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Everything posted by DanielCoffey

  1. Thanks for the reply. Here is what I have investigated so far... I have checked that I have disabled MOO's ambient light adjustment in its ini so that is excluded. Weather - All Natural does have the set ANVars.Luminance to 0.75 to dictate the outdoors night luminance but that does not seem to be related to dungeon ambient light. I did mention the time of day however just in case the Imperial Prison was misconfigured as outdoor rather than dungeon. AWLS does not appear to affect ambient light - just the visuals of windows being lit at certain times of the night. Immersive Interiors seems to only allow you to see out through windows and obeys Weather - All Natural's light tints. Drop Lit Torches OBSE just affects torch handling and dropping, not dungeon ambient but I suspect torch radius is either in there or in MOO. I can check in TES4EDIT. That just leaves Oblivion Reloaded which, while I suspect it is the main mod likely to hold ambient light levels, I just can't find anything in the ini file (the one in the OBSE plugins folder). I am stumped. For now I can just whack up the in-game brightness but that is not an ideal solution. Is the starter dungeon really intended to be that dark? I do mean so dark you can see utterly nothing unless it is lit by a torch. Oh, and yes my monitor is calibrated (I actually have a Spyder device for that).
  2. Which mods (if any) in the game affect indoor ambient lighting in areas such as the tutorial Prison Escape? I am finding that it is totally black in there even with the in-game brightness turned to 100%. In addition, torches have a very small light radius. I have already disabled the interior lighting effects from MOO (Maskar's Overhaul) which I am using instead of FCOM and this made a small difference but I wondered if it was something else as well. I should add that according to the UI clock, it is 6am in-game which may mean that there is no ambient light added by the Weathers - All Natural mod which includes an ambient lighting component for interiors.
  3. Doh - it was all of the mods with BAIN Wizards. According to the MO Wiki, BAIN Wizards are not supported.
  4. On the subject of MO and Oblivion, I have a question... is there some setting in MO that I need to change to help it understand some of the BAIN installers in the MD Guide? The large majority are perfectly fine. I see some where there are numbered folders to select and they install fine. There are a few that have interactive "choose this, are you using that" options that do work (such as Better Cities) but there are also some such as AWLS and UL Compatibility Patches that are ignored and I only see the list of 010, 020 etc... folders. I had to stop at that point. I have managed to completely resolve the OBSE issues (by checking the MO data structure to see which mods are putting things in the OBSE/plugins folder, moving those files manually in the the data/OBSE/plugins folder and starting MO itself as a scripted plugin). It is just the issue with BAIN installers that is the final thing stopping me using MO with the guide.
  5. Which tags are needed? Is there a list?
  6. I have seen that too with the Combat Shotgun in VATS.
  7. Phew - I am glad that worked. I will leave the files up a little longer then tidy them away to save space.
  8. Here are the uncompressed Desaturated files. If these don't download properly then you will have to look into what is stopping your downloads unzipping. BSA : Book Covers Skyrim.bsa ESP : Book Covers Skyrim.esp The BSA is about 980Mb. Let me know if you can successfully use these.
  9. OK, I am about to dash out now for the whole day but will upload uncompressed files this evening (UK time).
  10. Yes I can do that. Original or desaturated? There must be something odd about your PC because you are the first person to have this issue apart from the odd person who didn't have 7ZIP. Do you have some unusual download manager or something? I will be out of the house all day today so will upload this evening (UK time) once I hear from you as to which version you want.
  11. I have linked the downloads in post #180
  12. When running FO3LODGEN, remember to deactivate "Have MO Manage Archives" while running the LODGEN. You will have to tick it again afterwards. Restart MO and then re-tick the FO3 GOTY BSAs as they will have come unticked. Good luck and well done!
  13. I do know that linux is case sensitive and that there are issues with WeiDU to do with it wanting paths that are all lower but the mods themselves wanting cased paths. Various scripts have been written to parse the file tree, store it, tolower the filesnames, run WeiDU and then restore the file names from the parsed tree. For now then I'll stick purely vanilla although I have submitted my first bug to do with the world map locations being faint and pixellated even when discovered.
  14. Sure - they will remain until you confirm you have safely got them. A last resort would be for me to upload the uncompressed BSA/ESP files if you named which version you needed but try the archives first.
