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Everything posted by Darth_mathias

  1. i have done using dropbox (which seems to be pretty crappy for that function) I'll have to set up something else. maybe flickr since copy.com is going soon no point using that
  2. here are some screenshots of SRLE Extended
  3. Interesting I have been trying to narrow down this issue for a liitle while now I honest don't know what is causing it. I am however convinced it a mod or combination of mods in SRLE Extended as i dont get this even with a fully loaded SRLE. you could try deactiving Lock Overhaul and stopping npc loot bodies in the loot and degradation mcm menu and seeing if that helps
  4. Astakos I was using Deadly Combat for I to saw "Nazeen's Dangerous Mods List" and was persaded against including when I actually started to write the guide. I have never tried Duel though maybe i will. I do like the sound of Duel + ERSO Enemy AI Overhaul + Vigor Combat & Injuries (maybe I'll try this combination out for a few hours) Considering I am using combination of deadly dragon, Enhanced mighty dragosn and dragon combat overhaul which makes dragon fights both interesting and scary. I don't know how well ERSO Enemy AI Overhaul would work with revenge of the enemies though.
  5. ok thanks then it's the scripted mods. There currently 2 mods I am thinking dropping already LOOT and Degradation (do we really need this) and Ulitmate combat (not convinced i actually like it yet).
  6. well that sucks Cop.com is shutting down on the 1st of may so that if me 3 months to find a alternative so you can download the replacement esp and CR I am using FNIS option when you generate for users althrough i am having a bit of a change of mind now I have played a bit and not just for tested things.
  7. ok with breezehome fully Upgradeable tested and back in the guide I am declaring it done so no more mods will be added for a while, I will be actually playing the game for the next few weeks.
  8. nothing wrong I just don't like it
  9. yes it does. Neo has mentioned to me I should slow down so for at a little while no more additional mods will be added. I know my base SRLE is working fine thats been installed a tested for months (since August) but I i haven't done is actually play the game cos this guide (which i never intend to ever become a guide) and my excitemnet took over. i agree that it may not be thunderchild itself more script lag from all the addionatal script heavy mods i have installed. no keep the folder from the unpacked BSA. i will add a note about this to the guide.
  10. thanks for these i will look at some of them and add the i am interested in to the first post. don't think we need Less Instrusive hud II as we have iHud and can hide the compass also think the widget are unnecessary either. could some please confirm the grey face bug fixed I posted work if it does lords of skrim can be included in the guide. https://copy.com/tfgjKH20HaipLy0V
  11. So I have tested out breezehome fully upgradeable again and i have been in and out 10 times started in breezehome no CTD fully upgraded it no CTD so the then load a save i have when you can buy breezehome, brought wnet in and out 10 times no CTD fully upgraded no CTD. looked at the conflicts in Tes5edit and they are mostly flags from either USLEEP or EFLX that are not included in the esp some stuff from Hearthfires but thay nothing to worry about so unless anyone has anything else to add I am more then happy to reincluded this mod back into the guide.
  12. already on the list on the first post
  13. interest cause that how i tested it i'll pull it and mark it for futhur testing tomorrow
  14. interesting i don't ctd with this mod
  15. Ok the house is very nice but i don't think it will make it in. It takes no effort to get the house, I like houses you have to build yourself or you win as a reward or you fix up.
  16. ok i sort this out Also i belive I have worked out what mod was causing the drop frame issue I was having when open the skill menu. I think It is Thunderchild - Epic Shouts and Immersion by Enai Siaion this was in my load order for testing and i forgot to remove it when running dyndolod and DSR.
  17. that why i used Skyrim Project INI program is does all the hard work so i don't have to plus DoubleYou is the ini master.
  18. interesting and you have run DynDoLod and DSR Skyproc and when you open the skill menu you get no frame drop?
  19. if you click on the link in my signature my current load order you can see my current syrim.ini and skyrimPref.ini settings
  20. I have not touch Papyrus since I ran the Skyrim Project INI program.
  21. So after removing all SRLE Extended mods then creating a new test profile from SRLE Base i have worked out that the drop in frame rate I am getting going into the skill menu is actually being cause by 2 mods DynDoLod (no surprises there) but what was surprising was Dual Sheath Redux patch.esp was causing it too (even without dyndolod activated in MO) so I think I need to add some mods to the DSR Exclusion list but at the moment I dont know which ones, I will have to consult Neo on this.
  22. i am getting a noticeable drop in framerate when entering the skill menu EDIT: Minos55 can I ask how much or SRLE Extended do you currently have installed?
  23. yes it is the Lag when load the skills menu has improved but it is bugging me it is now only happening outside not inside. it does not lag at all when dyndolod is not loaded
  24. Due to there being overious script lag issue with the guide at the moment. I have decided to drop Windstead Mine (much to Lexys dsmay, but sacrifices have to be made.) I am even thinking about dropping Riverside Lodge REDUX - Buildable Edition and replacing with Elysium Estate. we shall see after I have re-run DynDoLod and done some testing
  25. well that answer that question then.
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