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Everything posted by Astakos

  1. Enhanced vanilla trees and Simply bigger trees are not compatible. Moreover you do not need to install RAT if you choose RAT support in the FOMOD installer of EVT.
  2. Hi baronaatista, I, perhaps, could try to help you but pls bear in mind that I have kissed Skyrim LE (Oldrim) goodbye the very first day that SSE came out (and TBH never going back). So, I really cannot check in TES5Edit what sort of errors you are seeing but will try to accommodate... Before proceeding any further, pls download the latest version of xEdit found here (first post). Install it as usual. Then run a "Check for Errors" to your entire load order. Back up all the error messages that xEdit is reporting to a txt file. Then check if loading all the ESPs individually (one by one) makes xEdit report the same error. I do not have, at least in SSE, all these mods, but from what I have in SSE and from what I remember back from Olrim's days: USLEEP - should not have any errors if checked individually. Unique Border Gates (All) - should not have any error (btw r u using Bruma? - if yes a patch is needed for these 2 to work together) Immersive Citizens In case you are seeing this error: NPCOWindhelmIdesaSadriSleep21x8 [PACK:AAEED402] PACK \ Package Data \ Data Input Values \ Value \ PTDA - Target \ Target Data \ Target -> Target is not persistent and you are using a merged version of Snazzy with its patches loaded after ICAIO, then Snazzy is simply undoing the persistence which is absolutely necessary to be patched. Snazzy's patch for ICAIO is outdated, at least in SSE. Wet and Cold - should not have any errors Tentapalooza - should not have any errors OBIS - should not have any errors Forgotten City - I remember it used to have some errors that author could not fix but they seem to not be present in the latest version 1.8.1 published end of August (although the changelog does not mention anything) Helgen Reborn If you are seeing the following error: BalokGuardsRadiant05ToKorst [PACK:240DEC04] PACK \ Package Data \ Data Input Values \ Value \ PLDT - Location \ Location Value -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "BalokRadiant05 "Changing of the Guard" [QUST:24023591]"> As per the author, you can safely ignore it as the package is not even used anyway because a scene takes over in that part of his guard's quests. I have repeatedly tested this and indeed there is no issue at all. Also...in general, if you are seeing this sort of error, i.e.: NAVM \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 11> just ignore it. Now, about the "TINT index..." errors. The general consensus has many aspects: 1. xEdit looks only for the vanilla Tint indexes ignoring the ones altered by mods on the RACE level. 2. They are bening 3. That some Tintmasks even in Skyrim.esm are badly structured; though they do not seem to create any further problems in-game. (such as the Apocalypse errors that you mentioned) I would suggest contacting zilav about the Tint errors...from my tests and by extensively looking into the RACE level of every single NPC that I had errors for; I have found that the vast majority of them are present in the RACE level or edited by another mod. Therefore I have chosen to ignore them and still, after all this time, have not run into any problem. Sorry I cannot be of any further assistance as for me to be extremely specific about an error i would have to replicate your exact load order and see what is going on, which is simply not possible. If you can also post your errors log from xEdit I could have a look to see if any further error does ring a bell from old days or if it is even present in SSE so I can help you in a more straightforward way.
  3. Yes, it works just fine with MO2 as well.
  4. Thanks sheson, TexGen 64 tested with 1024 LOD textures generation and it worked just fine. Problems with DynDOLOD though... As you may remember, since I am generating full 3D LODs with TreeFullFallBack=1 @ 1024 Atlas, I cannot generate all worldspaces in one go..not even in two or three without having LODGen hanging and then DynDOLOD crashing. Now... 1. Generated TreeLOD only for Bruma and Darkend (yes I have ported it - it is working fine) -> All Good 2. Then RESTART -> Falskaar -> All Good 3. Then RESTART -> Generated 2 worldspaces from the mod "The Island" and 1 from "Hammet's Dungeon Pack" -> All Good 4. Then RESTART -> Tried to Generate all remaining worldspaces except Tamriel -> DynDOLOD crash with the message: "Exception in unit functions line 334: Assertion failure (C:\Delphi\projects\DynDOLOD\wbImplementation.pas, line 12302)" Then... 5. Cleaned DynDOLOD cache folder and Export Folder (and Logs) and redid steps 1-3 above -> All Good 6. RESTART -> Tried to generate the first 4 worldspaces that were referring 1 to "aaaWereBalokDungeonWorld" by Helgen Reborn and 3 to Beyond Reach -> DynDOLOD crashed with the same exception message as above. DynDOLOD Log files for runs 1-4 and run 5-6 Let me know if you need anything else. P.S.: I will be trying to do 1 worldspace at a time after step 3 to see how it behaves...but that will take some time before I post any new findings.
