat but I liked her points about tweaking the damage in survival (while putting on the needs part of it like sleep etc) although that toggle survival might do that.  Also I liked her point about the timescale change as I'd noticed the day seems to go by REALLY fast and thats probably why so many people get fedup of constnatly getting hungry.  So might look at that.  


And thanks for the patch.  Is that just to bring it in line with your changes or does that replace any of the existing patches already downloaded for Armorsmith or better settlers etc?

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It's a stand alone patch if you use all the clothing mods and choose the options button in the fomod (I thaught you said you went silly and installed everything?(The 10 clothing mods and 2 AE PAtches))


yea time is to QUICK in vanilla I'd slow it down just for general playing.

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Soooo, Do you think remaking the commonwealth is something I should look at?

Maybe CORE Extended as these mods may beak stuff








Mods like these to rebuild and add content to FO4?

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Yeah I installed anything I was just asking if this is a replacement ESP (i.e i need to disable all the existing ones from the various mods) or an additional ESP I should just add to the patches at the end of the load order?


Also It was me who suggested VAFS unless GSD did it as well :)  Me likey too looks more seamless than VATS.  


Plus yes all those mods look great although I personally prefer the idea of the loan wanderer over the APC.  


There's also last months mod of the month Fusion City Rising.  Did anyone give that a go and see if it was actually any good?

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Ahhh quest mods... They can be um tricky some times (maybe explody is a better word) I have not tried it so I can't really comment but that sort of content I'm not ready to try and support in the confines of the CORE.


Nothing to see here move along


and no it's fully stand alone just plug and play

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Ok great and yeah theres a tonne of vanilla content I've not done yet (never actaully finished the game last time) so I'm happy with changing the way it plays and worrying about quests at a later date.  I do like to explore though so subway runner and the interior project look good to me.


Doing a bit of research and here's what I'm thinking of adding regarding changing the gameplay to a kind of survival lite  I'm looking to do this before I start my playthrough proper (yes.. We should probably actually play the game at some point!):


Survival Options - From what it says you can basically turn off and on the individual features of survival mode.  So I can leave the combat and rebalance as you've set it int he guide but just turn on eating/sleeping etc.  You can also tweak saving and fast travel (I try not too but sometimes theres just a need to do it).


Give Me that bottle - Has a patch from the above and gives you back an empty bottle when you drink a beer or nuka cola etc. In Survival you can apaprently then fill this with water from a water source and then purify it.  Apparently according to the CWSS page this mod causes issues and reintroduces a bug that is fixed by CWSS.  Apparently a better version is Fill'em up again


V.A.F.S. - Me likey


Lone Wanderer Fast Travel - Vrooom!  also like its features (campsite etc) and that you can go quite a few places but always need to g back and get it.


Timescale and fast travel adjustment - Changes the timescale without having to use the console.  Oldish mod so not tested but looks like it should work since it's just a console command.


Campsite - Camping and sleep helps.  Although personally I don't feel like i'm ever more than a few minutes walk from a bed in Fallout 4.  But will be interseting to see how it works


Would be interested in your opinion of the above and whether I can just plug them in and go or need to do some patching?


Also a few other links I looked at that might be cool little additions to the game if you are thinking of doing a slight overhaul but still fairly vanilla


https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15804/? - Adds more articles to Public occurences based on your exploits


https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12019/? - Tries to make the game fit the lore of the others (right type of armour etc) might be a bit overkill though since it effects spawns


https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15118/? - Pairs well with Shell rain apaprently. Also makes Mags fall to the floor (although in real life you rarely leave a mag behind.  You can always refil them).

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