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Everything posted by Darth_mathias

  1. Thankls for this info something for me to keep an eye out for if it proves to be a big problem i will reconsider the mod. I notcied a lot of sleeved mods lately on the nexus personally i am waiting for chesko 3.1 frostfall update (that could be awhile) that should add warmth to custom armors.
  2. Neo has alread added Simply knock to the Base SR:LE so no need for me to add it.
  3. ok interesting Merge plugin standalone doesn't seem to want to display CACO_Immersive Creatures Patch.esp when loading even thou it is selected. edit restarting fixed it
  4. makes sense to me let me know what you think Mavanaic.
  5. I have been using the CACO extra patches for a while and not seen any major issues so i will be adding them later tonight the will also be merged in with the other CACO patches so no extra esp slot used. as for Weapons and Armors Attributes looks interesting..has anyone tried it? i've not used it but it looks interesting
  6. i have decided to wait until you have completed your evaluation then make a decision. EDIT: With Bijin hopefully being republished this weekend woohoo a mod that has been on my radar for a while will be added for testing end game npc overhaul https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49330/? it will mean a compelte overhaul of the CR but i am sure Lexy is up for the challenge.
  7. I am testing enhanced mighty dragon for inclusion into the guide and sewrious unestimated how tough they would be it does you need to be level 10 or 15 before the first dragon. AGO remove the whole Game setting group. - (actually look at this in TES5Edit now and it appears thsi is'nt neededa ta all so i'll remove it all together amd issue a whole new CR.) Ordinator you can remove the whole Perk Group from the CR. I didn't know it conflcited with Ordinator perks I will get lexy to take a look. EDIT I have updated the CR to not included AGO as it wasn't needed thanks to cstarkey42 for pointing this out.
  8. that sounds like a lot of work and hassle for me to sort out, If someone else want to do it then I am all for it. This one sounds right up your street Electrocutor.
  9. so Sobek has so far been through helgen, Bleak falls barrow and has killed his first dragon (had to cheat to get past him) and has just hit level 3. Normally at this point i would be level 5 or 6 the ordinator uncapper is vey slow leveling.
  10. haha strange you would mentoion Endgame NPC Overhaul this is on my test list. Might have to bump this one up my mod list priority lol.
  11. ok thanls Neo maybe two handed shouldn't be randomized as it very odd to have a 2 handed weapon at your side.
  12. hey everyone I have a small issue NPC's that use 2 handed weapons always seem to carry them at there sides is there a way to force them to carry them on the backs?
  13. RoTE pacthes added which also means an update to the CR.
  14. on this matter I am prepared to say screw it and don't recommend anything for the guide and let you guys make your own mind up. I am so undecided on what i prefer on this and I have much more important things to look at the moment. I am fully prepared to wait and see what Neo does if anything with SRLE Base. Now I need to look at the RoTE Pacthes
  15. i quite like the look of Immersive Roads - Dark i'll ckeck tonight and see how it behave with noble skyrim
  16. good idea I will do that later tonight. I guess I just asumed if you come to SRLE Extended, you at least have done the merges for SRLE Base but I couldn't asume anything.
  17. yes it will Thnak you very much i've been waiting for some RoTE Patches to come out i'll check these out later tonight
  18. don't leave the indivdual mods activated in MO, The merge has all the info needed.
  19. for comparsion between SRLE Base and SRLE Extended: SRLE Extended Base: SRLE EXtended + SHD Tribute 1K:
  20. i am not overly picky about such little details but SHD tribute is overwriting both those files from Noble Skyrim, so the texture in my screenshots are coming from that mod. What i normanally do is does the new mod improve what there yes/no do i like it yes/no.
  21. that one is Noble skyrim + Project Parallax Revived + SHD Tribute 1k + SHD Roads 1K + SHD SMIM Dirt 1k (so everything i am looking at to add to SRLE Extended). It is on top of both SRLE and Extened so it has all the textures that go along with both those packs.
  22. and just to throw this one out there Nobe Skyrim + Project Parallax Revived + aMidianBorn Landscape with terrain parallax 2K I prefer Noble skyrim + Project Parallax Revived + SHD Tribute.
  23. here is the 1k version of Skyrim HD Tribute + 1K Roads (WITH SMIM DIRT OPTIONAL) again personally I can't see the difference between the 1k and the 2k version (but I am sure there are those of you that can.) If SHD Tribute is included into SRLE Extended it wil be 1k.
  24. I decided it was to script heavy for the SRLE Extended.
  25. SHD Tribute is loaded directly after NobleSkyrimMod HD-2K - Performance Verison and Project Parallax Revived - Noble Syrim Parallax Patch which for me is in the ++++General World Improvement++++ (Noble skyrim is where SRO should be in your main guide) the only thing over writing SHD Tribute is Vivid Landscapes - All in One. It could also be, I am not using Project Parallax Remastered (this is not needed with Project Parallax Revived - Noble Syrim Parallax Patch)
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