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Everything posted by Darth_mathias

  1. time to watch Gopher get his ass kick again lol.
  2. it is however the knockback is brutal
  3. no i haven't. i am currently testing out Enhanced Mighty Dragons Reborn with Deadly Dragons and Dragon Combat Overhaul. Dragon fights are tough and scary espiecally at low levels. (you die in one hit, the way it was meant to be)
  4. yep already bumped it to Neo to hopefully look at.
  5. i was watching live and his rants always make me laugh to hard
  6. gamwich strikes again https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73287/?
  7. fair enough i will add to my load order but not the guide
  8. personally i prefer Warburg's 3d paper map https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25501/? but it had a issue with fog covering the map that annoyed me this might of been fxed with the lastest version of Vividian not checked it in a while. Edit: so it look like the issue with Warburg's has indeed been fixed i am almost tempted to include it now
  9. yeah i am thinking since I am palnning on adding EMD and DCO to the guide maybe DD isn't really needed.
  10. i have noticed that as well on Carlotta i belive it is a texture mismatch from the Bijin Customizer you could try only installing the bodies and no the textures option in the Fomod. If not that then the it could be an issue with my Merged esp. Edit I have checked and this does appear to be an issue with the merged plugin I created, and the Bijin Seraphim mods have a serious errors in the form ids so unfortunantly I have decided to pull Bijin from the guide all together.
  11. omg the first dragon at the watch tower with EMD even lowering Deadly dragons to vanillia is impossible. (true i am only level 3 lol.)
  12. sorry major spelling error what i meant was the others i havn't tried yest but I am thinking about trying them out
  13. This is the way I see it this forum for general questions and comments related to SRLE Extened, the mod suggestion forum is self explanatory, the support forum is for those that have a specfic support request, but as I have said I do not mind where you post your question post it and i try my best to answer if I cant then I am sure someone else can.
  14. fair enough use which either forum you want i personally don't mnd.
  15. they could be but i am not a expert in the script engine of Skyrim maybe someone else around here might know as to which foum this stuff should be posted in I will actually leave it up to the indivdual but i would say this is more of a support question.
  16. hey DoubleYou can I ask why spINI doesn't add the iNumThreads and iNumHWThreads setting to the ini file?
  17. mmm interest just had a look a my ini files are all screw up i need to generate some new one let me tweak and see if that makes a differences
  18. yeah think i need to tweak my ini setting a bit more the issue is i don't knew what settings to tweak to make it running faster. plus i suspect my CPU might be slowing me down. also since i have a GTX970 and i am over 3.5gb of VRam that is slowing me down too I need to pursude Lexy to let me sell this off and get a GTX 980ti
  19. I tested out Unique Border Gates very early on in my build but the fps was very low so i decided aganist it. there others i hace tried yet but i have been thinking out the
  20. no you dont need to do that. This should of been removed looks like I forget, I will update the guide asap
  21. yep that i like the one i will use. I do have the orginal and have made USLEEP compataible myslef but if it is beeing improved it i sworth to keep an eye one. Neo told me this will likely be part of Base so no need for me to add to Extended my first born is promosed to Sheson my second to Chesko lol.
  22. This is where you guys can post support questions for SRLE Extended or you can point out my mistakes
  23. ok i thank you for letting me know i will get that sort a changed as Lexy is out of action for a while poor girls got man flu (aka a cold) so i will be dealing with the CR best I can so pllease bear with me. yes a dedicated SRLE Extended support forum sounds like a very good idea. Sorted SRLE Extended Support Forum - https://forum.step-project.com/topic/9929-srle-extended-support/
  24. it's about time someone did this. I take this will be making a apperence SRLE Neo
  25. ok now i am confused 2 versions of Enhanced Mighty Dragons by 2 different authors on the nexus Enhanced Mighty Dragons Reborn - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73224/? Enhanced Mighty Dragons v.3 .0 https://www.nexusmods...im/mods/73228/?
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