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SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn

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Posted (edited)
  On 4/4/2017 at 12:56 PM, scamander14 said:

I built my PC 3 years ago and have never cleaned the dust filters XD Done it now though and everything seems to be ok! Thanks! Also, is there a reason we are using Wintermyst instead of Summermyst?

The main reason is when Darth and I Originally created the first SRLE Extended guide Summermyst wasn't out and when he decided to do an LOTD version he just stuck with Wintermyst for ease of transference.

  On 4/4/2017 at 1:24 PM, sirjesto said:

INVENT tag for inventories.

ahh OK i will give that a try thanks Sirjesto.


Edit: no that didn't work so i give up i not a major issue really.

Edited by DarkladyLexy
  On 4/4/2017 at 1:26 PM, DarkladyLexy said:

The main reason is when Darth and I Originally created the first SRLE Extended guide Summermyst wasn't out and when he decided to do an LOTD version he just stuck with Wintermyst for ease of transference.

ahh OK i will give that a try thanks Sirjesto.


Edit: no that didn't work so i give up i not a major issue really.

Yeah I noticed the Bashed Patch doesn't always forward correctly regardless. I always have to manually edit it somewhat.

Posted (edited)
  On 4/4/2017 at 2:15 PM, JUNKdeLUXE said:

I've never been comfortable with installing of ENBs but I'd really like to try out the OrganicENB v2 (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76783/?).


1. Can anyone tell me if that ENB is compatible with this guide?


2. Can anyone guide me through on how to change the ENB (with ENB manager)?


Thanks in advance.

To answer point 2:




First, extract the files from the ENB you wante to use into a folder in your hard drive i.e. C:\MyENB . Those files must be the ones the ENB says should go into your Skyrim folder (but you are not going to put them there, but into another folder)


Open ENB Organizer. *Note: Do NOT run this through Mod Organizer.*

Click the icon in the top left corner that looks like three horizontal bars and select Presets.

Click [+] Add > Import Folder Or Archive.

In the "Add Preset" window, set the name to The ENB you want to try then click [browse] > [browse For Folder].

Navigate to the folder where you put the ENB Install Files (C:\MyENB) then click [Ok].

Check the "Use Global enblocal.ini" checkbox and select the currently installed binary. This way you are using the binary 3.08 that we use in the guide, but you can install others as well

Click [save] then drag the switch to the left of Skyrim <version> to the right to activate it. The icon should turn blue.

Close ENB Organizer.Open ENB Organizer. *Note: Do NOT run this through Mod Organizer.*


For the ENB you want, this are the files you want:



  • For manual install:
  • . . Copy the "00 Core Files" directory files to the Skyrim directory. This should be the only install for the most of you with or without ELFX
  • . . See the "01 Options" section below for this mod's included options


Edited by johanlh
Posted (edited)
  On 4/4/2017 at 2:35 PM, johanlh said:

To answer point 2:

Thanks for the steps Johan. Do you know if I need to install the ENB as a mod as well and do I also need to disable the Vividan ENB from MO


(this is why I've never tried any other ENBs as an ENB seems to be welded tight to your load order).

Edited by JUNKdeLUXE
  On 4/4/2017 at 2:39 PM, JUNKdeLUXE said:

Thanks for the steps Johan. Do you know if I need to install the ENB as a mod as well and do I also need to disable the Vividan ENB from MO


(this is why I've never tried any other ENBs as an ENB seems to be welded tight to your load order).

According to the ENB autor, you can go with the manual installation:


  • This mod does not require the mod activation. You can remove this mod from MO/NMM right after you have done that manual copy files step
  • For manual install:
  • . . Copy the "00 Core Files" directory files to the Skyrim directory. This should be the only install for the most of you with or without ELFX
  On 4/3/2017 at 5:14 PM, eimerian said:

Hey guys


I have a problem with a paralyze spell that is used by necromancers.

When my character is hit, he will ragdoll for a second and get up again like normal.

However, when followers are hit they will never stand up again.

They just lie there with open eyes, and can not be interacted with.

It can happen to EFF followers as well as followers with their own system like Sofia or Inigo.

Waiting 3 days, recycleactor, disable-enable, tossing them around with relentless force, nothing seems to work.


Any idea which spell or mod is responsible for that?

I have the exact same bug. There is no fixing it as far as I know (I abused poor Inigo in this state with a number of actions and spell to unstuck him, without success). I have been reloading a save when this happens. It might be the fireball spell or the equivalent shock spell. I always dread fighting mages for this reason -_-

  On 4/4/2017 at 4:16 PM, B00mer9 said:

I have the exact same bug. There is no fixing it as far as I know (I abused poor Inigo in this state with a number of actions and spell to unstuck him, without success). I have been reloading a save when this happens. It might be the fireball spell or the equivalent shock spell. I always dread fighting mages for this reason -_-

I haven't experienced this particular issue but sometimes the EFF "Train" menu option will reset a bugged out follower.

Posted (edited)

I just ran into an issue with the Nightcaller Temple quest. After doing the Dreamstride section my Wheel menu stopped working. Nothing seems to get it to work now, but it still shows up in the MCM. Any suggestions?


Edit: just found a bunch of undefined instances running related to easy wheel menu when I had the idea of cleaning the save file. Just removed them, will update if that fixes it.

Edited by omgitskae
  On 4/4/2017 at 6:10 PM, omgitskae said:

Ahhh I can't edit my post anymore, but it looks like it did not work.

You only have 15 minutes to edit your posts


Enviado desde mi Pixel XL mediante Tapatalk


Last update on my wheel menu issue (I'm giving up), the wheel menu works if I assign 'U' or 'Y' to an empty wheel, but I cannot use a wheel with things added to it regardless of hotkey, I tried several. I also tried adding things one by one to the wheel to see if maybe it was just some of the spells that break it but as soon as adding any spell to it, it won't work anymore. So it seems to be an issue with the plugins breaking after that dream sequence (or it might be related to the game forcing you to do the dungeon without followers?).

  On 4/4/2017 at 6:41 PM, omgitskae said:

Last update on my wheel menu issue (I'm giving up), the wheel menu works if I assign 'U' or 'Y' to an empty wheel, but I cannot use a wheel with things added to it regardless of hotkey, I tried several. I also tried adding things one by one to the wheel to see if maybe it was just some of the spells that break it but as soon as adding any spell to it, it won't work anymore. So it seems to be an issue with the plugins breaking after that dream sequence (or it might be related to the game forcing you to do the dungeon without followers?).

Why don't you try uninstalling it, then load the game, make a new save, then installing it again , load the save without the wheel and test.


Enviado desde mi Pixel XL mediante Tapatalk

  On 4/4/2017 at 6:45 PM, johanlh said:

Why don't you try uninstalling it, then load the game, make a new save, then installing it again , load the save without the wheel and test.


Enviado desde mi Pixel XL mediante Tapatalk

Sometimes modding this game makes me feel really stupid. This worked, thanks a bunch. >_________>


This should have been the first thing I tried... and I have no clue why I didn't try it right away.

  On 4/3/2017 at 5:14 PM, Alkira said:

The Long Bow is forwarded to the BP but not the Silver Bow (kept at the SRLE Extended LOTD CR NPC stage) indeed. That way, my understanding is "Gabriella" would have both a Long Bow and a Silver Bow in her inventory, am I right?



Gabriella has no SilverBow (only a long bow) but a silver bowl instead !? I read the record too fast and confirmed that in-game.



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