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Everything posted by Astakos

  1. I do like this mod. Really! The only thing that holds me a bit back is that the author has not impelemented USLEEP fixes in his horker mesh. But probably I will end up using as texure-wise is amazing and there is also Gamwhich version which is really great as well.
  2. Which functions Neo? I have yet to experience any crash in RaceMenu using CF 10.0 (haven't updated yet) + SKSE Plugin Preloader, but for sure I haven't scrutinized everything in RM.
  3. Load it after Ordinator.
  4. Guys a piece of advise (although it has been mentioned quite a few time in this forum)... DO NOT merge plugins that are required as Masters to other plugins. Bad, bad things can happen! Most obvious one is unresolved references if FormIDs has been renumbered. There is an exception to that (not 100% foolproof - still needs investigation in xEdit)...you can merge master files with their own patches but you need to maintain the same filename of the master esp.
  5. TBH, I wouldn't conflict resolve any horse conflict from SkyTEST. I would let IH win in all counts. IH is a highly scripted mod and I really prefer its way of handling things with horses. I do not even understand why SkyTEST is touching horses to be honest when there compatibility will be broken with at least 2 very popular mods. In my load order i have IH win all conflicts and no problem whatsoever. CRing SkyTEST and IH is not something straightforward...I assume only the author of IH will be eligible for such a patch. Well...these SNAMs explained in Keith's post are Story Manager's record. Nothing to do with Factions.
  6. Well...just forget HialgoBoost!! Really!
  7. Glad to hear Dunc! Enjoy the game!
  8. Thanks edynacio. I know about that old post since...well...I made it! Back then the version of SkyTEST was 1.38 and this was a version that I really want to forget from the little testing I have made. My today's questions were more like why you guys still use "no extra spawns" etc since 1.46 looks like a fairly stable version. I should have made it clearer. Apologies for that!
  9. Hi guys, I have a couple of questions regarding SkyTEST. I was always using Animal Tweaks but in view of the recent developments of SkyTEST I decided to give it a spin ditching AT. 1. Why are u using the "No extra spawns" optional from SkyTEST Integration project? Have u noticed any clipping or wired behavior with some of the new spawns when combined with other mods? For example EL, Arthmoor's villages or perhaps ETaC? Or any occurring CTD that is attributed to these extra spawns? For sure I do not like the rats but some of the farm animals added look, in theory, quite interesting. 2. Why you are not using the DG and DB optionals from the main's mod page? I agree that they are dated back to 2013, but apart from the fact that the DB one needs cleaning (17 ITM) and a couple of records that need editing for USLEEP compatibility, I did not find any other oddities. Quite simple implementations actually to cover some of the DLCs animals. 3. Has anyone tried SkyTEST-Harder Creatures that is compatible and complements the main SkyTEST mod? Needs USLEEP compatibility though... Thanks!
  10. For some of them yes. For others I am pretty sure there is a faulty plugin(s) somewhere that when you check it individually for errors they will be shown. This then needs addressing to the mod author.
  11. Woww Dunc!! You really jumped into deep waters with that load order mate! Anyway...as I see you have not done any conflict resolution; which I believe with this mod list it will be massive. There is a strong possibility that some of these errors appear because of non-resolved conflicting records. First...ignore any errors that state "NAVM \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 11>" . Nothing to worry about. ...but errors that state "REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base" needs attention as usually they are UDRs. Now, take for example the USLEEP errors...well, we all know that there are no errors in USLEEP!! But perhaps there is a mod that comes after USLEEP and touches the same "quest" records as USLEEP ruining something. You need to take a look in xEdit to see which mod alters what that makes USLEEP complain. I have checked all the plugins we have in common vs my entire load order and I can assure you that there are no errors present (i.e. EFF Dialogue, DFD, etc) and the ones that have "errors" they are either justified or false positives. But i do not have all the plugins you do, therefore I cannot be more concrete. For example you can ignore the errors for Forgotten City. They are not game breaking but yes I agree they shouldn't be there. I had brought it up with the mod author back in time but he found no way to correct them. Well, they are removed script properties that can be easily deleted from the plugin...anyway!! :O_o: This is the main generalized strategy for nailing some of these errors. This is ok! These are he false positives I referred above. ICW is essentially deleting this teleport marker as it needs to create a new one. Look at the Quest errors after the REF ones...which mod conflict with USLEEP and not filling the alias? This needs investigation...
  12. Dunc I am a bit lost as to which plugins you are loading each time you come with an error or warning message. Your entire load order? A partial one? For example the warning messages that you have attached above show that Dragonborn.esm has a loading index of 02...how come? You were not loading Dawnguard.esm and Hearthfire.esm? It is a bit confusing...therefore, can u pls load you entire order, check for errors and upload in pastebin those errors together with your entire load order? If you check all these plugins with errors individually, do these errors still occur? Have you checked if any of these error-plugins needs cleaning?
  13. Can you tell me which mods are in this merge and in what order you merged the plugins? If i find time tonight I might download them just to see what is wrong...oh boy!! I can't believe I just said that!! Downloading Dovhbear and chickens!!!
  14. Have you individually checked the Dovahbear mod for errors?
  15. This does not look good Dunc. Obviously the references are all mixed up since same FormIDs are used for different assets. How exactly did you "shoehorn" Dovahbear (God...you really like this mod? ) into an existing merge? You know that this is not the recommended procedure...
  16. Dunc it is an old version...actually a very old version. The only reason is showing as like it has been updated recently is because the account of one of the authors maintaining the page has been hijacked and in view of the fear that a malicious/virus archive has been uploaded instead of the actual TES5Edit, Sharlikran decided to erase that "malicious" upload and re-upload TES5Edit to the version that it was before the account-Hijack took place. That is why it is appearing under a recent date. But it is a very old version....always keep an eye/track the link i gave you! @ Darth Darth, as Dunc saud, if you are using the latest version of FO4Edit (the link i gave above), you are experiencing errors in USLEEP 3.0.4a?? I would be extremely surprised if you do...
  17. No no no!!! This is an extremely old version of TES5Edit...probably the reason you have all these errors. Download the one form the link i gave you above and monitor that Nexus page for any future developments/updates of TES5Edit.
  18. Dunc, something must be seriously screwed up in your mod order...although I am not at my gaming rig now as to check some of the plugins that I use as well (not using all of them you have listed); I just don't recall seeing script errors (VMAD) ones to the majority of them. Also errors in USLEEP?? Are you sure that you are using the latest version 3.0.4a? I know there has been a reupload due to Nexus having corrupted the initial 3.0.4 upload...perhaps try re-downloading. Which version of xEdit are u using? The latest one here?
  19. You are a quick decision maker, aren't you Darth??!!
  20. I suppose we could use the mod "SkyTEST-Harder Creatures" but I really do not know how compatible it is with the current version of SkyTEST. Haven't looked into it at all tbh. I have asked mod author abt it though...
  21. Guys just for the sake of clarity...u all use IA with UNP support as per the FOMOD installer, right?
  22. I think that the SkyTEST patch at Animal Tweaks page is for v.1.44 of SkyTEST. I do not know if it really needs updating as I haven;t looked at it for the time being. But perhaps something you guys want to look into...
  23. Well, I do not think it is actually a very good idea to keep on playing on 1.21, then update to 1.22 and upgrade mods like TES and Primer mid-game. I would hold off to start a new game when all (especially these 2) mods get updated.
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