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junglejudas last won the day on February 7 2015

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  1. (1) I'm guessing that Immersive College of Winterhold 2.5.3 isn't a [known] threat [yet]? (pack page says 2.5.2, but the only old version available is 2.4.1) (2) meaning (from Nexus page): ?
  2. Realistic Mushrooms appears to have ceased to exist. (no Nexus Skyrim mod with 'mushrooms' in the title matches, unless perhaps the author has changed their nym [again?]...)
  3. isn't the optional "Just the textures" appropriate for Recommendation?
  4. anyone holding their breath for mrLenski to relieve the need for TechAngel's fix?
  5. bump? seems like they're only categorized by resolution now.
  6. thanks, i'm probably going to need that wiggle room soon!
  7. cheers, keith. it's all becoming clearer, bit by bit. :O_o:
  8. sorry if this is covering old/n00b ground, but i just failed to catch Neovalen via PM (not even sure whether that was more appropriate than simply posting out in the open) after searching in several forums for general and specific clues. haven't yet found a way to clarify this bit from Skyrim Revisited -> Distant Detail: does the Deletion need to be repeated (and all in one go, not re-running xEdit each time) for every instance of that Block? even those where 0000003C isn't in red (in this case, skyrim.esm's is ~purple and distant detail.esp's is ~yellow, all others are red)? or only under Hearthfires.esm?
  9. check the message that came right before yours: and 1.94 (the current non-Extended) might be okay by now. but i'm guessing the problem you had (i did it at first) is clicking on the main auto-download button - which defaults to Groovtama's XPMS Extended.
  10. for all i know, my eyesight will have degraded too far for fiddling with textures to matter at all, by the time everything is perfectly clear and functioning as intended (or i just end up skipping DDSopt because the appeal of other mods outweighs my desire for enhanced visuals). but i appreciate your efforts; they will inevitably be assimilated into my understanding (or what passes for one) of the many processes being employed to elevate our Skyrim experiences.
  11. nothing by that exact name, but ../soulcairn/sccrater1_m.dds is provided by unmanaged HR pack 2 others with 'sccrater' in name by Optimized HR2 Providing Mod: Unmanaged HiRes Pack 2
  12. indeed, it's finally sinking in why DDSopt is not Core (and that using it at greater length beyond basic vanilla/DLC makes the larger difference). thank you for emphasizing the Conflicts tab. accordingly, all of the optimized textures for expansions are provided by a combination of unmanaged HR, optimized HR (seems to be the vast majority) and unofficial HR patch (very few) ... all of which have larger priority numbers ... so if i am beginning to wrap my mind aroud this, that translates to: "between unmanaged, optimized and unofficially-patched Hi-Res Texture Pack DLC, everything identified as optimized [d'guard+h'fires+d'born] textures will be ignored because all of that stuff's already been loaded". i had been presuming that DDSopt made improved versions of files with identical names, and expecting MO to overwrite based on load order alone. i attempted to duplicate the procedure laid out in the GamerPoet's tes5edit cleaning walkthrough; i'll assume that's what "in a separate mod" means. i'm trying to selectively ignore sentences like this (which when considered along with other sentences are threatening to do my head in) and focus on what i should be seeing when i look at the left pane (which seems like it shouldn't be able to leave any room for interpretation). are some of these simply overlooked in MO's Conflict determination? with [all items containing the label 'HR' or 'high res'] at lower pane positions/larger priority numbers than [all other DLC items] - a situation identical on the screenshot you provided (thank you again) and on my current left pane - my Conflicts seem to state that the optimized expansion textures are serving no purpose. i shall be looking forward to that with great optimism! thanks again.
  13. much obliged! clearly i needed another nap at that point.
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