  5. OkK sheson...this thing will drive me insane!! Last night when you posted the 3 different versions for the 64-bit part, I downloaded them and started testing them one at a time in my main-playing profile in MO2. None of them have been successful as I wrote you above. Then today, I made another profile in MO2 (identical - completely identical to my main one) disabled all plugins (except the vanilla ones) and started enabling 10-10 at a time. AND...YES...Version 1 is working fine...tested it with my actual gaming profile and it is A-OK. I do not know what happened since last night and it is working now...really man nothing was changed!!! With the other 2 versions... Version 2 Reproducible "Access Violation" crash at plugin number 49 (mod index 31). Log attached below. Version 3 Another weird issue here... Reproducible "Access Violation" crash at plugin number 181 (mod index B4) But...if I enable 2+ plugins after #181 I still get the "Access Violation" message and if I press OK TexGen's creation window appears without any "Load order messed up" message. If I enable 2-3 more plugins then crash with Load Order messed up" message...no TexGen's window. At this point I must add that for both crashing versions it made no difference which plugin was at #49 or #181...any plugin at those spots would make TexGen crash, Attached Log files for all my tests. Hope it helps in one way or the other...!
  6. You want TexGen logs or DynDOLOD logs or both? I will try tomorrow to start disabling plugins for all versions and post the logs...
  7. Do all of these uploaded versions contain the fix for the "non-generated textures" that we were discussing on the other thread? EDIT: Tested all 3 versions for TexGenx64...all 3 of them are giving me "Access Violation" errors on different spots in my load order (which was always the same).
  8. Nothing is wrong with any of the plugins. Already checked and re-checked and...checked again now! :( Scratching my head on this...
  9. Hi Sheson, All of the sudden today (first time using v.2.31) I have exactly the same errors as OP using both TexGen64 and DynDOLOD64, Skyrim SSE and MO2 v.2.0.83. I do know for sure that my load order (and my mod list), although very heavy, is rock solid. It loads perfectly fine with xEdit (latest version posted in AFK) So I started doing tests...basically the majority of what you have advised in this post. What I have discovered: 1. Rolling back to v.2.26 of both TexGen64 and DynDOLOD64 gave me exactly the same errors as 2.31 (!!!); the ones like OP. 2. I made a separate profile to MO2 and loaded only the DLCs+USSEP+Vanilla Billboards. All loaded fine. No Errors. Both versions of TexGen and DynDOLOD. 3. I started enabling 10-10 plugins at a time. TexGen64 (2.31) was loading fine until it reached plugin order 180 (Mod Index B2). Then crashed. Exactly same errors like before, like OP. Of course there is nothing wrong with the plugins after order 180...no matter what plugin I was placing after 180 and enabling it, TexGen64 and DynDOLOD64 would immediately throw an exemption when reach at this index when loading. 4. As a last step I run my entire load order (enabled everything) using TexGen32 and DynDOLOD32 through MO2...and what do u know!!! They worked just fine!!!??? No errors, no exemptions, no crashes, no "Your Load Order is messed up" messages. Taking into account that not much had changed in my mod list ever since I was running successfully 2.27; I hardly think that this is a DynDOLOD64 problem. But then why 32-bit version to work out well when I have never ever used it in the past? A windows update screwing up things? Don't know...running out of ideas. Your thoughts? My Win 10 version is 1703 (OS Build 15063.540).
  10. I would strongly advise against using the CK through MO. You may find yourself encountering several crashes and/or unwanted overwrites (plus other numerous burdens). For other modding activities you can do as Kelmych says, although the general consensus is to always mod outside MO. At least this is what I always do and never encountered a single issue (repeat, especially with CK both in classic (not using it anymore) and in SSE) xEdit can be an exception to this especially when used for patching purposes. If you can spare the disk-size, I do recommend to duplicate your Skyrim installation, extract all BSAs, put in there all your modding tools and...sky is the limit!
  11. It was included in SMIM, that is why Neo removed it back then IIRC.
  12. I assume that you are looking to port Real Roads in SSE standards, correct (judging from Form 44 I am seeing in the header...)? If that is the case then there is more needed in that picture than just forward the OBND from Update.esm... If you notice in the 2nd "Alternate Texture" record (RoadChunkL02:2) in Update.esm a new snow texture is being used. This is part of the new snow textures/shaders introduced in SSE. This new texture (LandscapeSnow01Landscape) needs to be assigned to the corresponding "Alternate Texture" of Real Roads (RoadChunkL02:2) and replace the original one. You must do this to all static records that this new texture layer is introduced by Update.esm. Furthermore, and in order to answer your initial question...yes, the OBND from Update.esm needs to be forwarded. This is essentially the same thing as active-loading Real Rods.esp in the new CK and perform a "Recalc Bounds" for all statics introduced by this mod. Then save your plugin and you are good to go. Oh, and do not forget to optimize and convert the meshes with NIF Optimizer 2.5. I have long ago ported Real Roads for my personal use and used this procedure I narrated above. Everything works fine. No issues whatsoever. Hope this helps!
