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Everything posted by DanielCoffey
GUIDE General Feedback
DanielCoffey replied to Kelmych's topic in Fallout 3 - Clear & Present Danger
I have found another broken link in the guide. Creating a Bashed Patch - "... discussed in more detail in the Load Order section..." This takes you to a site that Microsoft and Kaspersky flagged as unsafe and appears to be a lapsed domain that has been taken over for phishing purposes. -
According to the CASM Nexus posts, it has been on the wish list since 2009 so I would suspect if it is not in the mod's Aid screen in the PipBoy, it is not going to be done. Could you go into the mod with FO3EDIT and have a poke around to see what you could find? Since it is a single ESP, it should be in there somewhere. EDIT : I had a quick look and there are compiled scripts in the ESP. You would need to talk to the author.
Which of the three UFP Exotic Caravans ESP files do you advise that we use? The choices are Normal, Essential and Project Beauty. The guide makes no mention of them and does not suggest moving the unwanted ESPs to the Optionals tab.
Can't activate iHUD menu anymore
DanielCoffey replied to icetbr's topic in Fallout 3 - Clear & Present Danger
That key setting must be stored in an ini file somewhere. Is it in the iHud or UIO folder? -
GUIDE General Feedback
DanielCoffey replied to Kelmych's topic in Fallout 3 - Clear & Present Danger
Aw bother! Just discovered (when I had got down to MMM) that I had been using the Internal FOMOD Installer in MO all along which was why xCalibr had not installed properly. I have gone back and redone the big overhauls (FWE, xCALIBR and MMM) using the External FOMOD installer and spotted the correct ESP files appearing but are there any other mods apart from those that I should reinstall? I have been using Manual install on almost all the mods since it allows me to filter out all the duplicate readmes and screenshots but I hope there were not too many with ESPs hidden inside FOMODs. -
GUIDE General Feedback
DanielCoffey replied to Kelmych's topic in Fallout 3 - Clear & Present Danger
Gazda - Thanks for the clarification. === Fallout Food Package Retexture Compilation Do we need the Steakbox Fix for 3 point Oh - for clean or dirty Optional File? -
GUIDE General Feedback
DanielCoffey replied to Kelmych's topic in Fallout 3 - Clear & Present Danger
I am really appreciating the well thought out design of the Guide and am having relatively few issues given the sheer amount of content it is adding. Cheers! === DC Interiors and DC Interiors - A Room with a View Both of these mods contain an apparently identical BSA and given that the guide advises not unpacking this BSA, can we remove one of them to speed up parsing the mod list? It is 180Mb after all. === eXcalibr - ammo eXpansion pack The guide advises to move CALIBR.esm to the optional files but the actual filename is xCALIBR.esm. Disregard - my error. -
GUIDE General Feedback
DanielCoffey replied to Kelmych's topic in Fallout 3 - Clear & Present Danger
I have a small update that may need verifying then adding to the C&PD guide at the Setting Up Mod Organizer, part 4, Optional Settings stage. 4. Set up optional settings as desired: In the right pane of MO select the Archives tab, and make sure that the box is checked for Have MO Manage Archives When using FO3LODGen this is unchecked, and then restored after FO3LODGen has completed Make sure the Fallout3 BSA files are ticked. There should be six to tick from Fallout - MenuVoices.bsa to Fallout - Voices.bsa Click the Settings buttonI don't know what was supposed to be on point 4.3 in the guide but it was blank when I looked at it. I was getting an instant CTD that indicated missing masters as soon as launching the game, regardless of whether I chose the FOSE launcher or Fallout.exe from within MO. A check with FO3edit showed that all files in my load order were correct and not missing masters. I could run both the FOSE launcher and Fallout3.exe perfectly from Windows Explorer. it was only within MO that the game failed to start. I was going through the MO setup process again when I spotted the unticked BSA files on the Archives tab. Selecting them solved the problem immediately. === Powered Power Armor... The sentence "Use the Powered Power Armor.esp plugin in this file instead of the one in the mod." needs to be changed to "Use the Powered Power Armor.esp plugin in the DropBox file instead of the one in the mod." and moved to AFTER "Download PPA 1_4 gold Hotfix a and FWE 6 compatibility file and when installing these merge them with MO into Powered Power Armor." because the Hotfix has a copy of that ESP in it too and would overwrite the DropBox file if you were following the instructions in order. === At the first "Vault Boy Says..." section, it would be a good idea to say "... a good place to run LOOT and start up Fallout 3" because Load Order is probably all over the place at this point. I also found a few unticked mod-related ESM/ESP files which I had to manually tick before launching. === Descriptive Icons for Fallout 3 Perhaps should have the following added to the end of its description... "Weapons Mod Expanded will be installed later in the Guide but until then, ignore LOOT's warnings about Missing