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Everything posted by Darth_mathias

  1. here is a screenshot in roughly the same place but with simm bridge dirt 2K Personally I can't see a difference.
  2. i proberly wiill end up using this as i quite like it. interest could cos i am using Noble skyrim HD and you're using SRO plus i am not using the simm bridges dirt wasn't sure if I really needed that
  3. good are bad difference Neo?
  4. ok thanks i've just finished running dyndolod so i will see. i proberly will have to9 do down to 1k but for for testing i tryin 2k
  5. Hell yes thanks for the update BIJIN WILL BE BACK. Oh crap this mean i'll have to rebuild the Fomods lol (and we all know how much i love writing fomods on the wiki don't we)
  6. so i've had a qucik look at Skyrim HD - Terrain Parallax Tribute and so far i like what i see here a qucik screenshoot: (THIS IS WITHOUT SMIM DIRT OPTIONAL) i used the following files: Skyrim HD - Terrain Parallax Tribute - 2k Skyrim HD - Terrain Parallax Tribute - Update for 2k Skyrim HD - Terrain Parallax Tribute 2k - Uncompressed Normals Skyrim HD - Terrain Parallax Tribute - Roads 2k Also quick question for the guys that understand parallax better the me in the enblocal.ini should FixParallaxTerrain=false not be set to TRUE?
  7. to be honest I am not sure. I have not really notice the neck seems but thne again I haven't been looking out for them. ESF companions and ICW change NPC (although i don't think they change there apperance). do you by any chance have the old replacement esp I did for Males of skyrim compaions improvement and the ordinary women installed? if so delete them and use the orgianl mods.
  8. I agree it looks really nice but I still prefer Thieves Guild Armor HD revival
  9. from the the ordinary women mod page:
  10. my skyrim folder SR:LE and SR:LE Extended is 94GB but I do have a few extra things not included in either guide.
  11. For Recorder and Delphine try removing the customizers.
  12. Basically I haven't got round to them yet. Agreed. Fair enough i've not had a proper look yet thou.
  13. i have decided aganist it after Lexy had a look today
  14. I could however you would have to deal with your own conflict resolution between ESF companions and ICW as well as making sure Bijin's Records are forwarded into your own CR which would load after SRLE Extended CR.
  15. Looking at your screenshot Noble Skyrim Texture + SkyrimHD Tribute Normal + SkyrimHD Tribute Parallax seem is quite nice worthy of consideration om my part. can I ask which files did you choose from Skyrim HD - Terrain Parallax Tribute?
  16. Inhabitants of Skyrim https://www.nexusmods...?id=23755&pUp=1 Version 3 is quite a nice base retexture of the NPC's of Skyrim so I have decided it can be included. I need to do USLEEP Compatbility which since it bascially the whole mod i will upload a replacement esp.
  17. thanks for the Info cstarkey42 i had a feel there was an issue with the customizer (and ia appears ClearanceClarence is aware of this issue so mabe for now is best to loose the customizer) also Bijin for seraphim at least may be back the mod author has fixed the null errors I found in the warmaidians plugin I will be testing out a brand new merge today. Edit cstarkey42 it might be worth sending a message to ClearanceClarence and tell him what you have discovered. for those of you using my old merged esp delete them as there is a fundmental flaw with them. I recommend you use Bijin All in One-2016 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72626/?
  18. i am currently thinking a comnination of Tamriel Reloaded - Textures and Parallax - https://www.nexusmods...im/mods/46925/? and noble skyrim could be cool but i would need to take a look
  19. noble skyrim now does has a parallax patch https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71400/?. you could also try Tamriel Reloaded - Textures and Parallax - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46925/?
  20. It's only for the high heels version which I am not using.
  21. not sure this would work cos all the added item coming from SRLE base should be using the CCOR plugin not there own.
  22. i've never played with her but there's nothing to stop you adding whoever you want to your own game.
  23. gamwich is working his great dark arts. i kind of wish he would release an all in one pack.
  24. maybe i'll take a look and see if i like it (anyway bijin is only gone for as long as the mod is taken down). have informed the mod author about the errors with bijin seraphim and he is working on a fix. Looks alright although I am not fan of ApachiiSkyHair some of the hair looks stupid. the only ones i really like are the orcs I purpose we could use this as a base to build upon, i'll have a think.
  25. I have just checked neither plugin has no errors in TES5edit.
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