  13. Dunc, that would require to alter the original esp and save into it. Not very advisable! Your method is the way (more or less) to go but it is missing a couple of steps as to use it to create a patch instead of saving into the original esp.
  14. I tried last night to download NMM and installed 10-15 mods to check SE. I was impressed with the performance and especially with loading times. Damn they are fast! BUT....God....I cannot stand NMM...I mean I just CANNOT!!! I feel like a dumb user who has no control on literally everything!! So I am thinking of switching to WB, although I know it has a learning curve. Never used WB before, except BP, ESMifying plugins, redating, etc... So I was wondering...can I have 2 versions of WB installed? One (306.xx) version for my regular Skyrim modding and the new one (307.26) for the Skyrim SE. Is this even feasible or they are conflicting fiels/folders and would need to swap files over again and again? I know that this was doable with MO but absolutely no idea with WB.
  15. Yes you do see the overwrites. But how many do you think relate that to the actual load order between the relevant ESPs? This is the actual problem...
  16. Paul and the rest of you guys... I do not think that Arthmoor has a vendetta against extracting BSAs. Nor that he is in a position to judge/know when a user is an advanced one or a rookie...thus this statement from him. Basically he has a very valid point; official way is that a bsa accompanies the esp, thus, BSA is loaded in the same order that the esp is loaded. If you extract the BSA then this loading order is not automatically defined by the game but it is user defined. This is exactly what Arthmoor want to avoid, especially when scripts are used (thus the "game-breaking" expression he uses) Example: 2 mods edit a vanilla script...let's call it Script_A Both mods are installed by extracting their relevant BSAs. Mods install order (Left pane of MO): Vanilla Script_A, MOD_A Script_A, MOD_B Script_A ESPs Load Order (Right side of MO - i.e. using LOOT or not) - Skyrim.esm (corresponding to Vanilla Script_A), MOD_B.esp (corresponding to MOD_B Script_A), MOD_A.esp (corresponding to MOD_A Script_A). You see now where the problem is? MOD_A.esp will actually load a script (that due to loose files overwrites) is not its native script but the script from MOD_B. Thus the game breaking issue that Arthmoor is talking about. I do extract all of my BSAs. But I pay extreme attention not to have a situation that resembles the example given above. Hope this clarifies things a bit!
  17. I assume that you are using MUS, which at least when it comes to crafting, it uses exactly the same philosophy as MLU. From MLU page: Elven, Orcish, Nordic, and Glass armors require an addition 10 Smithing skill to craft if you're not the right race. Altmer for Elven and Glass, Orcs for Orcish and Nords for Nordic. These armors will be superior to other equipment crafted with the same perk.Dwarven equipment cannot be crafted without the Ancient Knowledge, which now also improves Dwarven weapon damage by 25% (except Crossbows).Ebony equipment, and any recipe that involves Ebony, can only be crafted at the Skyforge or Gloombound Forge.Daedric equipment can only be crafted by a master smith who discovers the otherworldly secrets to its creation... You could see all of these requirements by looking in xEdit for the appropriate Constructible Object conditions.
  18. Unfortunately for me is just as taxing as JK's Skyrim used to be...especially in Win10. So, most probably, is a BIG NO for me.
  19. I totally agree with Paul.
  20. ^^ Darth, This can lead to a lot of problems if the all the new assets of Seranaholic 1.7 do not share identical FormIDs with the ones in your merge. Even if they do you will still need to carry over to the Serana NPC the right FormIDs (with the right index) for records like Worn Armor/Body Armor etc It needs extreme care for doing such an action as you may result mixing completely up all the relevant FormIDs.
  21. What does relev/delev have to do with ASIS?
  22. Hi sheson, Papyrus Utils have been updated to v.3.3. Is it ok to use this version with DynDOLOD 2.18?
  23. Hi Dunc, I am running a custom version of it. But yes you can safely merge any of its patches. Make sure you tag the merged esp as "Names" in WB so the BP can handle some of its conflicts (they will be a lot) For weapons etc not covered by the BP you will need to CR it yourself. Nothing difficult...just tedious!
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