Masters." Not an issue as there are plenty of mods that have dependencies on Masters added later in the guide. Disregard. === Flora Overhaul - Cleaning Tag. Version 1.5 - Forested of Flora Overhaul has the following warning... "Do not clean this mod, it will crash the game!" so perhaps the Cleaning tag should be removed and Vurt's comment emphasised? === DCInteriors Project It would be worth repeating the line from Fixes for Crimson Caravan 1.3 that says "Make sure that ArefuExpandedByAzar.esm loads before DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esm; this is not the order that LOOT will normally use." as DCInteriors is so much further down the guide. === Better Clutter and Furniture Pack Should textures/clutter/booksex_n.dds be removed as well as textures/clutter/booksex.dds? === MG's Neat Clutter Should textures/weapons/1handmelee/*shishkebab_n.dds be hidden as well as textures/weapons/1handmelee/*shishkebab.dds? === Dynamic Weather Should "Move either Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Weather Machine (Quest Added).esp or "Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Weather Machine (Start Game Added).espto Optional ESPs;" be changed to "Move either Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Weather Machine (Vendor Added).esp or "Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Weather Machine (Start Game Added).espto Optional ESPs;"? === Ghouls Hires Texture Is this mod needed if the player is using the Roberts Body type? The description of the mod implies it is only for the Breeze body but the C&PD Guide makes no mention of this either way. I see a reference to this mod in the Roberts Body Type but it may be worth emphasizing "... even if you are using the Roberts Body." just to be a little clearer. -
I see from the PPA mod page that it is intended to be used with a specific timescale but there is no mention of any alteration to timescale in the guide. What is the default timescale in FO3 (I assume it is 30?) and should we alter it or have you balanced the mod in some other way?
GFWL, Windows 10 and fallout.ini
DanielCoffey replied to Michi's question in Guide Support & Bug Reports
I have had a slightly different problem that is related. Windows 10 informed me that FO3 might not work correctly with the message "Fallout3.exe isn't compatible with this version of Windows. Learn More." (which took me to a GFWL Installer) but it did load and allow me to create the default inis. I was able to use the GFWL Disabler exactly as expected but when I got to the fINIp 3 stage in the guide, I ran into a fatal error. Steps to reproduce in Win10... 1. Back up your freshly created default inis. 2. Run the fINIp 3 installer, select the default FO3 location and agree to allow the default .inis to be deleted. 3. At this point, fINIp 3 has created its new, optimised raw .inis and wants to launch FO3 to allow the user-selected resolution etc. to be added. You will get the following error... "Steam Error : Application Load Error 5:0000065434" Steps to resolve... Open Steam and manually click the Play button for FO3 GOTY and the launcher will run correctly. You will then be prompted to choose your resolution, AA and similar settings. These settings will then be applied over the top of the raw fINIp 3 files as appropriate. You can then proceed as usual. -
GUIDE General Feedback
DanielCoffey replied to Kelmych's topic in Fallout 3 - Clear & Present Danger
I have just started making my way through the guide on a clean FO3 GOTY install and have come across a few small issues. Pre-Installation Checklist, Section 2. The link to the DirectX End-User Runtime software leads to a "File not known" page on Microsoft's site. I think that version of the software has expired.Windows 10 complained that FO3 was not a supported application the first time it was executed (to generate the .inis). The game started just fine however.I will add anything new as I come across it. -
Trashcan Carla gets a prize for...
DanielCoffey replied to DanielCoffey's topic in General Fallout 3 Discussion & Support
Tempting... but I would end up using it on the Longs instead. "Jun, come and stand at this guard post up these steps over the radroach-infested pit surrounded by supermutant spikes..." -
... the most annoying place to park your Brahmin in Sanctuary Hills. So there I was, standing back to admire the five-shop illuminated boardwalk that I had just constructed over the facade of my old house in Sanctuary Hills, when Trashcan Carla shlumps into town with her Burpin' Brahmin Buddy. She lolls over to her spot opposite the building with the Workbench and lights up the first of her twenty-second cigarettes. As she does so, three tons of beef climbs the steps into my boardwalk, staggers across the planks and parks its bloated backside right outside my central shop. It proceeds to bellow its (right) head off while lurching around trying to find the sunniest spot to work on its tan. Its legs give way a few times but it decides the view is better up there than down on the roadway. Despite providing it a Brahmin Trough down on the road, it is clearly happy where it is. The only way round this oversized problem was to tear the whole blooming lot down and rebuild it fifty yards to the right on the next house over. Bloody Brahmin!