  15. If you prefer, I could upload a .zip version to my Mirror and you can see if you can pick it up from there. Give me twenty mins or so and I'll update this post with the location. EDIT : Temporary mirrors, 7ZIP might work outside the Nexus - try that first. 7ZIP (480Mb) ==== BCS Desaturated BCS Original ZIP (635Mb) ==== BCS Desaturated BCS Original
  16. To unpack the download you need a reasonably recent version of 7ZIP. What are you using?
  17. Thanks for the thoughts and reminiscences. Having watched a few Lets Plays of BG:EE, I decided to get the Linux version of BG:EE from Steam. I am actually very impressed with the work on the UI and it looks like it may even work with my Wacom tablet too which is a bonus. What I am looking for now is a list of what you would consider the "first playthrough, essentials" mods such as restored content, NPC interactions and similar. Is there the equivalent of the Nexus for BG:EE somewhere? I can find a few disparate sites with, as you say, many out of date or BG classic-only mods.
  18. I would like to solicit opinions about the two main versions of Baldurs Gate... the original by Atari and the newer Enhanced Edition. I should state that I currently own the original Baldurs Gate 4-in-1 box set with both BG and BG2 with both their official expansions for Windows . I have no idea where I picked it up but I have a vague memory that it was free (or practically free) with something else. Considering just Baldurs Gate for the moment, would you advise sticking with the original, modding it for BG-tutu or BG-WeiDU, widescreen (at 1280x720) and Unfinished Business or paying for Baldurs Gate : Enhanced Edition instead? Given that I prefer to do most of my casual gaming on Linux, are the tutu/WeiDU and widescreen mods available for Linux players? I know that GoG.com has a good offer on BG for Linux.
  19. I have just completed Operation Anchorage and noticed an oddity in the weapons found in the sealed bunker once you are back out of the simulation. It turns out that the WMK mod adds in some new weapons for the DLC reward but does not respect the scaling that FWE imposes. WMK does respect FWE in WeaponModKits - FWE Master Release.esp but WMK does NOT respect FWE in WeaponModKits - OperationAnchorage.esp... === 10mm Pistol (Vanilla) Vanilla : Health 150, Damage 9, Clip 12 WMK : Health 250, Damage 20, Clip 8 (WeaponModKits - FWE Master Release.esp) FWE : Health 250, Damage 20, Clip 8 10mm Alloy Steel Pistol (Operation Anchorage) Vanilla : Health 150, Damage 9, Clip 12 WMK : Health 150, Damage 9, Clip 12 (WeaponModKits - OperationAnchorage.esp) FWE : Health 350, Damage 22, Clip 8 === Combat Shotgun (Vanilla) Vanilla : Health 240, Damage 55, Clip 12, Projectile 9 WMK : Health 350, Damage 72, Clip 12, Projectile 12 (WeaponModKits - FWE Master Release.esp) FWE : Health 350, Damage 72, Clip 12, Projectile 12 Alloy Steel Combat Shotgun (WMK Operation Anchorage) WMK : Health 240, Damage 55, Clip 12, Projectile 9 (WeaponModKits - OperationAnchorage.esp) === It looks like a WMK - FWE compatibility patch is needed for Operation Anchorage.
  20. It looks like a PC (see the Pipboy) in the FWE shack though.
  21. I saw that too - as well as ticking "Have MO manage Archives", I had to restart MO and tick the individual BSA files too. Remember that when you temporarily disable that checkbox to generate FO3LODGEN details, you will have to re-tick the BSA entries again afterwards.
  22. The location of the FalloutLauncher.exe may vary depending on where you have installed the game.
  23. Yay - the MADfilter codec pack was what I needed. I think it would be useful to add the following to the Guide in the "Gotta Have My Tunes" section tagged for Windows 10 users... Kelmych - here is the site to use as the URL target in the "THIS GUIDE" link... https://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Radio_stutter_fix
  24. I will have a look and see how it behaves than - thanks for the tip. If it does indeed work, we can perhaps add some wording to the Audio section along those lines for Win10 users.
  25. I assume you used the "For Windows Vista/Windows 7" MADfilter right at the bottom? That is one of the really old 32-bit codecs from the Vista era.
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