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Everything posted by Tykune

  1. Oh, awesome. Thanks. Does the direct and ambient need to be changed from 150 and 25 respectively when choosing Grass instead of HD Grass, or is it left at the default? The guide doesn't seem to state either way.
  2. I see nothing in the changelog about generating Tree LODs nor do I see any instructions on generating 3D/Hybrid trees in the 2.2.0 guide (which I think involves editing DynDOLOD's ini file, but I also don't see that anywhere as well). What did I miss?
  3. Gotcha. And what happened to the Tree Billboard and LOD generation for 3D/Hybrid trees from the former iterations of the guide?
  4. I see.. has anyone tried using the Grass LOD to see how much FPS it would usually take on average? Also, I noticed that the Billboards that were used before for 3D trees has went missing. Was this removed from the STEP Guide?
  5. Err.. what mods use Grass LODs, or give LODs? This is what sort of confuses me, since I didn't really see a mention of it anywhere when I was installing the mods.
  6. Are Grass LODs used in the STEP guide?
  7. I was using xLODGenx64 to create my LODs and it was going fine, up until about 20 minutes in and it just suddenly stopped with an 'Operation Aborted', and I have no idea why. I have attached the bug report in hopes someone could figure out what went wrong. bugreport.txt
  8. I got to the point where you use Nemesis to generate an .esp, but after following the instructions (and I have read over them several times to make sure nothing was done wrong), the generation went through without problems, except Nemsis does not create an .esp plugin to tick. This has left me confused, so I have decided to seek some advice here on the matter. EDIT: Also, as a side question since I had gotten to that point, how do I know if I need to download STEP Grass or not? Will I be generating Grass LOD if I followed the guide without ENB?
  9. Has anyone tested if the mods for the STEP guide works with Skyrim VR? Or does that require different files for it to work?
  10. Would you happen to know what other mods I will run into this issue with?
  11. I have done everything right up until this error popped up when I tried to load up SKSE and attempt to go to Riverwood through the console, but unfortunately I encountered this error before the game could even launch. A DLL plugin has failed to load correctly. At a glance, it seems like perhaps CrashLogger.dll and ScaleformTranslationPP.dll isn't compatible with the latest version of Skyrim AE SE?
  12. Has anyone tested to see if the STEP Guide works with Skyrim VR?
  13. I'll check it out. I don't think I have ever tried tracking mods, but I will give it a try. Thanks for the info
  14. Greetings! I have recently gone through the entire list of the Skyrim SE Guide: Version 1.0.0 (as I had decided to recently re-mod my Skyrim SE) and wished to provide a list of updated mods below, that are currently out of date as per the guide's release date (Feb 14, 2021) as of this post, along with the update dates. (And some notes to go along with it if there was something noteworthy about it). This is more of an effort to help with perhaps a potential future update for the guide before the newer edition/update hits that may throw a few things out of whack. Hopefully this is helpful ^^ Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch - 15 June 2021 Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DYNDOLOD - 17 August 2021 Majestic Mountains - 05 August 2021 Realistic Boat Bobbing SE - 25 June 2021 Detailing the Eldrich - 14 March 2021 Enhanced Blood Textures SE - 08 June 2021 Enhanced Vanilla Trees SE - 25 August 2021 Footprints - 16 February 2021 HD Stone Quarry and Clay Deposit SE - 09 July 2021 Immersive Dragons - 30 May 2021 Improved Sparks - 10 March 2021 Leanwolf's Better-Shaped Weapons SE - 12 May 2021 Rally's Instruments - 17 February 2021 Rens HD Shrines - 01 August 2021 Rustic Reliefs - 15 August 2021 Fixed Dragon Stalking Fix (Re-Upload) - Original mod removed, was reuploaded to: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/54625 NPC AI Process Position Fix - SSE - 24 August 2021 Skyrim Landscape and Water Fixes - 12 August 2021 Consistent Older People - 5 August. (Moved to AFKMods) SSE Display Tweaks - 12 June 2021 Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes - 13 July 2021 AI Overhaul SSE - 23 July 2021 Unequip Quiver SE - 03 May 2021 Font Overhaul - Natural Typefaces For Skyrim -- Fonts - 05 August 2021 (Note: Now has a FOMOD process for different fonts and styles represented in books/letters) Viewable Faction Ranks - 06 February 2021 (Only included since the guide does not state whether to download the ESL or non-ESL main file. ESL is assumed from previous guide trends.) Bring out your Dead - 11 August (Moved to AFKMods) Hearthfire Extended - 10 August 2021 (Only Hearthfire Extended - Beyond Skyrim-Bruma Patch was updated. May not be relevent.) Helarchen Creek - August 11 (Moved to AFKMods) Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods - 15 February 2021 Oakwood - August 11 (Moved to AFKMods) Oblivion Gates Remade - 04 May 2021 Cathedral Weathers and Seasons - 28 July 2021 Luminosity Lighting Overhaul - The Cathedral Concept - 11 April 2021 Relighting Skyrim - SSE - 13 July 2021 Storm Lightning for SSE and VR (Minty Lightning 2019) - 18 March 2021 Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - 09 August 2021 Step Skyrim Special Edition Guide - 05 August 2021 (Yes, I know. Redundant. But I had to keep with the theme XD)
  15. I was going through the optional modifications in BethINI as suggested via screenshots, and I noticed a few of the screenshots are lacking the new additions that come with BethINI as of currently (and also a few options were forced off and altered from how it looks on the guide screenshots). 1. The 'Basic' screenshot on the guide has '64-Bit Render Targets' missing. By default, it is unticked and I have left it as such. I would like to know if this should remain unticked. Guide - Current BethINI - 2. The 'Detail' screenshot on the guide has 'Screen Space Reflections' missing. By default, it is ticked with a 'Reflection Divider' of 2 as shown in the screen shot. I would like to know if this is okay to leave by default as well, or if it should be unticked/altered. Guide - Current BethINI - 3. In he 'Visuals' screenshot on the guide, in the 'Snow' section on the bottom, the 'Intensity' dropdown and box are both greyed out and cannot be changed, but the guide screenshot has it set to 0.30 each, while my own below shows 1.00 in the dropdown, but 0.30 in the box. Also to note, the guide has 'Snow Mask' greyed out and ticked, while my own BethINI has it greyed out and unticked. If it is greyed out, I assume that it is just not going to be used in the game, and since it cannot be changed, it is nothing that should be worrying. Guide - Current BethINI -
  16. Following the guide, I have noticed that there is a new option in Terrain LOD that is not shown in the images for the settings. Vertex Color is an option between 'Bake normal-maps' and 'Default Size: Diffuse'. By default, it is set to 1.00.. should I leave this option as is or change it to something else? Guide: Current LODGen:
  17. Will keeping it in my load order cause any detriment to the game?
  18. No dice. I deleted the esp and replaced it with the Improved ClosefacedHelmets_WACCF from the Misc files and I am still getting the same message. UPDATE: Please disregard. I foolishly downloaded from the 'Old Files' section. 🤦‍♂️
  19. I see... I guess I will look towards doing that in the morning. Thank you.
  20. Is this something that I can ignore or should I make an attempt to resolve it?
  21. I was going through LOOT and doing some cleaning, and I came across a peculiar message involving 'FacegenForKids.esp', which is part of the Simple Children mod. I have an image below of this odd warning and wanted to ask if this is something I should go through editing in USSEP or is this something to just ignore?
  22. LOOT is reporting to 'Delete' GQJ_DG_vampireamuletfix.esp as it is already fixed in USSEP, and I found out a bit more about this particular ESP with a bit of Google searching. But my general question for this would be, would it hurt anything for me to just delete the ESP from Gemling Queen Jewelry SE or should I just leave it there? Or maybe throw it into optional ESPs?
  23. Viewable Faction Ranks has two main files; regular and ESL. Which would be the suggested main file?
  24. I noticed that the mod 'The Choice is Yours' has a patch associated with it that is tied to the 'Book Covers Skyrim' mod we downloaded early, but the guide makes no comment about downloading this mod or that it is included in one of STEP patches. Is this patch in one of the STEP patches or is it something I must download individually?
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