As I am sure many of you have spotted, there is a bug with Spotlight Turrets in Settlements that manifests when you Fast Travel. When you return to a Settlement, the Spotlights are dark even though they should be active and illuminated. Steps to reproduce... 1. Place a Small Generator. 2. Place a Spotlight Turret. 3. Connect the two objects with a Wire. The Spotlight will wake up and begin to traverse. It will illuminate and its small green light with show. The Settlement gains +2 DEF. Now Fast Travel to a distant settlement (If testing at Sanctuary, Starlight Drive In is far enough). Now Fast Travel back. Expected Result : The Spotlight should be active and illuminated. The Settlement should receive +2 DEF. Actual Result : The Spotlight will be turning but will be dark. The main light and the small green indicator will be off. The Settlement is still receiving +2 DEF. To fix, either pick up and replace the Spotlight or remove/replace the Wire. The more elegant solution is to have a Switch Pylon near your Fast Travel point. Have the Generators feed the Switch Pylon first then disperse their power around the Settlement as usual. By flipping the Switch Pylon off and on you reset all the Spotlights. I suspect this may also reset other devices such as the Recruitment Beacon so perhaps have that in front of the switch if you want it to retain its on/off state. I have reported this bug via the official Feedback tool.
Remember that although the 970 is advertised as having 4Gb of VRAM, only 3.5Gb is actually the good stuff, the remaining 0.5Gb is slower. There was quite a hoo hah about that fact when it got out. Consider the 970 as a 3.5Gb card. Being a cool card, the 970 was happy to be fairly well overclocked, even with the default cooler. Brand is not an issue. Just make sure you have enough space, airflow (take the opportunity to have a tidy up and dust in your case) and the correct power leads from your PSU. HW Compare 760 vs 970 : https://www.hwcompare.com/18042/geforce-gtx-970-vs-geforce-gtx-760/
I finally got her out of her chair with the "place something else nearby then group pick up both items" trick. She popped out and I ran off with the chair. Since I was placing it on the patio I did a dry placing of a dummy chair to get the position right since I couldn't pop her out of it the same way next time (the building would have picked up too). I have sorted out my bad navmesh doorway problem - the floor that the door is on MUST be attached via a wooden step to the ground outside. If the door is set back and there is a lower floor exposed below it, you can't place the step and they will NOT step up the 4 inches to the main room. You can test it with a Companion. I have found that by using the default shack walls on a single floor thickness, the building tends to look very derelict and plain. It is possible to get a better ground floor if you use the "balcony" pieces with their own floor. To avoid them floating above the uneven ground, you have to place them (and the associated central floor) on top of a foundation deck which makes alignment along the long sides tricky but doable. You only need the outer ring of the foundation deck though.
Thanks for the suggestions - I'll give the build ideas a try. Question - when you put down a concrete foundation (which has the wooden layer on top of course) do you tend to use the 2x1 wooden wall pieces with integrated roof on the ground floor? They seem to snap to the outside of the foundation since they have their own piece of floor. This leaves a visible overhang with nothing underneath so to get them to line up with the foundation you have to then put a second wooden floor on top of the existing one so that you can start those pieces at the foundation edge. I know they are part of the set that goes together along with the small corner pieces but they seem much more interesting than the three or four plain wall sheets. Some of them even have windows and they allow an interesting larger ground floor plus smaller upstairs appearance. What we really need are some 2x1 (and 1x1) foundations without the wooden tops! As for blowing MM out of her chair, I had not considered that. Cruel but effective! She would probably put it down to some bad Jet. I presume she goes straight back to it afterwards?
