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Everything posted by Astakos

  1. Hi richardo, The reason is very simple why you see these XCLR-Regions added in one mod and not be present in another. These regions are part of the Dawnguard DLC (Dawnguard.esm), therefore only the mods that have this DLC as a master contain these regions in their persistent worldspace cell. If your last loaded mod does not have them you can safely forward them into your general patch that loads last. Hope this clarifies your question.
  2. Also Nexus tracking feature! Quite handy!
  3. I have the feeling (might be miles away off in my assumption though) that the guide's proposed merging order is not in-line with the installation order of respective mod's billiboards. I am not using half the mods in that merge so I cannot really test that.
  4. This load order is not quite right. Do what Paul says and test again.
  5. @Teos Why are you loading ELE before Skyrim Coin Replacer and LoTD Patches merged? ELE should be loaded fairly late in you load order...try loading it after these 2 mods and test again. P.S.: I agree with hishy above...although there are conflicting records these types of conflicts should not create any CTDs. Only visual inconsistencies. Still Teos you need to fix your load order.
  6. How does this combination blend with Noble Skyrim textures as the primary texture overhaul?
  7. Nope, there are no billboards included in the no grass version.
  8. pm sent! I ma talking abt the billboards here. There are no billboards in SFO 2.5b-No Grass version.
  9. richardo can you be a little more specific on what is conflicting? The term "Worldspace conflicts" is a very generalized term that involves a lot of things. In case you are talking abt the "Max Height Data" in 0000003C <Tamriel> worldspace, then yes it must be forwarded into your general patch which will load last.
  10. Paul, why have you removed the SFO 2.5b billboards from SR:LE base? I am not following every landscape mod (don't like caribou and SFO 1.91) of the guide but curious why...
  11. Ah, I see that you have chosen Apple Garden Paul! Nice little mod and quite immersive. I was using that mod ever since REGS started and to be honest I always thought it was part of vanilla game. Some time ago I had created a patch (have not posted it anywhere else) that brings AG's apple trees (both red and green) in line with CACO's mechanics for harvesting them. Which basically means that you will be able to harvest a number of apples and not just one from any AG's apple tree. You want it? TBH I had never sought permission for this patch from kryptopyr or AG's author as it was for my personal use. But I do not think both authors will really object using this patch in SRLE LoTD; especially kryptopyr. Let me know and I will sent you a dropbox link.
  12. My bad Darth. I was pretty sure I downloaded and installed v.1.6 whereas I must have installed 1.7. Apologies for that. P.S. v.1.6 still needs cleaning...5 ITMs ;)
  13. Nice integration Paul and Darth. I will surely have a look at it although I have this feeling that I will need some major CK patching to bring it up to my current mod list. What strikes weird though is the choice of Immersive Fallen Trees...a mod that apart from the ITMs it has (the easy part), has also 16 deleted navneshes!!! Not exactly my cup of tea!
  14. Is it? Don't know...not using EVT
  15. Hi Darth, Now that Enhanced Landscapes is gone and new mods added in the Landcape section, I think you will need to revise what happens to Aspen Trees (SR:LE base) in you SR:LE base integration guide.
  16. I do not know abt LotD as I ma not exactly following the guide. In my list it conflicts with AOS, CACO and RDO. Very easy conflicts to resolve into your own CR patch.
  17. I use this one: Invisibility Eye Glitch Multifix. Works great!
  18. Have you tested SLO Darth? What's its behavior regarding FPS? Also, does it play well with Immersive Citizens?
  19. EL must be loaded before CRF as for CRF's landscapes edits to win. It is also mentioned in EL's description page. I do not have any crops floating. ;)
  20. Just delete the Falkreath worldspace edits in xEdit and see if it improves things. 5 mins job to do so...back up initial plugin as to quickly revert to it after testing.
  21. Well, I do not think it is really an alternative. Different mod philosophy.
  22. Unless you have gone for the minidress or spiced alternatives of 'Vanilla Armors and Clothes - TMB" then I do not think that this mod touches the meshes I mentioned. By the way, are u using TMB body from that page or UNPB BBP/HDT as per SR:LE base?
  23. Have u installed UNP Female Armors as per SR:LE Base? These meshes are derived from the installation of UNP Boot Pack main file of UNP Female Armors.
  24. I used to have this issue as well since Mirabelle Ervine is using CWI's default outfit, which changes the boots compared to vanilla default outfit. This is not the actual problem...the problem comes from the meshes that cover these boots. Long story short...UNP Female Armors' "Meshes\Clothes\FineClothes01\BootsF_1.nif" and "Meshes\Clothes\FineClothes01\BootsF_0.nif" are to blame since they are not carrying over the USLEEP (USKP back then) fixes for invisible angles. Hide them in MO so USLEEP's meshes win. No more Mirabelle "No-Angles" Ervine!
  25. Look at the templates Lexy that Sahloknir is derived from (TPLT - Template)
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