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Everything posted by Darth_mathias

  1. ok thanks neo i will bear that in mind. at the moment is only imperious races when people seem to having issue with and you and use the MCM menu to disable active abilities anyway.
  2. that would be cool as i dont want to mess with the high heel system
  3. the beast race fix you only need the meshes but the update file you need that esp as that adds an un-enchanted Armor pieces and lowered the prices of the set.
  4. cool i'll take a look it will like go in the compatbility section at the bottom on the guide.
  5. well there you go it appear we have a an answer from the master himself, I'll go through and change what needs to be changed.
  6. cstarkey42 could you upload some comparsion screenshots of you male of skyrim + Skylight skins and Ordinary women and pride of vallhalla please.
  7. i mostly did that cos not all the armors have a UNPB TBBP option but to be completly honest i am not 100% sure which we should be using some experimentation might be in order.
  8. ok thanks for this info i will amend the guide accordingly with a loot rule. as do you know if it only the main plugin or the CRF plugin for immersive citizens never mind took a look in tes5edit and it only the man plugin.
  9. well how this for tough then I am using Dual, combat evolved, Vigor, RoTE, WAA, Deadly Dragons, Enahnced Mighty Dragons Reborn and DCO. (all of these are being consider for inclusion that why i running them all). if all these end up getting included i might look at a combat merge for SRLE Extended. At the moment Dragon fights are a no go so I am having to console commend them dead (cos I started the main quest line at to low a level.) I am really enjoy the combat i have to think can i win this fight and do I run away like a scared little girl. I am likely to add EMD and DCO as well as Endgame NPC Overhaul over the weekend once lexy has had a go at the CR.
  10. cool glad you got it fixed i have added a note about the braweling issue to the guide i will also mention Falskaar as it appears someone needs to make a patch for it.
  11. dual and combat evolevd work really well together and in Vigor and RoTE it make combat chanellging Oh if you you use dual make sure the stagger from Vigor is set to 0% in the mcm menu
  12. yes i did try reinstalling the UNP body as per SRLE Base instructions
  13. I have tried with all female race and no issues with hand on my end and nethier and issue with missing floor in the Bee and barb you might need to inform Enai Siaion (the mod author) about the Falskaar brawling issue as the mod might need a patch for Falskaar. I will double chek the CR in case i have done something stupid there. Edit I can't see anything between imperious races and Falskaar my end so this need to be brought to Enai Siaion attention.
  14. no issues my end. What race were you playing as that might make a difference?
  15. i've just been letting loot do its thing and it always put Vigor after combat mods
  16. intersting something i need to invesigate then. Edit disabling the active abilities in the MCM menu of imperious races before a brawl is working as it should. You just need to remember to do this otherwise followers will become hostle and end up killing the NPC your brawling with, I will add a note about this to the guide.
  17. ok thanks i'll take then out. I added the tags cos the merged patch has leveled list and I was always told if as merge has leveled list to add delav and relav tags in Wyre Bash.
  18. if you have imperious races installed you need to disable the active abilities in the MCM menu before starting a brawl. I removed NPC Knockout overhaul because I don't like it nothing more.
  19. yes i know i will be testing this out today
  20. So you think that the Delav and Relav tags are not needed? Also the mod author of CACO - Vigor has up date his patch included the Campfire stuff so it can be merged again. I currently don't have the CACO - CRF patch but i spotted it i'll take a look at it today. You also say the caco-ordinatored patch can be merged in as well?
  21. yes i have noticed that the Vigor campfire patch get pulled into the Bash patch thus overwritie the needed changes from the CACO Vigor patch. I have also added a rule that caco vigor patch loads after the bash patch thus CACO Vigor win the conflicts. hope that all makes sense.
  22. i know what you mean Neo I have yet to completed a modded playthrough (i.e. killed Alduin) I have to be honest I have only ever done that once that was when I was playing skyrim on my Xbox 360.
  23. I agreed. However I am not the one to do at the moment this is project for someone else. it can be done with SRLE just needs someone who know how to CR proberly to go through Neo's Patch and redo the bits that need doing BCS for example. yes LOTDB really needs to be the first mod you install then build around it.
  24. thanks i have updated the guide to this.
  25. so good news bad news frist the good: Legacy of the Dragonborn v15 is out Bad news: It will not be easy for me to add Legacy of the dragonborn to SRLE Extended without a major top to bottom overhaul of the guide and redoing quite a bit Neo's SR Conflict resoultion patch. so I can see 2 options: 1. Completely scaping SRLE Extended as it stands and redoing it with Legacy of the Dragonborn Installed from the start and build from there. 2. I carry on as normal and forget about adding Legacy of the Dragonborn.
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