Alright - is the navmesh broken with the Shack Wall with Door? Any settler who goes inside can't get out again (although Companions can use it properly). I have built on one of the pre-made foundations in Sanctuary that I have cleared. I laid Wooden Shack Floor down, put the proper doorway on it and then filled in the rest of the walls and roof. I wasn't able to get it to line up with the concrete pre-made steps that were there from the pre-war house but it was close enough. Settlers enter to go to their assigned bed but cannot leave the house to go to work the next day. They all stand inside facing towards where they are trying to reach. I tried ringing the bell and they all congregated near the door but would not cross the threshold. All other Settlers in the old pre-war buildings came out and clustered round the bell but the ones in the new bunkhouse stayed stuck inside. They even stayed inside that building for the siren. Oh, and Mama Murphy won't leave her chair even for a bell or siren. I do know how to get her out of the chair permanently but because of her special status she cannot be assigned back to it afterwards. This is driving me nuts. My next step would be to build a new structure on new foundations with wooden steps down to the ground to see if they will use the doorway then. === EDIT : Yes, there does appear to be a navmesh issue with the Wooden Wall with Door. Test 1 : Place some 2x2 Wooden Floors down on one of the cleared Foundations in Sanctuary. Put a Wall with Door in one side and place a door. Close the sides with standard Wood Walls. Enter the new room, crouch and wait for your follower. They will sneak towards you and probably walk into a wall to one side of the door forever. Any Settlers in the building (if there are any) will stand idle. Test 2 : Now extend a walkway out of the door into the street using the 1x1 wooden floor pieces until you can snap a small Wooden Step (the one with two flat treads) onto the end of it. You may need 3 of the small Wood Floors. Go back inside and crouch and your follower will use the step and come straight in. Any Settlers stuck in the room will immediately path out of the building and resume their normal duties. What does this mean for Sanctuary? We need to either make the little raised walkways to replace the "step" on the edge of the cleared plots or alternatively bury the cleared plots in new Shack Foundations (raised up enough to permit a single step to snap) so that Settlers can get in and out. Good job there is lots of Concrete in Vault 141.
I am trying to figure out how to have a closable door on the upstairs of a shack and can't get it to snap into place. Any ideas? What I am trying to achieve is a small outdoor balcony to put Mama Murphy's chair so she can get a good view of the main street in Sanctuary Hills but I would prefer to have a Wooden Wall with Door rather than just a gap. Downstairs is a ring of the 2x1 Shack Walls with the small piece of floor and roof around a six-block of the 2x2 Shack Floors. There is a Floor with Stairs up to the next floor which is floored with Wooden Floor - Upper. I have put a square of straight shack walls around this with the last two Floor Uppers reserved for Mama Murhpy's balcony (with railing of course - we don't want an accident). I just can't get the Wooden Wall with Door to snap into place as it is expecting a foundation edge. I have no mods (well, apart form F4SE) so wondered if console TCL would do the trick? I would prefer to keep the playthrough ESP-free for now if at all possible. I have seen a video about using a picket post, wire fence and then the door and then picking up the entire group but it has got me flummoxed.
I have already understood that by default, Companions have a generi-weapon with infinite Companion Ammo and that if you ask them to use a looted or crafted one you have to provide the ammo but what about melee weapons or armour? Take Nick for example. He comes with a .45 so I assumed he was Perked for non-auto pistols (not that there is any way of telling). I gave him a crafted .45 and a fistful of ammo which he is happily using but I notice that in melee with, say, Ferals, he resorts to pistol-whipping them. If he has a knife in his inventory, will he switch to it for that foe and then revert to pistol or is he likely to ignore the knife? If he does switch to the knife, will it "stick" and lead him to charge the more distant foes? As for armour, do the Companion Costumes (Fedora/Trenchcoat for Nick) have any armour value? Should I pimp him out in suitable crafted armour? I assume that Companions follow the same rules for noise that the player is subject to - light is quiet etc. but if I make it Pocketed, will Nick be able to carry more? I would assume that giving a Companion a grenade is a sure way to die horribly with the word "multiple" carved on your coffin. If they can find enough of you to give you one.
I am getting to the point in the quests for the factions where I feel I am being asked to support them properly and I wonder if Fallout 4 is like Skyrim where you can be Master of all or if factions are mutually exclusive? For example, if Preston of the Minutemen asks me to help restore their old base, does that block me from, say BoS? If I join BoS through helping Paladin Danse, am I excluded from the Railroad (who I have not encountered yet)? I understand that factions that are mutually hostile (such as BoS and Institute) would be exclusive but do they slam the door in your face right away or can you progress a little to learn about the organisation before you reach a point of commitment? In other words, is it "Oh, but you rescued that awful Paladin so you can never join us!" or is it "Well, we know you sucked up to the ghastly Minutemen but let us show you what we are about so you will change your mind." I don't mind mild spoilers along the lines of "You can work for Soandso up to the point where they ask you to become a naked pole dancer and after that you are their ***** for life!"